Shakranon: Hi, This is the first story I have ever written so please don't flame, however, give me as much constructive criticism as you can it would really help me as an author.


Let the story begin

"Why does everyone hate me?" a boy screamed while running through the back alleys of Konoha. He could hear the sound of footsteps coming up behind him,'They're catching up.' He thought after taking a quick look back at a group of men and shinobi following him. He turned down another alley only to come face to face with the worst possible thing in this situation, a dead end. He quickly turned around hoping the people didn't see him turn down here, however he had no such luck today.

"Hey there it is!" one of the villagers called out. The man started walking towards him brandishing a wooden katana. The rest of the villagers followed the first man into the alley. The shinobi jumped on the rooftops brandishing kunai and shuriken.

Another villager picked up a rock and yelled, "Wheres all your fearsome power now DEAMON!" He then whipped the rock at the child hitting him in the forehead.

"Why... why do you hate me so much?" The child screamed holding his forehead with tears in his eyes.

"Oh, does the demon want compassion after taking all our loved ones away." The first villager spat at the boy. "WELL YOUR NOT GETTING ANY FROM ANYONE TODAY!" He yelled raising his wooden katana and charging at the child. The rest of the villagers following the first one. The shinobi all jumped down from the rooftops throwing kunai and shuriken down on the boy.

He immediately fell and went into the fetal position waiting for the beating to end, but it never came he opened his eyes and saw what appeared to be a young woman, but the strange part about it is that she had nine fox tails swinging dangerously from her waist, she also had fox ears on her head and claw like fingernails that appeared to be dripping with something he then looked in front of her and saw what could only be explained as massacre of the people who were attacking him. One of them started to groan and move the woman immediately looked at him and in about 3 seconds she had him in the air with her arm through his chest. The boy immediately scrambled to his feet and looked at her.

He bowed and said, "Arigato..." mumbling a few other words. He then turned and ran toward the entrance of the alley but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see the woman staring at him with a feral grin on her face.

"So that no one gets suspicious." her demonic voice rang in his head. She then punched him in the gut knocking him unconscious. She also put a big gash in his chest and multiple cuts across his body. She threw him to the ground and disappeared. Within the next minute or so a group of ANBU and some jounin appeared, most of them gasp at the scene, a few losing their dinner .

"Check for survivors." a man wearing a dark cloak and an ANBU uniform with a raccoon mask ordered.

"Hai" Everyone chorused and started to do as instructed, but some were still a little reluctant to start rummaging through the pile of dead bodies.

"I found one, its a child, he's bleeding severely. Should I take him to the hospital?" an ANBU in a fox mask quickly said hoping to get the child in a safe area where he can be easily protected. He looked towards the captain, getting a nod in response. He immediately shunshined away from the scene towards the hospital.

At the reception desk of the Hokage Tower a young man sat reading a little yellow book, snickering every now and then. He looked up when a sudden gust of wind blew through the room , he saw before him a man in ANBU clothing with a raccoon mask "Taicho!" he said standing up and saluting him."What brings you here?" he asked

"Someone went on a very gruesome killing spree near..."he lowered his voice "the demons house." The secretary looked at him with a shocked expressions on his face. "The only one living was that damn demon." The ANBU growled. "It's currently being taken to the hospital."

"Hokage-sama isn't going to like this, But since this has to do with the demon and he doesn't know anything bout this incident I suppose I can 'forget' about this moment. I will make sure Hokage-sama receives this report." He smirked to himself. The ANBU captain shunshined away leaving the secretary to his business. The secretary sat back down and pulled out his book. He looked down at the scroll and sighed 'the Hokage will find out about this eventually I should probably take him the report. Gah I hate making decisions.' He sighed again and stood. He grabbed the scroll turned and ran up the stairs.

"Hokage-sama, there has been a report of a mass killing spree in the area near, its house." reported a young man as he ran into the hokages office. The Hokage looked at the man in front of him seeing he was new, Sarutobi looked sadly at him thinking, "So hes one of those people. I was hoping to find someone else who shared in my sympathy for Naruto." Sarutobi thought to himself.

