***This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J.K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.***

Summary: When Harry lets one relationship go to salvage another, what happens when they both dissolve? Will his love be enough to start again? This story is AU, not even close to Cannon Compliant! This story is un-beta'd; so any and all mistakes are my own. That being said, your reviews and constructive criticism are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Warnings: Course language/Implied Slash (H/ChW)

"Harry…Harry! Harry please; would you just listen to me?" Draco yelled as he followed Harry into his room, slamming the door behind himself.

"No Draco! All I'm going to hear is another excuse; 'Oh Ron's just being a brute; Oh Ron's just thick headed; Oh Ron's just an arsehole'…"

"Well he is!" Draco shouted.

"That's enough!" Harry shouted back, motioning toward the door. Draco shivered, just as he always did, as Harry's wandless spell settled around the room; at least now they could have their shouting match without the rest of the inhabitants of Grimmauld Place overhearing. "I can't keep doing this Draco." Harry sighed as sprawled gracelessly across his bed. "I just can't."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean this!" Harry said waving a hand around in the air. "Always having to step between the two of you, running interference, playing mediator; having to take sides." He mumbled.

"I've never asked you to take sides Harry; I would never ask you to do that; and if Ron does, all the more reason for you to believe me when I tell you…"

"Oh, don't play his weaknesses against him Draco…"

"Weaknesses? Pitting one friends' affections against another for your own bloody ego isn't a weakness Harry, it's a fucking character flaw!"

"It isn't ego!" Harry yelled, jumping up from his place on the bed. He crossed the space between them in three quick strides and stood staring into Draco's flashing silver eyes; the intensity of his stare was enough to undo him; it was a thing of wonder. Draco was the only person he had ever met, the only person among his friends even, who could truly look him in the eye, in the face of his fury and frustration and refuse to back down; it was beautiful, he was beautiful. Nevertheless, Harry stood his ground; taking a deep breath, he started again; "Ron, for all his bravado and posturing, is extremely insecure; and that is due in no small part to you, or have you forgotten?" He said quietly.

Draco flinched. "Fuck you, Harry." He spat. "That was a cheap shot. I would expect something like that from Ron, but... not from you." He said as he pushed past him and sat heavily on the edge of the bed.

Harry stood, staring ahead at the door and kicking himself in the arse for letting his temper get the better of him… again. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair as he turned back to his bed, sitting quietly next to Draco. The other boy ignored him, keeping his gaze set firmly on the cold ash on the hearth. "I'm sorry Draco."

"Fuck off."

"Draco…" Harry began, but thought better of it and instead just sat quietly. He knew Draco well; and when Draco was ready to speak to him, he would. Until then, Harry was going to sit and wait, no matter how long it took; he deserved a little silent treatment after what he'd just said.

"We were children Harry." Draco finally spoke, his voice wavering just above a whisper. "I admit I was wrong, and my behaviour was inexcusable toward him… toward all of you; but it was the only thing I had ever known. But... you showed me how to be better, you made me want to be better; that's why Pansy and I came to you, that's why we're here now. Now, everyone in this house, at Hogwarts, even my own parents seem to have grasped that fact; everyone, except him; despite the countless times I've tried to tell him how sorry I am for the way I treated him. I can never take those things back, and I know that, but I've tried time and again for the past six years to repair the damage between us; I've done everything I can... he's the one being unreasonable here Harry, not me."

"I know, Draco, but…"

"Do you think I enjoy this? That I take some kind of sick pleasure out of watching you tear yourself apart between the two of us; with all the shite you have to deal with outside these walls, the last thing you need is a war inside them." Draco said quietly; he turned back to face his friend, grey eyes boring into green. "You're right; you can't keep doing this."

The two sat in silence; Draco trying to convey his hurt for his friend, for himself, his concern, his resolve… his love; and Harry trying to understand what he was seeing. His eyes darkened moments later; fear and the pain of loss evident in thos deep green orbs as comprehension dawned.

