A/N: I'm really sorry for the lack of update, and the time it took. Enjoy, and don't kill me.

I had to think for a second. What did I want to do? There were limitless possibilities, and my mind was too fogged with lust to decide properly.

I had been on the harness and it had been arousing just sitting on it.

Maybe thats what I wanted to try out first.

"Swing," I blurted out, and blushed. She smiled and pulled me by the metal ring on the harness that was in between my breasts.

She led me to a black light room where you could see every little detail that was swarming the room.

A huge bed took up most of the middle space in the room, and two swings were up next to it. The walls were shelved with random sex things- most were still in their wrapped boxes. The walls were velvet, just like the rest of the store, but the floor was tile, not linoleum.

I felt her hands slide up my body and lightly touch my breasts.

I grabbed her hands and pressed them to my breasts a bit harder.

She moved her hand and I looked back to see her shaking her head.

"I didn't give you permission to do that," She smirked and walked around to the other side of the bed.

She beckoned me with her index finger, and I hesitantly went.

I wanted to do this. Why was I so hesitant about this now? I knew I couldn't back out.

She pushed me down onto the swing, and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you thinking about backing out?" She shook her head disapprovingly, and leaned forward. Her breasts were inches from my face, and then I shook my head. "No, I'm not," I leaned back on the swing, and Emmett came through the door.

"Someone hesitant?" He laughed, and then picked my legs up and put them into the holsters of the swing.

Rosalie grabbed a few things from the shelf I couldn't identify immediately, and placed them on a corner table next to me.

"Hmm," She walked around me a few times, and smiled. "Handcuffs and gags," Emmett said. "What do you think?"

She smiled wider. "I think that will be perfect," She looked at me again. "How far are you willing to go?"

"All the way," I squeaked as Emmett handcuffed me to the metal bars, and slid a gag over my mouth.

"Hold your breasts babe," She smiled and I complied.

I moaned as I felt metal clamps clamp down on my nipples. Who knew cold metal and pain could create such a sensation? My back arched and I felt a slap on my face.

"I told you," She walked around me as Emmett stood at my legs. "You shouldn't disobey."

A bandana was slipped over my eyes as I felt something probe my entrance. The gag was removed from my mouth.

"I'll give you permission to scream, but as you know, you can't see what we're doing to you." In the little time I've know her, I somehow came to the conclusion she was holding a whip.

"A sense for another," She murmured. "I like it."

I moaned as she whipped me.

"Good, you're using what I gave to you," She whispered in my ear as something was inserted inside of me. "Now scream. Scream for me."

And I did.