Author's Note: Here is the epilogue to conclude this novella. It's short but to the point. I hope you all enjoyed this story. Please remember to read and review. Remember to look out for the sequal coming this winter. If your not a member of the site but would like to have a notification of when the novel actually comes, please go to my web site and sign the guest book, leaving your e-mail address with the message.

To everyone else: Enjoy and Read and Review.


After the cruise ship entered the port in D.C., Krystal made good on her promise to dish out pain. Although she didn't really send Nat and Alex to the hospital, the physician they called had recommended that the two stay off of their feet for at least a week. Once Monday rolled around, so would Nat and Alex in a couple wheel chairs though, to Nat's strange mind, it was worth it.

Chris received a mouthful from Kayla for playing his part in Krystal's honeymoon madness. A few slaps and a prompt but vicious stomping on his feet gave him the message. The result was a severely swelled up foot for five days and nights; It was a comical sight to see Chris with a limp in his strides.

Once Light, Krystal, and Light's parent's entered their home after their long vacation, they dropped their luggage on to the floor and stretched like cats. It was a little in the afternoon and even though it wasn't late, the four decided to go take some showers and get some rest for the coming day. Up in the newly wed's room, Light was taking a shower first. Krystal took the time before her turn to pull out a safe box from under their bed. She opened it and took out a couple round objects; both of them hidden under a silk cloth. She delicately peeled the cloth off to look at her precious treasures.

One of the objects was the mini-disc Chris Stamper gave her. In that disc was the data that made up Sabre, the brother she never knew she had. The other object was a copy of 'Starfox Adventures.' Light had given Chris his copy back and bought his own a couple weeks after he was reunited with Krystal. It may take many years but she was determined to someday get her family back. She only hoped her parents would accept Light. She was, after all, married to him now.

Light walked out the door of his private bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Krystal, the shower is free now." She nodded and wrapped her treasures in the silk before replacing them in the safe box. 'Someday I'll save you all,' Krystal thought to herself. 'Someday.'

A couple weeks later, Light, Krystal, Tim, and Sarah had a king crab dinner together. Krystal had been getting sick recently so it was hard to just eat. Just looking at her plate made her feel full and sick to her stomach.

While eating his plate, Light felt nature calling him so he excused himself to the bathroom. When he left, Sarah turned to her new daughter-in-law. "Krystal." The girl in question looked up to the older woman.


"Here, I want you to take this. Don't show it to Light." Sarah pulled out a small rectangular contraption out of her purse and handed it to the young woman. Krystal took it and observed it curiously.

"What is it?" Krystal asked while turning it over in her paws

"Well, you have been sick for a while…and in cycles." Krystal eyed her for a moment before realizing what it was. A wave from a perfect storm of happiness swept over her.

"You mean…I could be…pregnant." Sarah nodded with a gleeful smile. Krystal could hardly believe it. Sure, she did make that wish but she was a little skeptical about it working. The signs were there though. Krystal wondered why she hadn't noticed before. She slipped the small box into her sweat pants.

"When Light returns, I want you to excuse yourself and take the test." Krystal nodded.

"But…why shouldn't I tell Light. I mean, he is my husband. Tim chose to respond to her question.

"Because, I think its fun to see him keep guessing." Krystal laughed. Light's father was mischievous; his way of having fun was always subtle. Light returned from the restroom and Krystal excused herself. Light believed she had been waiting to take her turn and suspected nothing. Krystal went inside the bathroom and read the instructions before taking the test.

The test read positive. She was a mother.

A few days later, Nat, Chris, and Alex met each other early in the morning before school started. They were at Chris' house at around 6 in the morning. Chris' cousin had made a delivery to his house and had given him a dozen boxes. Each box had a different kind of memorabilia. Nat looked overly proud of himself. He grabbed Chris and Alex by the shoulders. "Fellows, today is the beginning of our happy and rich lives." The group loaded Chris' truck with the packages and drove to the school. Before most of the kids could enter the building, the three set up their new stand and placed the many different souvenirs on the table. Then they put up a sign to complete the setup. When the buses started arriving, their little booth became a wonderful attraction.

Not too long after, Leo, Chuck, and Nickel walked up to the three with expectation. "So, where are our pictures?" Nat reached into his pocket and revealed the photos of Krystal. Leo looked through them and noticed that a few 'choice' pictures were missing. "What about the others?"

Nat laughed. "Sorry Leo, but to be honest with you, we weren't able to get them."

Chuck scoffed. "Yeah right. I bet you wimped out on us." Nat chuckled a little bit.

"Actually, I did every underhanded trick in the book but failed each and every time. And you know what? I don't mind it at all. Why you ask? Because I'm going be filthy stinking rich anyway." The young men with the pictures scoffed again and left without another word.

When Light and Krystal got to school, they were immediately greeted to a sight that Krystal immediately felt distaste for. Nat, Chris, and Alex were on the other side of the entry hall at a small stand with a ton of studentss swarming around it. Above the stand was a sign that said, 'Official Krystal Fan Club and Memorabilia Shop.' Krystal and Light approached the guy's stand but Light stopped behind the crowd of people while Krystal plowed through them to see just what the three were up to; Light was right to stand back and watch. When Krystal got to the front, she felt shock and anger at the same time. There were pictures, T-shirts, and a bunch of other trinkets that had images of herself and her crazy honeymoon on them. None of the images were actually explicit but the shirts had images of her in a bikini on it, and she wasn't going to stand to allow any of these perverts to wear an image that revealed that much of her flesh and fur. "GUY'S, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH ALL OF THIS!!!"

Light and Krystal's friends had a decent amount of fear in their eyes, and they looked at each other in nervousness. "I'm sorry folks but shops closed," Nat said quickly as the three grabbed as much possessions their arms could carry before making a run for it. They weren't fast enough to escape. They left their school building that day with painful lumps on their heads, and wallets full of cash. To Nat, Chris, and Alex, it was all worth the pain.

Author's note: There you have it. "Breaking the Barriers" will be my last starfox fic, so I will do my best to make it THE best. This novella was dedicated to all of those light hearted people we have lost over the years. Thank you all for showing your support for my series, and goodbye until the winter.