After gathering his own applause on the stage Jack made his way over to his team who had gathered with the rest of the volunteers. They all received the same instructions Gwen had already given them about having fun the rest of the evening and the things that would be announced at the end of the night.

"Let's have some fun." Jack told his team then held out his hand to Tosh. "May I have this dance, my beautiful genius?"

Blushing at his compliment she accepted his had and followed him out to the dance floor. "You're an excellent dancer Jack. I don't know if I can keep up."

"You just follow where I lead. There's nothing to it." He responded, blinding her with a smile.

Several minutes later they were gliding along the dance floor like professionals. "Jack!" Tosh gasped as he twirled her in a circle. "You're pushing it; you're going to make me fall!" She laughed.

"Are you doubting my dancing abilities? I'm just trying to show off the most beautiful woman in the room. Look around you; they can't take their eyes off of you."

Trying to not be too obvious she peered around the room and sure enough there were a lot of eyes on them. "I don't think it's me their looking at." She stated at last.

"Don't doubt the power of stunning dress on a gorgeous woman." She heard behind her. "May I cut in?"

Turning around she found Andy holding his hand out to her. Uncertain she turned to Jack who gave her a look that clearly indicating it was her decision. Nodding her agreement she took his hand just as a new song began to play.

'Mission accomplished' Jack thought as he headed for their table. He knew by the many eyes on the couple that she would not get a chance to sit down for the rest of the evening. Finding the table empty he headed towards the bar, where he had spotted Ianto. Getting there however turned into a challenge as he kept getting stopped and flirted with. When he finally disengaged from the conversation with an attractive older woman, he found he had lost sight of the young Welshman. What he did catch however was the bidding book and flipping to Ianto's page he found it full and having to squeeze his bid at the bottom. With a secret grin he wrote down his bid and hoped it was more than enough to dissuade anyone from out bidding him. Handing the book off to the waiting hands of other guests at the party he decided to flirt his way across the room in hopes that he would eventually run into Ianto.

The evening continued with music and laughter all around. All the volunteers found themselves flirting and dancing the night away. When Jack finally made his way to Ianto he wasn't able to utter a word before the young man was whisked away to the dance floor by a very enthusiastic and attractive woman. Just as he was contemplating cutting in after watching them dance too closely for his comfort he heard the announcer stop the music.

"First I would like to thank all our volunteers tonight for giving their time to such a great cause." He began to great applause. "Also a thank you to all of the winners of the bids, this money will help a lot of people and I'm sure our volunteers will make it worth your while!" he winked at the crowd and laughed along with them.

"Our grand total for tonight, I am proud to say, shattered last years. An official tally will be posted tomorrow. I would now like to bring to the stage our volunteer with the highest bid." Looking around the room the announcer confirmed he was in the room before continuing. "Mr. Ianto Jones, will you please join me."

A shocked Ianto made his way up the steps and on to the stage. During the evening he had tried his best to be extroverted and decided to imitate Jack and flirt his way through out the room. He didn't however expect to get the highest bid. In fact he was certain Jack would have won that honor.

"To thank you for your participation and earning the highest bid I would like to present you with this commemorative coin from the Children's Cancer Research Association." He said as he handed Ianto his coin. "Also may I please have Miss Catherine Fitzroy to the stage?"

Jack watched as the young woman Ianto had been dancing with made her way up to the stage. Up until that point he was certain he had won Ianto. Now he had the distinct suspicion that he may have been out bid by that woman.

"You have won yourself a date with Mr. Jones and I would like to thank you on behalf of the Cardiff Police and Children's Cancer Research Association for your generous donation." He also handed her a coin and applauded along with the crowd at them. He was astounded at the amount the young woman had donated, but looking at them together on the stage he had to recognize they made a stunning couple. "To all our other bidders, Gemma, raise your hand Gemma! That young lady will make her way to you and give you a card if you have won a bid. Volunteers, come to the side of the stage and you will get an envelope confirming the name of the person who has won your bid." With that the music began again but most eyes were too focused on the young woman walking around handing out cards to notice.

Along with the other volunteers the rest of the Torchwood team made their way to the stage. Jack watched the woman named Catherine continue to flirt with Ianto as they stood close to each other looking at their coins.

