^^**I know**^^

Mitchie's POV:

"Yes…badly." She moans as I hover over her lips. Well I guess she's vulnerable to me.

Half and hour after disappearing to the restroom Mikayla dragged me out of Miley's house. Not even letting me eat my nicely cooked steak! As soon as the door pressed against the frame so was I.

Mikayla just led me to a secluded area of the already evanescently lit beach. I wanted to tell her to let me explain to Miley, although there actually wasn't any explanation.

Guilt filled my brain space but all those thought faded as our mischievous tongues got lost in each other's mouth. Her hands on my waist and mines annihilating her maddening bathing suit. That's exactly how we behaved mad, insane, impractical, senseless all of that but in love.

It didn't end there. No. The night was young and we were determined to suck the life out of it. We did it on the bed, by the bed, under the bed, every single way possible. Mikayla's jealousy reached her hormones. Hey, I wasn't the one to complain. In fact, I call round two!

" 'F' is for friends who do stuff together, 'U' is for u and me, 'N" is for anywhere and any time at all…DOWN HERE AT THE DEEP BLUE SEA!"

Where the hell is that crap? This is the third time it's rung. Mikayla hasn't even woken up, what a deep sleeper. I on the other hand am going insane with this stupid ass alarm. If I could only go back in time I wouldn't have bought that annoying crap.

"'F' is for friends who do stuff together, 'U' is for u and me--" Of course under Mikayla's bra. Why didn't I look there before? Seem reasonable. Finally now I can go back to bed. Warm, cushiony and tender bed. I ninja-jump to my side of the bed. It's only 10:24 a.m., yes it took me that long to find the alarm, yet I feel ecstatic. Glued to Mikayla's neck I breathe in her lingering scent, she sighs and turns her back to me.

"Still sleeping, huh?" I pull her by her waist towards me spooning her…even as I leave kisses down her neck she continues her slumber. "Mickey…wake up." She whines and turns her face against the pillow. Lazy ass.

"I'll make you breakfast." I now press my lips on her bare back, she's so ticklish there. A whimper is heard as I prolong the kisses.

"…Stop…"she says beginning to giggle. I trace my lips till the crook of her neck where I fling her hair.

"…crap.." Mikayla has about three HUGE hickeys on her neck. What the hell went over me last night? I've never done that to her before. My fingers glide over the marked skin. Wow, they're really intense too. Not just little blush tone hickeys but REALLY dark-toned hickeys.

"Mitchie stop it." She turns to me and I notice her eyes. They're read as if she's been crying or something. Of course I know It's probably insomnia or something. Why would she even cry when last night was mind-boggling?

"Uh…you ok"? Your eyes are all red." She stretches out her left hand hitting my shoulder lightly. "Beside those major hickeys you got." She sits up yawning.

"What hickeys?" Crap I hope she's not mad. Stupid Mitchie. What the hell is wrong with you!?

Who do you think you are a vampire? Vampires don't give hickeys…

I point at her neck. "You have three hickeys here." She shoots up from bed to the restroom in less than a second. Ugh, now she's not going to want to do it anymore. I take the covers with me and follow her to the restroom. She looking at her neck a little bewildered.

"I'm sorry. I guess I got a little carried away. I seriously don't know what happened. I-I've never gotten this way before. Doesn't seem like something I'd do."

"Well I didn't do it myself!" She yells out of proportion. I flinch backwards and she leaves the restroom. I hear my phone going off and quietly get it.

"Well hello there ditcher."

"Miley." Mikayla sighs loudly.

"Why'd you leave yesterday? I called you all night." Mikayla leaves the room. Shit, I feel so guilty.

"um…Mikayla didn't feel so great. She still --"

"She doesn't like me right?" I make sure that Mikayla can't hear me.

"Don't say that. What's not to like about you. She's just a little bit jealous."

"Oh, thatI know."


"She just loves you too much. She probably thinks you like me or something like that." I giggle at the thought of Me and Miley together. "I can't believe she doesn't like me." I feel even more guilty now.

"That's not true Miley."

"It is. I saw how glared me down the whole night. I just wanted to be with you after all the time we've been apart I just feel like…I don't know. I want to be with my best friend. I missed you so much." Gosh, Mikayla.

"I missed you too. I'm so sorry but don't worry. I'll talk to her. She just doesn't know you yet. Maybe if we go out sometime me might get to know each other you know. You should stay over at my house for a couple of day or a sleepover…all three of us." I don't know if Mikayla will actually dome though.

"Really? That'll be great. Where is she?" I really hope this'll work out. I can't afford to get Mikayla even madder at me.

"In the restroom. She's mad at me because last night I got out of control and kinda left a bunch of hickey on her neck."