"Alright hand me the report." He said putting his hand out for it. "Then you can go back to whatever it was that you were doing before, that caused you to delay such an important report"

"How could you accuse me of such a thing! I am completely devoted to the welfare of Konoha." The man said with a horrified look on his face, fearing that he was discovered. "Even if it does deal with that demon." he then looked shocked realizing what he had just said and to whom he said it to. "GOMEN I didn't mean to say that..." feeling the killing intent rolling off of Sarutobi he realized that it was to late to take it back.

Sarutobi simply stood up and in a split second was behind the man with a kunai on his neck "I told this village what would happen if they mentioned that. For breaking my law you are now under the death sentence."he growled and cut the mans head off. Sarutobi sighed "Tonight is going to be a long night."

He unfurled the scroll only to look on in shock. "Naruto's been hospitalized!" He quickly turned towards the window and jumped out of it hitting the ground and immediately running for the hospital as fast as he could go. He arrived at the hospital and walked up to the receptionists desk.

"Which room is Uzumaki Naruto in?" He asked in a voice promising pain if he wasn't answered immediately.

"Oh Hokage-sama um.." she quickly fumbled with some papers "Ah here it is... room 302."

"Thank you." He went to the room and walked in.

"Hokage-sama." an ANBU wearing a fox mask stood in the corner making a low bow.

"Hmm... fox mask. Whats your name?" noticing no immediate reply he quickly got in a battle stance holding a kunai. "Now that I think about it I don't remember ever having any ANBU with a fox mask."

The man just clapped "Oh well, I didn't think I would be able to out smart the hokage with such a simple technique." The image of the man started to waver before showing a girl around the age of 14 or 15. She appeared to be around 5' 6", with slightly tanned skin, she had fiery red hair coming down to the middle of her back, she had fox ears on top of her head, whisker marks on her cheeks and a well endowed form for being so young. She wore a simple red kimono with fire coming up from the bottom all the way to her thigh area with two red dragon's coiling around the garment meeting together in the middle of her back looking like their about to strike the nine tailed fox stitched into the back.

The hokage narrowed his eyes as the man changed in to a girl, "Again I ask, what is your name? I won't ask again."

"I am this boys only friend and prisoner." She spoke letting the words hang in the air before Sarutobi realized just what she meant, His eyes went wide.

"How? The yondaime's seal should be impossible to break free from." he asked in surprise almost having a heart attack "I'm to old for these surprises."

The girl only laughed demoniacally "Don't get your robes in a bunch I have no power in this form, because I am still trapped in the seal. This is just an image made of my chakra, the only problem with this is that I must be within 15ft of Naruto otherwise the line will break and the image will disappear." she pointed down to a faint red line of chakra. Sarutobi followed the line of chakra to the bandaged form of Naruto laying on the bed.

Sarutobi turned to Naruto and studied him,"Well at least your in better shape than usual, normally your coming in with your limbs almost falling off and many broken bones." He looked at the nurses report "Let's see large gash on the chest with multiple cuts across his body. Well Kyuubi should be able to heal those." He then looked towards the girl "Why would you tell me about this technique, since we're not allies?"

"Because Naruto holds you in high regard for being one of the only people to be nice to him. That meaning I will not inconvenience you by having you think I am free of the seal." She replied smiling at him.

"Well I thank you very much for being so considerate to an old man who almost had a heart attack seeing that you were outside the seal." He smiled back at her but kept his hand on his kunai still prepared in case she had any tricks left that she wasn't divulging.

"Don't thank me thank Naruto for having such strong feelings towards you otherwise I would probably have just let you stay scared shit-less." Her face taking on a much more serious look. "Now as you can see Naruto has been attacked... again." Sarutobi nodded, "I wish for him to be trained so that he can protect him self since he has no fighting ability to use against the villagers. He was lucky that I was able to use a stronger form of this technique so I could fight the villagers off."