"Draco…no. You're my best mate, and he's the first friend I ever had. You mean… you two mean more to me than you can imagine. I need you... I need both of you." Harry pleaded as he began to ramble. "You… you just need to talk to him, make him understand; I'll go with you, we'll do it together…"

"Harry," Draco said softly, his hand coming up to cup the other boy's cheek. All traces of anger melted away, he settled his suddenly tired gaze on the man he loved, "There is nothing you or I could do to change how he feels about me; we both know that."

"Draco please…"

"Shh…" Draco whispered, his thumb sliding gently over Harry's lips. "I'm not going to sit back and watch you do this to yourself. I love you too much to make you choose a side."

Harry flinched; the weight of Draco's unspoken words hitting like a ton of bricks; 'so I'm making the choice for you.' His eyes burned and tears slid down his cheeks as he watched Draco stand and walk out the door without another word. He felt as though his world was caving in on itself, graying around the edges. Draco was three doors down. He would see him tomorrow at breakfast, and afterward in the library while they researched; and they would probably sit across from one another at lunch, and once more at supper. But it would be different; somehow Harry knew things wouldn't be the same between them from then on. And while it broke his heart, it only made him love Draco all the more.


Draco closed the door softly behind himself and leaned heavily against the wall. He felt as though he had just lifted the weight of the world from his friend's shoulders only to place it on his own... and he wasn't sure if he could stand under the strain of it. He put his hands on his knees and breathed deeply, trying to stifle the hot prick of tears he felt in the back of his throat. He could feel his heart beating in his chest, like the sharp ticking of a clock; every second that passed making him feel more and more a fool for wishing Harry would come after him and take him in his arms and all would be happy ever after like all those silly muggle fairy stories he secretly loved so much; Harry was his knight in shining armor, his hero, his one true love. The seconds ticked by, his heart beat quieted, steadied; and still, Harry did not come. His breath hitched; he felt the weight, a solid dark cloud, settling all the more deeply around him, inside him. The sound of foot falls rounding the corner brought him to his senses; he righted himself and wiped at his eyes, hoping the dim light of the hallway would be enough to hide his no doubt splotchy complexion. He took a deep breath and donned the most pleasant expression he was capable of under the circumstances as Charlie's voice echoed down the narrow hallway.

"Evenin' mate."

Draco couldn't help a small smile at the warmth of the older man's voice. "Hello Charlie."

"Is Harry in?" he gestured toward the door.

"Yeah; yeah he's in there." Draco sighed.

"You two weren't at it again were you?" Charlie frowned. "Because if he's going to yell at anybody he ought to be yelling at my bollocks for brains brother, not you." he said darkly.

Draco tried to give him a reassuring smile but felt he had failed; miserably if the look in Charlie's eyes was anything to go by. "Don't worry about it Charlie; we've sorted it out." He said quietly.

"He hasn't gone and done something stupid has he? And by stupid I mean witheringly noble and selfless and... Gryffindor?"

"No." Draco chuckled. "Really, don't worry about it mate. Just… he's upset; try to make him feel better, yeah?" Draco sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"I could try, but if you couldn't help I doubt anyone can."

Draco felt his throat constricting again; he took a deep breath. "Nonsense," he said, clapping the other man on the shoulder, "I'm just the friend; you're his lover."

Charlie opened his mouth, but Draco didn't think his composure would last long enough to hear whatever it was he had to say. "Goodnight Charlie." He said with one last squeeze to the strong shoulder beneath his hand; and if Charlie's reply was tinged with sadness, Draco didn't notice as he headed down the hall, trying to ignore the sound of Harry's bedroom door opening and closing for the last time until morning.

Author's Note: Okay, this is my first ever multi-chaptered fan-fic; I hope I did everything properly *crosses fingers*! This story is rated M for a later chapters; I'll post relevant warnings at the beginning of each. But just so you know, there will be multiple pairings, slash, fem-slash, and het.

This story is finished, I just have to get it cleaned up; so I'll try to post as often and as regularly as possible. Thanks for reading; and if you have and questions, please, feel free to PM me. Oh yeah… REVIEW PLEASE!
