A/N: We all know the classic story by Nicolas Sparks of A Walk To Remember, or, if not, most of us have at least seen the movie, which in my opinion brings anyone with a heart to tears. However, what happens when our favorite Twilight characters take on the starring roles? This is how I combined the two stories (Note, based off the MOVIE version of A Walk To Remember, not the book. Sorry to all the book fans!) and I really tried to do my best. Some things are from Twilight, and some things are from AWtR, and some things are all my own :) I hope you like it! Story still in progress, if you have ideas, I'd love to hear them!

Some Quick Notes: Based on the MOVIE of A Walk to Remember. Edward, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper form the "IT" crowd at Forks Highschool. Bella is still the daughter of Chief Swan, though not as prudish as Jaime in WTR. Edward is the most moralistic of his sometimes troublesome crowd (are we surprised?). Rosalie has a bit of a crush on Edward, but he's NOT interested. Emmett is though (naturally). Alice and Jasper are dating. Bella is an outcast, and Alice is quick to scorn her choices in fashion. Our story begins on a late night at La Push Beach.

Questions, Comments, Love it or Hate it- REVIEW IT!

P.S. Me own neither Twilight nor AWtR. If I did, odds are I wouldn't be on fanfiction... but who knows, maybe I would be!

P.P.S. If you find and grammar mistakes, let me know ASAP! I'm a stickler for grammar...

A Walk at TWILIGHT to Remember

Chapter 1

"Edward? Are you even listening to what I'm saying? Edward!" Alice's high, almost Minnie-Mouse-esque voice brought me back from my reverie as we were speeding down the highway towards La Push.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I apologized, glancing at my friend's sweet, pixie-like face that was settled in a vexed pout.

"You really shouldn't be drifting off, especially when you're driving!" She scolded.

I laughed. "Please, like I would ever do anything to harm this car. Besides, you know I'm an excellent driver." It was true; my record was pristine, and I would never put a scratch on the Volvo, it was my baby.

"Alright then, now that I have your attention, I'll repeat my question. Are you sure you want to go through with this? We could go back to the dance, I'll convince Jasper to go back, no problem, and you can dance with Rosalie if you really don't want to sit out for all the dancing!"

"Ha! Like that'll happen!" I laughed. "Look, I'm sorry if I'm hurting anyone's feelings by saying this, but there is no way I'm dancing with Rosalie Hale. Nope. And I as for my reservations on what we're about to do, there are none. Come on, you can't tell me that it doesn't sound like fun!"

"Yeah, sure, sneaking onto the La Push beaches at night is really fun, but cliff diving? Really? It will totally ruin my outfit, and these are really cute clothes! I just got them this week for the dance! Which you boys made me leave early," she said with a begrudging tone.

"Look, it was Jasper's idea, not mine. He wanted to freak out some guys who have been hanging around lately." I kept speeding forward towards the cliffs without any thought of turning back.

It was Saturday night, and my friends and I had ditched the Forks high school dance early to go to the beach at La Push. We didn't go to the beaches often, mainly because the teenagers on the reservation took a particular dislike to us, and did their best to keep us off the tribal lands as much as possible. It was a nice change of pace to break the rules once in a while.

I saw buddy Emmett's Jeep and Rosalie's bright red convertible already parked by the side of the road next to the cliffs. All our friends were already there, waiting for us, lounging against the cars and laughing boisterously. I pulled up next to the two cars and Alice and I both got out.

Alice danced over to my friend, Jasper Whitlock, entwining herself under his arm, looking so happy that you would have never thought she wanted to go back to the school dance. I noticed that Alice's burly and handsome brother Emmett Cullen had his arm wrapped around Rosalie's shoulders as well. Under her golden tresses, her stunningly beautiful face looked just as happy as Alice, if not more so. Hmm, I couldn't see why Rosalie kept bugging me for my attentions when she was clearly content with Emmett's. However, as soon as she saw me, her blue eyes formed a look of guilt and she shrugged out from under Emmett's arm, feigning disgust. Emmett wasn't too happy with this development.

"Hey Edward," She said sweetly, putting on as much of her seductive attitude as she thought was appropriate. "I didn't think you were going to come. I'm so glad you're here."

"Yeah," I said offhandedly, "I'm here." I tried to give the same impression I always gave when Rosalie was around. NOT INTERESTED. Why couldn't she be satisfied with stealing Emmett's heart? He was certainly willing enough.

