Chapter 15

After a while, the pain started to become unbearable but I still had to wait another 4 hours.

"Ugh," I groaned, "I can't take this anymore!"

"I know, love, but you have to go through the pain to get to the joy." Edward replied. Just then another contraction came on and I screamed, gripping Edward's hand tightly.

"Just breathe love." I did and it soon went away. I groaned again.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Edward asked.

"Can I have some water please?"

"Sure, I'll be right back."

"Thanks love." I replied. Edward left and returned within a couple minutes with a cup of water.

"Thanks love." I smiled at him and he gave me a light kiss. As the minutes went by they seemed like hours but Carlisle finally came in and I was ready to start pushing.

"Are you guys ready to be parents?" He asked. Edward and I glance at each other and answered with a smile and a yes.

"Alright then. Are you to start?" I shook my head and pushed hard.

"Okay good, Bella. Can you give me another one?" I started to push again but the pain started to get worse. My breathing became more deep and I gripped Edward's hand tightly.

"Uhh it hurts!" I groaned.

"I know Bella, but you can do this. Come on, just a couple more pushes." Carlisle said. I pushed hard again and screamed and started to become tired.

"I can see the head, just one more big push, Bella." I took a couple more deep breaths and pushed as hard as I could. Soon a high pitched cry could be heard throughout the room.

"Congratulations, you now have a daughter." Carlisle said.

I smiled and my eyes teared up when I was handed my baby girl.

"She's so beautiful." I said. I looked up at Edward and he leaned down and kissed me passionately.

"I love you." He whispered to me. I replied with another kiss and said,

"I love you, too." The rest of Edward's family then came in.

"Do you have a name for her?" Alice asked.

"We like Raina. Raina Lee Cullen." I answered.

"That's beautiful. She is beautiful." Esme said.

"Thanks." The baby was passed around to everyone and after a while, they left me and Edward alone.

"Hey Edward, can you take a picture of me and the baby to send to Natalie and my mom?"

"Of course love." I posed with Raina and Edward took the picture. After, I sent the picture to Natalie and my mom. I soon got a reply from Natalie that said,

'OMG! She is so cute! Congrats! What's her name?' I replied and said,

'Raina Lee Cullen. And you have to come back soon to see her!' She said,

'OMG that's beautiful. I'll come back next week, I promise!'

'K. Love you! Ttyl33' Soon after that, my mom called me. She talked and talked and talked and told me that she was going to come see us soon. She then said she had to go and we said goodbye.

Later that night, Edward and I were laying in the hospital bed. He was holding Raina and she was sleeping, holding onto my finger with her tiny hand.

"I wish my dad was here to see her." I sighed.

"Yeah, it would have been nice for him to see his first grandchild." Edward replied. Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Edward said. A woman entered the door and I realized that it was my mom.

"Mom!" I shouted. She ran over and hugged me as tight as she could and same with Edward.

"Oh my gosh. She is soo adorable." My mother said, referring to Raina.

"Can I hold her?" She continued.

"Of course." I carefully handed Raina off to my mom.

"How do you feel, Grandma?" I said and laughed.

"Old." She replied, sarcastically. We all giggled. I then looked at Edward and whispered,

"This is the start of a beautiful rest of our lives."

"I love you," he replied and kissed me softly on the lips.

"I love you, too."

AN- Okay so im really sorry that sucked so bad. This was the first story I wrote by myself and it really started to fall apart at the end so I just had to end it. Hopefully my next story will be a lot better and I should be posting it soon. I hope you guys will read it J Thanks for sticking with me through this one and thanks to all you guys who commented!