"Why is she mad. It's not like she didn't like it. I mean I'm guessing."

"Yeah if you would see the hickeys you would be mad too. I just don't know what the hell went on that night. I don't even remember giving her a hickey!" I'm seriously traumatized. Is this like that time I was sleep walking?

"Well we can't do anything now except get rid of it."

"How the hell do you do that?"

"I don't know put some ice on it?" Mikayla comes out of the restroom whilst tying her hair up.

"Listen I gotta call you back." I hang up the phone. Mikayla's looking at me expectant.

"Who was that?"


"What the hell did she want now?" She sits next to me with a small mirror pointed at her neck.

"She wanted to know why we left yesterday and why you don't like her." She gives me a glare. "Mikayla could you please try to like her? She's an old friend. I really missed her and now I finally see her again. Could you just behave?"

Three weeks later…

Life sure is going great now. I have Mikayla, my career is now better than ever, and Miley and I are even closer than we EVER were. My parents are just perfect and supporting. I've always been close to them. I still sneak into their room at night when I have nightmares. Yeah, I think I need to grow up a little bit. Everyone adjusts at a different pace. Take Mikayla for example. She stilldoesn't like Miley.

Miley's staying with me. All an excuse for her to get to befriend Mikayla. I don't think it's working though. I try to get them to be friends but all I get out of Mikayla is a thousand glares per hours. Last week at the TCA's Miley and Mikayla had to present an award together and Miley tried to put her hand on Mikayla's shoulder and she "kindly" removed it. I must admit though, a jealous Mikayla is such a turn on. They'll get used to each other because I'm not going to choose between my girlfriends and one of my best friends. Mikayla can stand every single one of my friends even my ex, Shane but not Miley. Maybe because Miley's really pretty. That's what Mikayla can't stand about her I'm sure.

One time I actually called Miley and Mikayla and left them alone at my house. I don't even remembered how I fooled them but when I came back I found an annoyed Mikayla and lightly bruised Miley who just stood there rubbing her cheek. I still don't know what happened since Mikayla never wanted to talk about it…Maybe she doesn't like Miley's sense of humor?

"Why'd you invite her, again? Can't you have a party without her?" I smiled at this. Miley just walked in and we were holding up the door for the guests.

"Mikayla…"-I started. I hadn't really invited her. My mom did, plus she's staying over. What can I say? My mom loves her. I think she likes Miley more than she loves me. Their conversations last for days. She sometimes compares me to her, not that I mind, stating how I should be a little more outgoing like Miley. "just behave ok?"

She rolls her eyes at me and I glare her down. She knows I hate when she's so mean to Miley. I'm thankful that Miley is such a sweetheart and hasn't stopped talking to me. "Never wanted to come here anyways." Mikayla walks away leaving me alone to greet all of the guests. She probably went up to my room.

What a brat. She's needy and relentless. Does she seriously have to show everyone how pawnable I am in our relationship. I look around and find my mom trying to fight her giggle as she's complimented by her guests. No way I'm going to ruin my mom's birthday.

Stupid stairs. Seriously, like I know how much I always complain about these stairs but crap. It's like a billion steps to get to the second floor only. I know I should work out but between work and Mikayla I have no time whatsoever.

"Mitchie?" As soon as I reach the second floor I see Miley about to go into my room. See, Miley is so nice. She was about to go in there, risking half of her face, and try to help me calm Mikayla out. "I-"

"S'okay. Thanks." I gave a her a huge bear hug. "You're the best." I let go of her and grab the doorknob. "but I got it." I close the door but I don't feel any movements on the other side. Like she's just standing there. Oh, I hope she didn't take that another way.

"What are you doing here?" I smile obnoxious and sit next to her.

"This is kinda my room…" She stands up from my bed and I pull her down to sit on my lap. I hold on to her tightly whilst she tries to get away.

"Mitchie, stop." She whines in a baby voice.

"Not until you promise to behave." She turns to face me and shakes her head. "Promise me you're not going to take advantage of any situation to slap Miley. Mikayla that's really disrespectful." Now she tries even harder to break free. I may have really weak legs but my arms a different story…I am a lesbian.

"For some reason this is all my fault?" I turn her sideways and give her the Mitchie look. For your information it's supposed to get me out of trouble or just get me to have sex with Mikayla. Right now I want both.

"I just want you to get trough that thick skull of yours that you're the only one that I will ever want. Do you seriously think I'd cheat on you?" I give her the Mitchie look again.