"Why wouldn't he come?" Jasper laughed. "This is gonna be awesome! I'm so glad I thought of it." Jasper's face was definably masculine, and his eyes were a dark hazel, under his wavy blonde hair, a little longer, and messier, than the average guy-cut, resembling the California-surfer look. At the moment, he wore a wide, excited grin while he waited for the fun to begin. The "fun" would be spooking his two new friends with the threat of cliff diving. The boys were already shaking in their boots.

The additions to our usual party of five were a couple guys Jasper had picked up at the dance to come with us. Mike Newton, and Tyler Crowley. They didn't strike me as the typical guys that would be tempted to go cliff diving at night, or ever. From what I had heard about them from school, Crowley was a nutcase and Newton was a tool. Newton especially got on my nerves because he was such a suck up to almost everyone. I figured that was the only way he could have wormed an invitation to our little jaunt from Jasper. Crowley was just crazy; a reckless driver, and a little delusional. I take it back, these two were perfect for some night time cliff diving.

"Are we ready to get started?" Emmett howled with excitement.

"Oh, come on," Alice whined, "I wanna go back to the dance! Edward, won't you drive me back?"

"You keep this up and I'm making your brother drive you everywhere," I advised.

"Ew!" She made a face at the suggestion. "The Jeep always smells like feet and athletic gear!"

"It smells like a man's car should," Emmett said proudly.

"Fine," Alice sighed, defeated. "Let's just get this over with."

Mike looked a little nervously at the cliffs. "Are you guys sure this is really… safe? I mean, I wouldn't want to get hurt or anything."

"Sure it's safe!" Jasper assured him in a very calming and persuasive voice. "I heard the La Push boys do it all the time!"

Crowley was looking a little nervous too. "We're not even supposed to be out here, though! The Reservation has a group of junior police force kids who round up groups like us who hang out here at night. It's like an unspoken law that we're not allowed after dark."

"You're going let a couple of Quileute kids scare you out of a good time?" Emmett teased him.

Tyler didn't say anything in response, but I guessed that he was thinking the Quileute boys weren't anything to shrug off as easily as Emmett did. Of course, it wasn't easy to intimidate Emmett. He was the biggest and strongest boy at Forks High School.

"Alright," I said, shedding my sweatshirt and heavy jeans. "Looks like I'm jumping first. Who's coming with me? You ready to go, Newton?" In all honesty, I didn't think of going off the top cliff. There was a lower one just down a path that was off to my right, and that cliff looked a lot safer to me. At least during the night. In daylight I might try the top cliff, but right now…

"Yeah, okay," Mike stuttered, still struck with nerves, but eager to prove his worth to the Jasper. He toppled left and right while clumsily removing his own over clothes, and heading towards the edge of the high cliff.

"Are you crazy?" I heard a girl scream from down the road.

I was suddenly aware that two new people were approaching our group. They had been walking on the beach, and saw us gathered at the top of the cliffs. One was very tall, obviously one of the boys from the reservation, and the other a short, slim girl with wavy brown hair. Seeing Mike near the edge of the cliff in his shorts and hearing my suggestion that we jump had alerted her of our intended plans for recreation and she was racing over to us, though tripping over her own feet in her attempt to run.

As soon as she was closer, I was able to recognize from the light of the moon that she was Bella Swan, the police chief's daughter. I had seen Bella before at school, but she wasn't someone I typically talked to. She was an outcast, and we were the "IT" crowd. It was one of those silly high school social divisions, but that's how things were. More than once Alice had openly mocked Bella for her lack of fashion sense, and Rosalie didn't even deign to recognize her.

"Are you guys serious right now?" Bella exclaimed. "Cliff diving? At night? You people are truly idiots!"

Both Jasper and Emmett looked a little unsettled by her intrusion on our party. Emmett was gripping his keys, ready to make a dash if necessary.

"Well, hello Isabella," Alice said in a sweet and formal, but clearly mocking tone. "What brings you out here on a fine night like tonight? Why aren't you at the dance? Didn't have a date?"

Bella blushed, but didn't answer. Instead she looked over her shoulder at the man who was behind her.