"Here you go Captain." Jack looked away from the couple to grab the envelope that was given to him. Without looking at it he returned his gaze to Ianto.

"Jack! Who got you?" Gwen asked.


"Who won your bid? Banana Boat won my bid, I think him and Rhys pooled their money together to win me. They look very proud of themselves." She said laughing.

"Oi! You couldn't let any of the single ladies have me, could you?" Rhys said with a happy smile. He had just opened his envelope to discover Gwen had won his bid. Walking over to her he pulled her into a kiss.

"Your mine Rhys Williams!" she stated when he finally released her. Spotting Tosh and Owen she called them over. "So, let's hear it. Who are the lucky people to take you two for a night out?"

Blushing Tosh showed her, her envelope. "Andy! That's great Tosh. You are going to have a lot of fun."

"I'm sure I will. He seemed very nice." She nodded then looked at Owen with questioning eyes. "How about you Owen?"

"You see that old bat in the yellow sparkle dress?" He grunted. "That's the one."

"Hey, play your cards right and maybe you'll get her fortune, Owen." Jack commented trying desperately to keep a serious voice. Owen glared at him and turned to make another trip towards the bar. He refused to continue to socialize while sober and he knew that old woman would eventually find him again.

"Ianto!" Gwen called out. Ianto made his way over to them with Catherine's hand looped around his arm.

"Congratulations!" Gwen exclaimed when he was close and pulled him into a hug.

"Congratulations, Ianto!" Toshiko said as she also pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you both." He responded with a slight blush. "Let me introduce Miss Catherine Fitzroy, she's the owner of Fitzroy Relics."

"Oh, and what's that?" Gwen asked.

"It's an antiques shop." Catherine responded. "It's a pleasure to meet you all." She replied before extending her hand out to Jack. Who up to that point had been quietly observing them. "Captain, I've heard a lot about you."

Reaching out, he shook her hand. "All good things I hope. I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure of hearing anything about you." He said, looking intently at Ianto.

Ianto coughed gently, "Catherine, again thank you so much for your donation. I'll give you a call so we can set up a date."

"You're welcome, it was for a date with you, and it was worth it." She replied as she winked. "Goodnight, Ianto. I hope to hear from you soon." She leaned up to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning to leave.

Looking at Jack after saying goodbye to Catherine he was shocked to find the angry look the man was giving him. Maybe Catherine and him took it too far, he thought. Catherine had seen the looks Jack had given been throwing at them while they were dancing and they had decided to have a little fun with him.

He watched Gwen go off and dance with Rhys while Tosh talked shyly with Andy, both smiling timidly at the other. He was happy that the PC had won the bidding. However their date night would have to wait awhile, he was certain Andy had bid a month's salary to get an evening out with their resident genius. He was happy for his friend, Andy was a good man and he was certain he and Tosh would enjoy spending time together.

Jack waited, hands clenched tightly in his pockets. He refused to address Ianto while angry. He went to turn away when he felt a hand on his arm stop him. He let himself be pulled back around to stand close to Ianto.

"Did you open your envelope?" Ianto asked softly, leaning close to his ear. His soft breath caressed Jacks neck, making him loose his grip on his anger.

"No." He stated.

"Maybe you should open it." Ianto suggested.

Pulling back to get some room between them, he reached into his pocket to get the envelope. After reading the name on the card he looked up shocked at the name.

"We don't have to go anywhere… We could just stay at my place. I could cook; we can have some wine…" Ianto trailed off realizing he had started rambling, feeling the heat on his cheeks.

"I love that look on you." Jack gave him a dopey grin. "What about Catherine?" He asked.

"She's a childhood friend." He grinned back. "And she's engaged."

"Good." Jack stated while wrapping his arms around Ianto's waist, bringing him close to his body. "So what are you cooking me for dinner?" He whispered, his lips ghosting over Ianto's.

"I don't know. Shouldn't you be cooking for me? I expect to get my moneys worth after all." He replied teasingly.

"I'll make it worth your every penny, Mr. Jones." Jack responded before closing the distance between their lips, they brushed against one another with a silent promise of things to come.