She rubs her eyes. "No, it's that--"

"Not Miley, not anybody. I really respect our relationship. That's something you should know…look at me " I lift her chin at we make eye contact. I think this is finally getting to her because I see her eyes tearing up a little. "I know you'll never be unfaithful to me why would you think that I would?" I grasp her waits and lean in to kiss her.

"Mitchie, Miley k--"

"No more talking about Miley and I, ok? I gave you the Mitchie look; now you're obligated do it with me." She kisses me harshly as if proving to herself that I was all hers.

"I'm so sorry." She kisses me again and I can feel her tears scroll down her skin. I pull away from her lips making a smacking sound.

"It's not that bad. Don't cry." She disavows.

"No, I should have neverdone that. She just so--" I interrupt what I'm sure is another insult to Miley. She sure is blowing this out of proportion. It seriously wasn't that bad.

"No more talking, Mikayla." I kiss her fully. She opens her mouth to talk and I slide my tongue in her mouth and flip us over so I'm on pressing my torso against her. Her lips are even softer today I feel like a bit of a pedo because her lips make it feel as if I'm kissing a two year old. Only thing that contradicts this is her techinique.

She efficiently turns the the table on me. Like a rabid dog she digs trought my garments to find her devoted treasure. I've never been with no one else than her. Just can't imagine how it would be to have someone else palp me like she's done. I know I couldn't be dishonest that way. I know Mikayla entirely and I she's all I want be with. There reason why I want this is because I 'm not like other people that say "she's part of me," no, Mikayla is who I am. We're two peas in a pod. She's loving. I'm loving too. She like to sing, ditto. She likes pickles, ditto. She's a great kisser and I'm not going to even going to lie I'm an amazing kisser.

I know Mikayla like the palm of my hand, she'll never surprise me. Ever. I remember one time we were at my room and she'd gotten me a birthday present. She gave me a purity ring and made me promise that I'll never be with a guy and then gave me a lingering kiss on the cheek. I was only 12 when this happened but I was almost sure that Mikayla had feelings for me. And I was right. I know that she's heads over heels for me.

Mikayla's mouth elevates treacherously slow gliding against my pulse point. I moan, naked agaist the covers that I just washed. To my disdain, I know that she'll tease me to death. She elevates me rapidly but leaves me lingering only inches aways from climax. That's where I am right now. At paradise, literally one stroke away from climax.

"Mitchie!!" Heavy knocks on my door are such a turnoff. I look up at Mikayla who still has a hungry look. I lift Mikayla off of me. "Mitchie!!"


"Yeah, no thanks to her." This the only bad part of having hot sex with Mikayla I never find my shitting underwear! Miley keeps on knocking incessantly.

"Mitchie, it's an emergency!" I take Mikayla's bra and adjust it around my back.

"That's mine!" Mikayla takes her bra off of me and I go to my restroom and just search for one. That's it no more sleepovers at my house. Every time they're over I have to buy new underwear. I wonder if she steals them or something. It think I'm going to set a trap…

The party was great. I actually calmed Miley and Mikayla. Sure they weren't friendly but something is something. They are definitely making some progress. It's about 10:00 p.m. and Mikayla made up some lame excuse to leave.

"hey, I made us some hot cocoa. I know how much you like it." There she goes again. She is such a cutie.

"You're so cute!" I take the cocoa and set it on the night stand.

"Thanks. I actually wanted to ask you for some advice." Of course. We all know that I am the Goddess of relationships.

"What's up?"

"Well. I really like this girl…Lilly." I kind of knew that. "and well she just doesn't. She doesn't acknowledge me."

"I thought that you guys were already dating."

"That's the problem I know that she has feelings for me. She just doesn't want to admit it."

"Well it's seriously her loss. If you have to for--"

"No. I just-I don't want to give up on her. Mitchie I can't give up. I want help…advice on how to get her to see that we're meant to be." Aw! I seriously can't see why Lilly wouldn't admit that she loves Miley. I thought that she was very lovable with Miley. Oh well. "Like, for example. I don't know what does Mikayla like. How did you get her to like you?"

"Well Mikayla is a sucker for songs. I would always make songs for her. She's actually a little bit hardheaded. It wasn't easy to get with Mikayla. I'm sure that you will do great with Lilly."

"Well kind of do have this song that I wrote her."

I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I don't get what is wrong with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways seriously read below. It's very important in the story!

You know most of you guys don't seem to realize that If you read all of the chapters it's supposed to be the story summed up in like two or three sentences. It says this:

Umm, this is difficult because I love you and this feels so right but remember; what goes around comes around and I'm afraid even the best call down sometimes. How much can we resist? Because I'm just tired of these constant questions, will they remain unanswered? I know…

The rest of the sentence will be answered in the next of the chapter and the rest of the story. Don't worry. I'm not done…yet