"That was you that caused that massacre?, 'then again who else could have caused those wounds'." He thought back to the images contained in the scroll.

"Yes that was me." she smirked thinking back to fight.

'The villagers charged towards Naruto as he crumpled in the fetal position waiting for the beating. Kyuubi saw this and noticed the seal weaken temporarily, she immediately threw chakra at it allowing her to push out a solid form of her image. The villagers saw as a form started to appear out of the boy. They watched in slight sock as a girl took form, the only problem was that she had nine fox tails, fox ears, claws, and fangs. Some of the villagers turned to run away screaming "DEMON!"

Unfortunately for them she was behind them within an instant with her claws through the chest of the first one. She then sent her other hand through the other half of the body and ripped the it in half. The two halves of the body went flying as her claws finished ripping through the corpse. She looked to the sky with a feral grin on her face feeling the blood rolling down her claws. She then turned to her next victim who was running in the opposite direction of her. She immediately rushed to him and impaled his head with her hand. Turning to the next one she grabbed someone who was running past her and ripped his arm off. Wielding it like a club she proceeded to beat him to death with his own arm.

The villagers realizing they were going to die started committing suicide rather than go through the punishment that the demon was probably going to inflict upon them. She stopped beating the man with his arm and threw it through the chest of a villager who was running towards the alley exit, without realizing it when she whipped her hand back to throw the arm she had actually beamed a guy in the head while he was running past her. She took a kunai out of a pocket from a dead shinobi who was laying next to her. She turned towards a shinobi who was running along the rooftops and whipped the kunai at him hitting right between the eyes, his body then fell on top of a guy who was missing his legs crushing the man as he was dragging himself away. She turned and started running through the remaining villagers ripping arms and legs off of men as she went all of them falling down screaming after feeling their limbs being ripped off.

"I haven't felt like this in ages." she screamed in bliss. When she got done she looked behind her hearing a sound of confusion. She saw Naruto get up...'

"Good times... good times."she smiled with a glazed look in her eyes.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side." Sarutobi said with a small chuckle and a smile on his face. "I have a question though?"

"I'm sure you have a lot of them, but please continue." she smirked at him.

"Yeah, alright well first how did he get these wounds, the cuts are to fine for a low class sword like what citizens would be using? second, How come your so nice, you seemed like such a horrid monster during the attack on our village? third, For how long have you been in contact with Naruto?" He started thinking again "Yeah, that will do for now."

"To answer your questions, his wounds were made by my claws so that if another one of the shinobi in the area saw him, instead of me, they would have the decency to bring him here where he would be safe. The reasons I attacked this village are reasons I will keep to my self, but I seemed so heartless only because I had an insatiable blood lust for reasons known only to me. I have never been in contact with Naruto I only said I was friends with him because I have protected him, which is far more then some of his 'friends' have done."

"I see... so Naruto has no idea you exist. Well I think it would be best to keep it that way. About training him I will see what I can do, but I make no promises the council won't let me do anything to help him even though I wish I could." he sighed dejectedly.

"What's going on?" the blond who was now sitting up in bed asked with a confused look on his face.

"Oh, Naruto-san you're awake. Well I'm just having a small chat with..." he turned towards Kyuubi only to find himself looking at the fox-masked ANBU again.

"Arthamin." Kyuubi supplied for Sarutobi.

"Oh." was all Naruto said before passing out again. Kyuubi reverted back to her young self again.

"Well if you have no further questions I will be heading back now."

"No, nothing else right now."

"Oh, by the way if Naruto-kun doesn't get some protection soon there will be more nights like this one. Well it seems someone else wants to talk to you, so goodbye Hokage-san." Kyuubi then vanished with a small puff of red smoke.

