Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own Making Fiends, Amy Winfrey (genius!) and Nickelodeon do.

A\N: Yes! It happen! There's a Making Fiends fan fiction archive! AWESOME! Anyway, on the show, Charlotte says her parents are astronauts. But if you notice, the grandma said, "Yeah, astronauts...". This lead me to believe that Charlotte's parents are really dead, and the grandma lied to her. Then I wonder, Okay, so how did it all go down?. Thus, this story was born! Promise you'll review this after you read it.

Chapter 1

2001, September 4th, Vermont Hospital

Charlene Bluth, age 59, sat on a bench outside a hospital door, frowning.

She had driven all the way from her home in Clamburg, New Jersey to Vermont to make sure her daughter and son-in-law were okay. The two had just been in a plane accident on there way to there 2nd honeymoon.

What if they died, thought Charline, How could I tell Charlotte?

Charline wasn't usually unhappy, she was usually sickeningly happy and oblivious to the troubles of the world...

...but not that day...

Because it is usually had to keep a good attitude when someone you love is probably dead.

A doctor then walked out of the door, and said to her, "Maim, I'm afraid I have some bad news, you daughter and son-in-law...just...didn't make it..."

"NO!", cried Charline, "Why did it have to be them? What am I going to tell my granddaughter?!"

She then began to sob for the first time in years."

"I'm sorry madam,", the doctor, "we really tried all that we could."

The door then opened some more on it's own and revealed two dead bodies with blankets on them while two other doctors played video games on that monitor thingy that's lets you know when a person's died.

The doctor slammed the door shut quickly and nervously chuckled.

Charline began to cry even louder.

The doctor then began to run away from her.

Charline began to wipe away her tears and began to think.

Charlotte was so young, how could it be put down to her gently?

Would Charline have to...lie?

No! No! Not to Charlotte!

But it seemed to be the only way...

Just then she herd some singing, "The hospital is extra fun! Extra fun! Extra fun! The hospital is extra fun! Cause it has shiny things! Tee-he!"


Charline took in a deep breath, stood up, and formed her usual smile.

"Hi grandma!", said Charlotte when she got to her, "So what did you want me here for?"

"Well Charlotte,", she began, but then she looked at Charlotte's smiling face. She couldn't do it! She couldn't just break her heart by telling her her parents were dead! It was to cruel! Besides, one little white lie wouldn't hurt anybody, right?

Charline then continued, "your mommy and daddy just got jobs as astronauts! And they are currently on a mission to the moon! Meanwhile, you get to live with me in Clamburg! I wanted to tell this in the hospital because so nice here!"

Charlotte smiled and shouted, "Hooray! My parents are astronauts! And get to live with you! This is the best day ever!"

"Yep,", Charline, "the best day ever..."

As the two began to walk out of the hospital, she wondered what Charlotte would think when she found out the truth. She hoped Charlotte wouldn't be to mad at her.

But Charlotte never got mad, right?

But then again, being lied to about your parent's death is an exception...

Just like hearing about your daughter and son-in-law getting killed is an exception for being sad.

She didn't want Charlotte to be mad at her, it would be to heartbreaking.

No, Charline wouldn't think about that now.

She still had a lot of time.

To be continued...