Her companion caught up quickly, and observing the scene, he let out a low whistle. "Oh no, you guys are definitely not supposed to be here. These beaches are out of bounds after seven. Get your stuff together, and get home."

"Says who?" Emmett barked, though he was still tense and ready to go.

Normally, we didn't strike up rebellion against authority, no matter what kind of schemes we got ourselves into. We were "good kids." It was this reputation that kept us out at night, instead of grounded or inhibited with curfews. However, in this case, the person who was barking orders was just a kid. He may be tall, and certainly muscular, but he couldn't be any older than myself. In fact, if I took the boyishness that was still present in his cheeks, he was younger. Bella Swan certainly didn't seem to react like he was any kind of authority. She looked almost protective of him, even though he was easily twice her size.

The other thing that roused our resentment was the fact that this was a La Push kid, and we didn't get along with La Push kids.

"What's your name?" Jasper asked roughly.

"Jacob Black," the boy answered in a cold tone.

"Well, Jacob, what business do you think you have telling us what we can and can't do? I don't see anyone but you who's going to stop us."

"Right," Jacob laughed sarcastically. "I'm the only one here now, but in about five minutes I'll have the whole La Push Junior Police Force here to kick your butts back to Forks." He had a cell phone out and was dialing something quickly.

"Whoa now," Mike said hesitantly. "You're not really calling them, are you? Come on! Be a sport!"

Bella swerved around at the familiar voice. "Mike? Is that you? What are you doing here? Don't tell me you're actually partaking in this ridiculousness!"

I could tell by the way Mike looked at Bella he saw something in her wavy brown locks and somewhat shoddy fashion sense. However, he tried to mask this affection in present company. He kept throwing nervous glances at Jasper and Alice who were still reclining on the hood of Rosalie's car.

"So what if I am?" Mike barked, putting on a tough appearance. "We're just trying to have a little fun, and you guys have to come and ruin it!"

"Dude, I'm saving your life, trust me" Jacob chortled, ear still pressed to his cell phone. "There's no way you'd be able to beat the tides at the bottom, I mean, look at you..." He laughed at Mike's obvious lack of muscles, made more defined in when he was just in his shorts.

Bella turned to Jacob sharply and made a silencing motion, clearly trying to avoid as much tension as possible between the two parties.

Rather than being grateful for this act of compassion, Mike took Bella's concern as an insult.

"Hey! I don't need you to fight for me! I am certainly tough enough to jump! Just watch me!"

"Mike," Bella said condescendingly, 'We both know you're not actually going to jump off that cliff."

"Yes I am!" Mike retorted with false bravery.

Bella turned to face him head on, her hands on her hips. "I would like to see you try, Mike Newton. You're not going to jump off that cliff."

"Yes I am!" He repeated, apparently unable to stir up anything else to say in his state of utter terror. Jasper and Emmett were loving the scene before them.

"Go on," Bella said. "I dare you." Her expression told us that she didn't believe Mike capable of doing anything so stupid.

What an idiot. Before any of us could stop him, Newton was hurling himself over the edge of the cliff. What had been meant as an easy-going night was suddenly a disaster.

"Oh my God!" Alice screamed, just as Bella yelled, "No! Mike! You idiot!"

Jasper was swearing like a sailor as everyone rushed to the edge of the cliff to see what had happened to Newton, and Emmett hollered, "Hey! Black! Get off the damn phone and call 911! Who knows what's happened to him!"

"Edward!" I heard out of the tumult of calls and cries. It was Alice's delicate voice, frantically yelling at me. "Edward! You have to go in and get him! I don't think he'll come back up on his own!"

"Help him Edward, I don't think he's moving!" Rosalie cried out in hysteria.

Damn it. I refrained from swearing out loud, but raced down the path to the lower cliffs. The sea wasn't terribly turbulent that evening, and I could see fairly well by the light of the moon. I could see Newton floundering in the waves, being tossed in the water up against the rocks. Suddenly, a larger wave hit him and he collided with one of the bigger rocks.

Even at the top of the cliffs I could hear the crack of bone against rock.

I took a running leap and glided through the air, making a perfect entrance into the water. I was a good swimmer, and was able to resurface in seconds. I swam over to where Mike was crushed against the rocks, whimpering like a baby and crying for my help.

Oh man, how did I get myself into this?