The door opened and a kid that appeared to be 7 walked into the room. The boy had short spiky blue hair that seemed to shine in the light, his eyes were a darker shade of gray blue, he was about 4' 3" and wore a brown dress shirt with a black tie. Over the shirt he wore a black button-up jacket with a belt around his midsection, stitched into the left shoulder of the jacket was an image of a bear rearing up on its hind legs with its jaw open wide like it was roaring to the heavens surrounded by a feint midnight blue circle. He also had a very well made wooden saber hanging from the belt by a chain at his waist. He wore black pants that were a little to big for him. The bottom of the pants were tucked into a pair of black boots. (1) The boy looked at Sarutobi and started to stare at him.

Sarutobi ,being slightly unnerved by the blank stare the child was giving him, looked away saying, " I wish you would stop doing that Akuma-san it's quite disturbing."

Akuma started to laugh "Your no fun. Naruto-san usually tries to stare back at me when I do it to him, but of course I always win."

"Well, we all can't keep a straight face when staring at somebody."

"Yes, but you can try."

"Oh believe me I tried, but your powers are far to strong."Sarutobi said with a small chuckle.

Akuma quickly looked at the blond boy trying to see why Sarutobi had had such a worried look in his eyes when he had walked in "So whats wrong with Naruto-san, he doesn't look to banged up?"

"Well, he was attacked again apart from that I don't really know whats wrong with him." Sarutobi replied with a sigh.

"Oh, so I guess this means Naruto-san won't be able to play for awhile huh."

"No, he wont, but I'm sure there is someone else you can play with while he's here."

"Actually there isn't."

"Really. You seem like a person who would be able to get along well with others."

"Nope, everyone calls me demon lover and walks away from me without so much as another thought."

"WHAT! Who has been doing this? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Sarutobi was angry now and he was going to make sure that these people paid the price for breaking his law.

"I don't know who any of them are, and I didn't see any reason to tell you."

"By saying those things to you they are violating a very important law that I have made. That is the reason you should have told me."

"Why that makes no sense, what does this law contain that makes it so bad?"

"It is something that has to do with the grown ups. It doesn't concern the children in this village."

"I think it does if your telling me about this law."

"Uh well... damn you. Always finding the damn loop holes. It is something that the children aren't supposed to learn about so I'm sorry I can't tell you more."

"Oh well, I guess there is nothing I can do about it now." Akuma sighed this topic was starting to bore him.

Naruto stirred in his sleep and started whining about something. Akuma and Sarutobi stopped talking and looked towards Naruto's bed. They tried to listen in closer but they could only hear small little bits and pieces of a conversation Naruto must be having in his mind. To Sarutobi it sounded like random spasms of words, but Akuma heard it for what it was. It was Naruto having a small chat with Kyuubi about some sort of deal 'I'm going to have to ask Kyuubi-sama about this deal and how it might affect me'.

"Well now I wonder what he's dreaming about in their."Sarutobi said he then took another look at Naruto and turned to leave. 'I am so so sorry Minato I was hoping that they would listen to you but it seems that their anger is overcoming all of their judgment.' Sarutobi turned to leave the room, but then remembered something and turned back to the room.

'Now what kind of deal ave you made with Kyuubi-sama.' Akuma walked over to the chair that was next to Naruto's bed and sat down.

"Oh yeah, Akuma-san how old are you?"

"9 why?"

"Just wondering." with that Sarutobi left the room leaving Naruto and Akuma alone in the room.

A red mist started to form at the end of the bed. The mist started forming into the shape of a young girl.

"Kyuubi-sama." Akuma said immediately getting up and saluting her, bringing his right hand up to his heart putting only his thumb, middle finger, and pinky out, and making a steep bow. Akuma has been a firm believer in the Greek gods ever since he had found a little book in a little shack out in the forest surrounding Konoha. The salute was to represent a trident, the symbol of Poseidon which was his favorite god next to Hades.

"Now now Akuma-kun none of that. You know I hate it when you do things like that."

"But you deserve all respects that go with your position as, Queen of the Demons."

"Yes, I do deserve it, but only from those I ask of it."

"Why do you not ask of it from me then?"

"God damn it. Do we have to go over this every time I appear before you?"


