"Why are you doing this?" Kagome asked.

Kikyou did not respond.

"What an overused question," someone sneered.

A figure detached itself from the darkness, seemingly having stepped out from the shadows. Kikyou began walking towards Allan, and her pendant glowed brighter with every step.

"S-Stop!" Kagome managed to stammer, aware that her voice sounded shaky.

The other presence laughed. It was a sinister sound that made Kagome shiver.

"She can't hear you. In fact, she can't hear anyone."

As if to prove her point, Kikyou raised her sword and slashed.

"Allan!" Kagome cried.

However, Sesshoumaru was already there, blocking her sword with his.

"This Sesshoumaru will hold her off. Go heal the Traveller."

Kagome nodded and hurried towards Allan.

"My my… You seem to have forgotten all about me."

The nameless figure stepped forward, blocking Kagome's path.

Kagome tried going around her, but was repeatedly blocked. Growling, she fired a bolt of miko energy. It was easily dodged.

"What a temper you have, my child. So unlike your sister."

"I am not your child," Kagome said through gritted teeth.

"But you are."

The fires seemed to burn brighter for a moment. For the first time, Kagome had a clear look at her face. It was a slightly older version of her own.

She chuckled. "Do you not remember me, Kagome? Your beloved mother?"

Kagome stood there, staring at her in shock.

"You're… my mother?" she asked, stunned.

"Of course I am." She purred. "Can you not see the family resemblance?"

There was a faint movement from behind her. Neatly, she stepped to the side, making Allan's blow fall wide.

There was another bright flash of light, followed by a pained cry. The light dissipated and Allan fell onto the ground.

"Don't believe her, Kagome." His voice was little more than a hoarse whisper. "She is not…"

He was abruptly cut off as she kicked him. He gasped, but refused to cry out.


Kagome glared at person claiming to be her mother, holding a ball of concentrated energy in each hand.

"Leave him alone!"

"Make me."

The balls of energy glowed brightly before joining together and elongating. When the glow subsided, a whip was held in Kagome's hand.

It was rather similar to the one Sesshoumaru used, except that it was purple, a fusion of her powers.

Sesshoumaru turned around, raising an eyebrow when he saw her choice of weapon. However, he was immediately distracted when flames surrounded him. He took to the air, Kikyou following.

Kagome flicked her hand. The whip arced towards its target with startling precision. It was blocked. Undeterred, it snaked around her ankle before being sliced off.

"What childish weapons." She sneered.

Kagome smirked. The whip had regenerated. With the speed of a snake striking its prey, it coiled around the figure. It tightened and she fell to the ground, upon which it turned into a length of chains.

Kagome approached her.

"Come on Kagome. You wouldn't hurt your own mother, would you?"

Kagome hesitated, uncertain.

"Come join us. We can all be together again."

It was strange, but her words seemed to make sense. Why was she fighting against her own family? After all, even Kikyou had joined.

"Just release me. We can win this battle together."

The voice was warm, entrancing and so compelling. Yes. There was no reason not to do as the voice suggested.

"Snap out of it Kagome."

It was Allan's voice, hoarse from the pain but still commanding.

"She is not your mother. Your mother was a miko, just like you and your sister are. She was never a Fire Traveller."

Compared to the music of the voice, Allan's words sounded harsh, discordant. Yet, somehow, she knew that it was real.

The chains, which had loosened while she was under enchantment, tightened once again.

"You meddling fool," her mother spat. No, not her mother. The enemy.

"I try my best," he replied weakly. He turned his head to look at Kagome.

"Go. Get the pendant from your sister. Snap her out of the hypnosis that Illith has her in."

The magic enshrouded Kagome, crackling around her almost tangibly. She was the calm eye of the storm, and the furies of the wind and lightning were at her command. The storm was pure power, harnessed by calculating intelligence.

Sesshoumaru, sensing the change in power, stepped aside. He inclined his head slightly as she passed by, acknowledging her right to battle.

The twins stood facing each other. The winds swirled around Kagome and the lightning flashed at her command. Flames danced along Kikyou's skin. Identical, yet opposites, the only difference between them were their eyes.

Kagome's eyes were blue, stormy, while fire burned in Kikyou's eyes. Deep within, a spark of miko energy tried to fight the flames, but was too weak. It would soon get help, however.

Flames were no match for the impending storm.

"Sister," Kagome said, her voice calm but echoing loudly around them. "Break free of her hypnosis and awake."