YES YES YES! I am still alive, in case you all are wondering!

Okay, after many months of hiatus, I am back to write this! I am so sorry for such a late update, but if it makes anything better, I will continue this fic as planned!

Read and enjoy!

Hidan, Anko, and Naruto are all property of Masashi Kishimoto.


Anko opened one eye, and then the other. Her view at first was a blur, a haze, until she gradually gained her full vision and was able to make out the surroundings.

She found herself lying in a white, bed, her torso bandaged up in a thick layer, and a massive headache that followed her awakening.

Wh…where am I…

A room. In the hospital. Even with the door closed, she could hear the soft mum of nurses talking, babies crying, and carts being rolled back and forth outside the room.


She shifted onto her side until she felt an excruciating pain coming from her said area. The same place where he hurt her.

She winced, then looked over at her waist and saw a small blood spot, seeping into the band-aid. So she was alive.

Then, the door opened, and she saw Tsunade and Shizune walk in.

Tsunade looked over and saw the now-very-conscious Anko. "Oh, you're awake now?"

Anko nodded slowly, sighing and looking to the floor.

Shizune rushed to her side. "Oh Anko, thank god your wound wasn't fatal." She looked down and saw the blood running through the band-aid wrapped around her, "But, I think it might be time to change that band-aid. Do you want me to do it now?"

"Shizune, I appreciate that but…I just really want to know, what exactly happened?"

Then, Tsunade spoke up in a firm voice, "Shizune, may you leave for a little bit? I would like to have a little alone time to talk to Anko."

"Uh…sure, Tsunade-sama."

And with that, Shizune quickly bounded out of the room.

Anko slumped back into her bed, anticipating one of Tsunade's lectures in regards to the well-being of her own life. They were common. They were ordinary. And despite the fact that she appreciated them as means for Tsunade showing compassion, they irritated the fuck out of her.

Finally, Tsunade began to speak, "So did you want to know what happened?"

Anko slowly nodded.

"About two hours ago, Team 7 found you practically half-dead on the floor near the borderline. They were able to call for help, and you were ushered into surgery here. At first I had thought you were not going to make it due to the loss of so much blood, but it looks like you were able to find a donor. He saved your life."



Anko shut her eyes and sighed. Yamato, the only man who she could ever thought would care this much to do such a deed-this shouldn't have been surprising in the least bit.

"He was-and is-worried sick about you. He went out about half an hour ago-he didn't say why. He should be returning soon."

Anko still said nothing.

Tsunade continued, "Anko, what the hell was going through your head, thinking you could take on those S-class missing nins by yourself? You put a lot of people into a lot of trouble for you."

"You don't understand. I didn't intentionally go and try to fight them. I was just spying-and one of the men spotted me and called me out. I had no other choice but to fight them."

Tsunade sighed, slowly pacing back and forth in between the room.

"You're lucky that wound wasn't fatal. Whichever of the men stabbed you-either the guy's got terrible aim, or a big heart."

Anko stopped her track of thought completely.

Wait, he didn't hit my vital spot? He kept me alive? Deliberately? Or…

"Your mission was a failure, but all that matters now is that you're still alive. Yamato should be returning soon, but I'll alert him of you awakening anyway. I'm sure he'll be especially happy. Goodbye."

Tsunade walked out the door, closing it behind her.

Anko sat in silence, listening to the slow roar of sounds outside the room.

She, Anko, was still alive. But for what? Did he really intend to miss her vital spot? And why?

Minutes later, the door opened once again. Instead, she found a very familiar face, a face of whom she was speaking of-and thinking of earlier.


He looked over his shoulder to see her, and for a glimpse, Anko could say nothing that could appropriately describe the gratitude in his face, the stars in his eyes and the uproar of happiness that overcame him.


A bouquet of flowers that were being held in his arm was now laid out on the floor. Yamato rushed over and embraced the bedded Anko's face into his chest in a long hug. As she returned it, she took in the light woody scent of his vest. And with his head was held over her shoulders, she could feel his breathing slipping into her ear.

He didn't speak once, and he didn't need to. Anko could understand him and the pain he experienced through the quiet embrace.

When he finally released her, he looked over his shoulder to see the bouquet he had dropped, his face flushed.

"S-sorry." He ran over to pick them up, dusted them off and handed them to Anko, even though all flowers in a jumbled mess.

She chuckled and took them from him. And it was at that moment where she was reminded of just how precious people were to her.

But why am I still here? And why did he spare me? That is, if he intended to?

It didn't matter to her anymore, and it didn't have to. As long as she would never see him again.

"Hidan, what the hell are we doing here again?!"

Kakuzu was impatient, and was ready to bust because of his pain-in-the-ass partner. For some reason unbeknownst to Kakuzu, Hidan has returned them to the area in the Forrest on the borderlines of the Hidden Leaf village. But instead of explaining the matter to Kakuzu, Hidan swept his eyes around the area, ignoring every word from his partner.

"Hidan, stop ignoring me!"

"Will you fucking relax, Kakuzu? I'm trying to find somethi-er, someone."

"You moron, you could have told me that from the very beginning."

"I am getting fucking sick of you, Kakuzu. All you do is bitch and moan. Can't you just shut the hell up, preferably for at least a second?"

Kakuzu narrowed his eyes. "You're lucky you can't die."

Hidan continued searching, jogging about the area, scanning his eyes to the surroundings. Kakuzu spoke up. "So, who, or what was it you are looking for?"

Hidan stopped. His face flushed to white, then a light red. A scowl appeared on his face. "I don't fucking believe it."


"She's not here. She's gone!"

"Who? Goddammit Hidan, answer me!"

"That…that Hidden Leaf kunoichi I was fighting."

Kakuzu's eyes widened. "What? You didn't kill her?"

"No. I just injured her."

"How do you know she didn't just crawl off somewhere and died?"

Hidan turned to his partner, the scowl still apparent on his face, "You don't fucking understand, Kakuzu. I didn't injure her enough to kill her. I didn't hit any of her vital points."

"Well why the hell didn't you?"

"I was only toying with her. I was only having fun. I wasn't going to really kill her until I was done." Hidan said.

"Well, you're a complete idiot. You should have killed her when you had the chance."

Hidan's scowl got more intense, his faced reddened as he turned to face his partner, "You know what Kakuzu? I don't need your shit right now. I can feel Jashin's anger with me right now. That bitch is probably roaming free and alive."

Kakuzu remained silent, listening to his religious-obsessed partner.

"Not finishing killing someone," Hidan continued, "is a fucking sin. One of the worst in Jashinism."

"So what, you're going to go try to find her and kill her now?"

"Yeah. I know she's still alive. I have to find her and finish her off. I can't leave Jashin upset like this."

Kakuzu sighed. "Fine. You can do whatever your psycho religion tells you to do, but don't expect me to have any part in this."

"Oh trust me, Kakuzu, I don't."

Kakuzu groaned, then turned and began walking the other way, leaving Hidan standing alone.

Hidan closed his eyes. No way was he going to let Miss Hidden Leaf stay living, not in Jashin's name.

"Don't worry, Jashin, I'll find her and I'll end this. For you. If it's the last fucking thing I do."

It didn't matter to him who she was, and it didn't have to. As long as he was able to kill her.

Okay, finished with this! Read and review please!

Also, I found it really interesting…when I just looked up at the Naruto wiki, I found out Yamato and Anko really DO have the same blood type! Weird how it was able to work out like that.