Basically, this is going to be a little three-chapter story about the three times Emily was a bridesmaid… before she RAN AWAY TO HER DOOM AND DIED! Yay!

Disclaimer: Me no own Corpse Bride.


Emily was six when she was a bridesmaid for the first time.

Her mother's younger sister, Alexandra, was getting married and had chosen little Emily to be her bridesmaid. Emily had been told this by her delighted mother, and then taken off to the town to get a dress.

They'd gone to Beatrice, a plump rosy-cheeked woman who gave Emily sweets – and who made all her mother's dresses. Her mother called her "a most accomplished seamstress", which Emily didn't really understand, but when she was pushed through the door and saw the racks of clothes and rolls of cloth she understood.

Beatrice was going to make her a dress. Not just any dress, but a beautiful one for the wedding.

Emily spent quite a while having folds of shining fabric wrapped around her, in all colours of the rainbow and more. Her favourite was a deep blue, heavy silky cloth which shone vaguely silver when you looked at it from a certain angle. But her mother decided on a plain cream silk, which would be edged with lace when the dress was actually made.

Then came the part which Emily hated – standing still while Beatrice poked pins through the fabric, holding out her arms till they ached, wincing when a pin accidentally stabbed her skin.

But her mother said happily, after they left the shop, "You will be beautiful, darling, I just know it!"


Emily was beautiful. The cream silk dress was a perfect fit, and the pearl necklace she wore round her slender neck went well with it. She was a pretty girl, with lustrous brown curls, delicate features and big green eyes. Everyone praised her, and told her mother what a pretty girl she was.

Emily liked walking up the aisle behind her aunt, with a posy of sweet-smelling flowers clutched in her arms. They were tied up with a scarlet ribbon, which was soft and shiny. Other than that, she didn't have much to do and got a little bored, but stayed well-behaved, and consequently praised even more.

What Emily remembered most about the wedding when she looked back at it years later was how happy her aunt looked. Alexandra wasn't particularly beautiful, but that day her happiness almost made her glow. She was radiant with love and high hopes. Emily thought she looked like an angel.

Emily wondered what had made her so happy. She decided it was the wedding – getting married to someone you loved – and wondered if she'd ever be the one standing before the altar in a sweeping white dress, with her loved one standing next to her.

"Can I have some of your cake?" a voice said behind her. She jumped, and turned round to find a boy a little older than her standing there. He was blonde and looked quite friendly.

Emily broke off some of the slice she was holding and gave it to him.

"Here you are. What's your name?"

He bit into the cake and mumbled something, then held up one hand and stayed silent until he swallowed.

"Barkis. My mother's a friend of the bride." His black eyes gleamed. "Nice party, isn't it?"

Emily nodded, happy to find someone her own age to talk to. "My auntie's the bride."

"Oh right? So what's your name?" He smiled at her, and she felt a grin tug at her lips.

"I'm Emily," she said softly.

"That's a lovely name." He glanced towards the far side. "I've got to find Father now – I'll see you!" On that parting note, Barkis disappeared into the crowd.

Emily stood there, gazing after him. He was a nice boy, and she hoped this wasn't the last she'd see of him. She looked down at her cream bridesmaid dress, and imagined it was white, and long, with a train.

Maybe she'd fall in love with Barkis, and they'd get married. Everything would be perfect.


Oh… yeah!

Reviews? Please?