"Fuck you... fine you can go ahead and grovel before me if it makes you feel better." Kyuubi said hoping to end this argument.

"I win." Akuma replied with a little smile of victory, raising his hand in a peace sign. He was then smacked in the back of the head by Kyuubi.

Kyuubi looked at Akuma thoughtfully "Akuma-kun whats your last name? Throughout my whole time of knowing you I never have herd you say your last name once."

"Well to tell you the truth I don't know what it is. I lost my parents shortly after I was born either that or they didn't want me." Akuma looked down with a sad look on his face, but then his head shot back up with a smile on his face. "But now I have you and Naruto-san so I'm not alone anymore."

"Oh well thats a good reason for not knowing your last name." Kyuubi said sarcastically.

Naruto awoke and sat up in his bed. "Oh hi Kyu-chan." Naruto smirked at the reaction on Kyuubi's face.

"What have I told you about calling me that." Kyuubi started walking towards the bed fist raised.

Narutos face immediately turned to fear "Hey now you don't need to get physical about this, I'm an invalid see." He pointed to his body and saw that almost everyone of his wounds were healed "Shit." were the last words he spoke before Kyuubi's hand smashed into the back of his head knocking him unconscious and out of the bed. Naruto lay sprawled on the floor twitching, with a large bump on his head.

"Now Akuma-kun I have a little mission for you." Kyuubi turned and started looking at Akuma.

"What is it Kyuubi-sama?" Akuma started getting excited, Kyuubi's missions were always fun and exciting.

"I want you to go to the academy and purposely fail the exam until Naruto can get into the academy."

Akuma looked down dejectedly "Yes, Kyuubi-sama" He then picked Naruto up, put him on his bed and left the room.

'Well lets just hope Sarutobi can talk the damn counsel into letting Naruto into the academy.' Kyuubi walked over to Naruto, patted his head then deteriorated in cloud of red smoke and a small pop.

Akuma was walking through the halls of the hospital heading for the exit. "Shit." he screamed at no one. He had turned into another dead end. 'I don't remember the hospital being this hard to navigate before.' Akuma turned to walk out of the hallway, but when he turned around he was looking right at 4 big guys with chains and bats blocking his path.

"Well look what we got here, it's the demon's friend. How ironic the name of the demon's friend means demon." The first thug which seemed to be the leader walked towards Akuma.

Akuma's hand immediately went to his wooden saber, he pulled it out and brought it in front of him holding it in one hand and a kunai in the other. "How dare you call Naruto-san a demon." he growled and whipped the kunai at the leader. The leader barely moved in time so the kunai was lodged in his left arm instead of in his heart.

"Your gonna pay for that. Go boys!" The men behind the leader ran forward. One of them swung his chain at Akuma's head but Akuma ducked and rolled to the side barely dodging the chain but getting smacked in the stomach by a bat as he rolled. He tumbled a few yards but was able to stop himself from flying more by stabbing a kunai into the floor. He stood back up and charged sliding between the legs of the guy with the chain smashing his saber into the nuts of the guy. The man fell face first into the ground holding his crotch whimpering. Akuma stood up and whacked the guy in the back of the head knocking him out. Another chain wrapped around his foot pulling him to the ground, he looked and saw the chain was being held by the guy who had hit him in the stomach. Akuma rolled himself onto his legs using his momentum to jump from the roll into towards the guy. As he raised his saber another guy got a chain around his saber arm effectively disabling him.

"Hah caught are we." the leader taunted him and walked around so he could look Akuma in the face. "What do you think we should do with him boys?"

"Why don't we take him to out into the middle of nowhere and leave him there." The guy whose chain was holding Akuma's arm suggested.

"Hey now thats a good idea." The bandit took Akuma's saber and started throwing it up in the air.

"Hey that was a gift from Kyuubi-sama." Akuma growled in frustration trying to break loose of the chains. Then realized what he had said "Uh I mean... Damn It." he could have hit himself for his stupidity.

