A.N: okay this is my first attempt at a fanfic ^^; ..so it be realy REALLY lame.

"Sasuke! Where are you going?!" Naruto yelled at the top of his voice.

Recently, Sasuke had been running off from their training sessions, for no reason at all.

'why does he keep running away?' Naruto thought to himself, as he flopped to the floor. 'if he can't take getting beaten by me then he should just say so...'. Smirking, he got back up onto his feet.

"ill ask him when i see him again, believe it!" and with that he ran home.


Back at his home he sat down to his table with a bowl of his favorite Ramen. As he was finishing up his bowl there was a light rap at the door.

"i wonder who it could be?" He asked himself as he went to the door. He quickly opened it and found Sasuke stood staring at him.
Sasuke looked into Naruto's eyes, pausing for a moment before averting his gaze to the ground.

"I-i'm sorry about rushing off earlier..."
His voice trailed off and his facial expression changed. He was deep in thought.
"It's okay, but if you wanna give up, just say so" Naruto exclaimed with a smile, rubbing under his nose.

"What Naruto!!!" Sasuke shouted, grabbing Narutos collar, but he suddenly let go and dropped his voice back down, trying to sound calm.
"I just....had to go...i had things to do that were urgent".

Naruto stared at his comrade. wondering what could be so urgent that he would have to flee from training to tend to these 'urgent things'. Naruto looked at Sasuke's delicate facial features, looking from his eyes, which were deep with a mixture of emotions. His eyes then traced the outline of his thin, soft lips, his jawline, then slowly began to move down his body. Naruto was suddenly snapped out of his trance-like state by Sasuke clearing his throat.

"Oh, okay" Naruto smiled his foxy grin, turning a slight pink.

"Hm...well, i'm going, i only came to apologize, Cya later Naruto."

Sasuke slowly turned and began to walk down the garden path.
Naruto unconsciously stepped outside and grabbed Sasuke's arm.

Naruto realized what he had just done and was stumped for an answer and Sasuke was begining to grow a little impatient

"Well...what is it Naruto?"

"I-i uh,...well...uh, do you want to stay over at mine tonight?"

Sasuke's face turned a little pink, wondering why Naruto was asking him such a question and, he was unsure what to say in reply.

"Uh...maybe, will it be just us?"

Naruto's eyes widened, he wasn't sure if Sasuke wanted them alone, or if he wanted more than just him staying over. He took a guess.

"Uh, No! I've invited a few guys over!"
"Oh, okay, well...i'll try to come"

Naruto grinned, feeling fluttery inside. He let go of Sasuke's arm.
"Okay well i have to go get things ready!"
"Fine, cya later Naruto"

"Later Sasuke!"

Nauto waved Sasuke off and closed the door.

"Crap! I need to invite people!"

He rushed over to his phone and grabbed the phonebook on the side.

A.N i'm going to add more chapters ^^
R&R please x