Pulling Newton with me as I swam back to the shore, I saw my friends dash to their cars and pull out onto the highway at illegal speeds, and seconds later the flashing red and blue lights of several cruisers drove into view. Of course, fleeing the scene. Great.

I pulled Mike onto the sandy shore, both of us gasping for air, him still whimpering, and me checking to see he didn't have any massive cuts.

"Oh my god! Is he okay?" I heard a girl screaming as she raced out onto the beach where Newton and I were both splayed out on the sand. It was Bella Swan again, followed by Jacob Black, and what looked like a large contingent of the La Push Junior Police Force. About six tall, sturdy teenagers were gathering around us.

"Oh, you're going get it this time, Mason," the oldest one, Sam Uley, whom I recognized, stated in an almost gleeful voice. "The cops are on their way."

"Are you serious?" I wheezed in my rage. "What did I do? Really? It was her that made him jump off the cliff!"

"I didn't think he was stupid enough to do it!" Bella retorted defensively. "He's usually really sensible! I work with him-"

"Yeah, well, tell that to your dad when he gets here."

Bella's face went pale white with fear.

"No, Jacob, you didn't call my dad, did you?" Bella said in a trembling voice. Jacob didn't answer, but he bit his lip and avoided Bella's gaze. "Jake! He's gonna kill me when he finds out I'm here!"

I could barely pay attention with the sirens and lights. Sensory overload… and now this twit was wailing in my ear about her dad being upset. Meanwhile, a group of very unfriendly looking boys were shooting me death glares that almost guaranteed I would be arrested.

"Ok, this party has been fun, but I'm out of here," I leapt up off the sand and took off at my top speed. Thank goodness I ran track-

I heard the boys hollering after me, and even some trying to catch up, not that any of them did. I would have gotten away too, if I hadn't turned the corner and ran smack into none other than Chief Swan himself.

I collided with the Chief and fell backwards on the sand, and several of the Quileute boys caught up with us, as did Bella.

"Edward Masen," Chief Swan stated in a scornful tone. "I shouldn't be finding you here, but I can't say I'm terribly surprised." What the hell was that supposed to mean? Yeah, my friends and I had done a few dirty deeds in our past, but we'd never gotten caught. Had he really suspected us all along?

"Sir," I heard Jacob Black saying in a rushed and worried tone, "Another boy jumped off the cliffs. We pulled him out, but I think he's hurt. We heard a crack at the top of the cliffs-"

"Right," the chief answered in a serious voice. "An ambulance is on the way. Do you know who he is?" None of the boys said anything. "Well? Do you?"

"It's Mike Newton," a timid voice replied. I saw Bella step out from behind the contingent of teenage boys, looking very sheepish under her father's furious glare.

Chief Swan looked like he was choking when he saw his own daughter at the scene of a crime.

"Breathe, Sir," I advised from my position on the ground.

"BELLA!" He hollered with unrivaled fury. "What on EARTH are you doing here?"

"Well," She began, "It's kind of a funny story-"

"Bella," he scolded, "Please, just tell me that you didn't have anything to do with that boy jumping off the cliff.

Bella's eyes were alight with fear, like a deer in the headlights. A very, very innocent deer…

"No sir, she didn't have anything to do with it. It was all me. I goaded him into jumping." I could hardly believe the words were coming out of my own mouth.

"Right," Chief Swan said gruffly, anger billowing out from every orifice. "Both of you are coming with me. To the station."

He yanked me up off the ground and started pulling me toward his cruiser by the back of my wet T-shirt. Bella was following in our wake, looking as dejected as possible.

Just before we reached the road, yet another exciting event caught our attention. It was another cop car with lights flashing and sirens wailing chasing after one of the cars that had fled the cliffs. It looked a lot like…

Oh shit. It was my Volvo. And Tyler Crowley was driving.

My eyes were wide with fury and disbelief as I watched my Volvo, my baby, crash into the fence of road-siding around the sharp corner he had taken. Tyler had probably broken his leg, but I didn't care. My car was totaled.

This night couldn't get any better, could it?

Please review! I will never get this story finished if I don't get lots of reviews urging me to do so! (senioritis has started to infect the creative workings of my brain, making me a lazy potato who only wants to watch movies all the time instead of writing on my many stories like a good doobie. THIS IS BAD! Help me out, review!)

P.S. I editted and reposted this, but if you find any more grammar things, be sure to let me know!