"So you know of the Kyuubi already damn that makes my job a little harder but still manageable. Well then this will make it even more realistic when I write a letter to your friends about how you found out Naruto was a demon and that you hated and despised him and never wanted to see him again.

Akuma looked horrified that someone would use him like that, "No you can't do that. You woul-"

"Shut up" The leader said smashing the saber on the back of Akuma's head."Alright boys you know what to do with him. Wait for me at the wagon." The leader then walked into a doctors office and asked for a piece of paper and pen. He then began to write the letter that would seal Naruto's fate.(2)

Naruto woke up a couple hours later and looked at his night stand for water, cuz man was he thirsty. He looked but didn't find any water instead he Akuma's saber with a letter attached to it. Naruto picked it up and began to read it...

Dear Demon

I am happy to inform you that you shall never hear or see me ever again. I have learned that you are the Kyuubi that attacked our precious village so long ago. I am glad that I have learned this now instead of later because I was beginning to think of you as a good person. I thought it was weird that your shinobi friend had the exact same name as The Demon, and called herself Queen of the demons. The reason I didn't believe her was because every one has heard of Anko, god she is a nut case which is what I thought your friend was. Now I know that was actually the Kyuubi, hey tell Kyuubi she can have her saber back from me, because I never want to see it again.

Your Ex. Friend Akuma

Naruto starred blankly at the letter and read it 3 or 4 times hoping he was just seeing things but it said the same horrifying writing every time. Naruto's eyes began to water as he looked at the letter. He then started crying putting the letter on the table next to him. He pulled his knees up to his chest and sat there rocking back and forth sobbing his heart out.

Inside his mind in Kyuubi's cage the water level was slowly rising as pipes began to break. Kyuubi who was asleep at the time woke with a start when a pipe burst right above her head showering her in water.

'What the hell is this, why is my cage... wait no why is Naruto's mind flooding and falling apart." She ran through the water, which was up to her thighs, over to a mirror that allowed her to see Naruto's memories. She quickly went through the newest memories and found what she was looking for. She couldn't believe what she saw. She growled in fury thinking about what Akuma had just done to Naruto-kun.

'I thought he was different than the villagers, but I guess I was wrong. Maybe Naruto is destined to be alone.' She looked at the still flooding room and decided she needed to calm him down. She felt that familiar weakness that was forming. She pushed her chakra at it and in a few seconds she had materialized in front of Naruto's bed. She quickly moved to Naruto's side and squeezed him against her chest. Naruto quickly latched onto her and continued to cry. They sat in that position for almost an hour before someone came towards the door. Kyuubi quickly apologized to Naruto for having to disappear, she then let go of him and deteriorated in a puff of red smoke with an annoying pop.

Sarutobi walked into the room only to be met with the sight of Naruto sitting on his bed hugging himself and crying. Sarutobi quickly looked around the room and saw Akuma's sword and a letter putting two and two together Sarutobi was across the room in a matter of seconds reading the letter. He read it twice and looked at Naruto with a sad face. He quickly sat down with Naruto and started rubbing his back, letting the boy cry into his shoulder. 'How could somebody do this to a child, Akuma was Naruto-san's best friend for the past 5 years. How could someone like that just abandon someone after so long.'

Kyuubi was back in her lake, because the room had flooded so much, laying on her bed crying a little after losing one of the only few people she thought cared about her and Naruto-kun.'I am going to kill Akuma if it is the last thing I do. I swear this upon every god in existence, except for those Greek gods Akuma kept talking about of course.'

Shakranon: That was the prologue. Thanks for reading and please review other wise I might go insane.

Shakranon: Yeah you never know when we could just crack and go insane.

Shakranon: Hey, your me.

Shakranon: No, your me.

Shakranon: Oh God it's already started quick review.

Authors Notes

1. think the Nazi SS officers uniform with small modifications, because they look amazing.

2. None of the doctors or nurses did anything because everyone knew Akuma was friends with Naruto.