Revenge Part 4

Chapter 1

Techna woke up four hours later; she looked over at the time and saw it was two in the afternoon.

Oh no! Icy is going to be really mad at me because of how late I am, Techna thought to herself.

Techna jumped out of bed and rush to the bathroom. She quickly took a shower, threw on her witch outfit (she is now spelled) and ran to the Trix quarters.

"I am sorry, I am late," Techna explained after she banged the door opened and the Trix looked up in surprised.

"Next time put your alarm on so then you won't sleep in so long," Icy told Techna trying her hardest not to get too angry.

"So what's the plan for today?"

"Well, today we are going to start by taking over Sparks since the heir to the throne is dead. We have to dispose of Lalya and little Rose so then I don't have to babysit them any more," Icy explained to her sisters and Techna.

"How will we do that?" Stormy asked curiously.

"I don't know. Techna, what do you think?" Icy asked Techna to see what her idea would be.

I have to think of something. Icy wants a great idea of getting rid of the two goodie-goods.

"Um… what about finishing them off?" Techna replied nervously wondering what Icy would think of her plan.

"Not a bad idea. Okay, Techna, you can kill Lalya and leave Rose to me," Icy said while walking out of the room with her two sisters.

"But, I…" Techna called after Icy, but it was too late.

Techna walked down the hallway and opened the first door she saw. Lalya was sitting in the corner cross-leg with her head down.

She is mediating, trying to get her powers back by force.

Techna walked over to where Lalya was. Lalya looked up and saw Techna.

"Are you going to free me from this awful place, Techna," she asked while standing up waiting for an answer.

Techna just smirked evilly and said, "Digi slap."

The force hit Lalya in the chest and she fell back to the hard floor. She looked up at Techna with surprise written all over her face.

"Techna, have you lost your mind!"

"Nope, it's over, pixie."

Again Techna threw another attack at Lalya, but this time it was a cosmic witch ball and it hit Lalya fully in the face.

"Augh," Lalya cried as she fall backwards on the ground once again, "Techna, what's wrong with you? I thought we were friends."

"Friends? Ha, I was never friends with a pixie. Besides working with the Trix is so much fun."

"The Trix! Techna, they have you under a spell. Why won't you listen?" Lalya asked as Techna blasted her from the front.

"Why should I listen to a pixie? I only listen to Icy, she is my leader now."

"What about your kids and your husband? What would they say if they find out that you are working with the Trix?"

"What kids? The only child I know of is Rose. But soon she would be dead along with you, Lalya."

"You wouldn't hurt Rose."

"Nope, but who knows what Icy has in store for the little brat," Techna laughed with bitterness and was about to strike Lalya again…