Alright, the time has come for this chapter to be posted, the final chapter involving the proper storyline of To Be Somebody First You Need to Be a Nobody. After this chapter of course, you all know the bonus content will follow, like little comics at the end of manga or something like that, except in this case it will be regular chapters, as for the length of these bonus chapters, well that is inconclusive at the moment, it all depends on how it speaks to me. Well enough chit-chatting, enjoy the final chapter of my FanFiction and please, please review!

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from Kingdom Hearts; they all belong respectfully to Square Enix. But I do own Xhomast, and Lixicaa and Alexandrex belong to their creators.

Chapter 25: What It Means To Be a Somebody

"So what's the deal with that red head anyways?" Larxene asked as she casually strode down the castle halls, as if they were on a walk around the block rather than searching for the ultimate biological weapon that the enemy had in their midst.

"Hmmm?" Xhomast asked, not really paying attention, "Oh you mean Lixicaa?" Larxene nodded, her hair antenna bobbing with the motion of her head, "she just doesn't like you. Ever since she played Chain of Memories-"

"Of course." Larxene threw her arms up into the air, "Half the members of this castle hated me after that game. Well in my defense, though I can be bitchy, a lot, I'm not the person that they portrayed me as in the game, I have a heart…well I use to, until it was crushed by the man who I thought I would spend my life with…"

Xhomast turned to her, giving her a sympathetic look without meaning to, quickly changing it to a quick grin, "His loss eh?" I think you're great and that any man would be lucky to have you."

"Yea right, now you're starting to sound like my mother you know that?" Larxene scoffed, yet smiling ever so slightly. Xhomast caught sight of this waiver but said nothing, allowing her to continue, "I don't know why I'm telling you this, it's as if you have the power to relinquish all my secrets or something."

He laughed as he shook his head, "No I don't have that power, but a lot of my friends say that. I don't know, I suppose I'm a good listener, I like helping people out when they're going through a tough time that's all."

Larxene's gaze softened and she opened her mouth to say something but immediately her gaze narrowed and her kunai flashed between her fingers, "It looks like we have some company, and I must say that the form it has taken will be way too easy to beat."

Xhomast smiled, "No kidding eh?"

They both gazed down the hallway where, standing several feet away from them was Vexen, clutching his icy shield, his spine-chilling gaze inspecting both of them. He raised the shield over his chest and bowed before them, "Hello there Larxene, newcomer," he raised his head, "I have returned to the castle. It seems that life without a heart isn't as exciting as I used to reminisce about. Besides it just wasn't the same, unable to perform so many experiments back in this castle with the hearts we have collected with Roxas' keyblade."

"If this isn't Vexen then I think we should give this creature an award for his acting, he does one helluva Vexen impersonation." Xhomast laughed, as his katana was raised in front of him, taking the form of his combat stance once again.

"Nah, he's not creepy enough." Larxene replied in a joking manner.

"Well then let's kill him for not being creepy enough!"

Both of them charged towards Vexen who slouched his back as he got into his own combat stance. As they raised their weapons to attack he quickly raised his shield, as if he was a reflection of them and blocked their attacks with ease. With a hiss Larxene disappeared from sight, using her ability of instant teleportation, appearing behind Vexen, thrusting her kunai to stab him in the back. Vexen however merely raised a crystal of ice, causing her to slam her blades and fist into the pillar, swearing loudly at the impact.

"You imbeciles cannot defeat me! I will outsmart you in any combat situation!" Vexen cackled, as he sent a barrage of stalagmites made of ice after the both of them. On instinct they began to run, feeling the cold coming up closer and closer behind them.

"Cold…" Xhomast muttered softly under his breath, "of course!" He stopped running and turned around, facing the large chunks of ice inches away from him. Xhomast raised his blade and stabbed it into the ground, forming a wall of iced in front of him, the pillars stopping in front of it.

Vexen scowled, "Please I'm the only ice master in this castle!" He dashed forwards and smacked his shield across Xhomast's barrier only to cry in pain, recoiling off of it, "How is your ice stronger than mine? That's impossible!"

"That's not the only thing I can do," Xhomast bragged as crystals began forming behind him, attaching to his shoulder blades once again forming his crystalized wings, flapping them several times as he slowly began to rise up from the ground.

Vexen's right eye twitched with rage, "How is that possible? How have you progressed farther as a master of ice than I have? It's…it's inconceivable it's highly unlikely…it's IMPOSSIBLE!" He roared as he jumped into the air, about to tackle Xhomast when a kunai made contact with his forehead.

A mix between a screech and a shriek gargled out of Vexen's mouth before it collapsed onto the ground and shifted into the form of a heartless, the back of its jacket shifting into an IX. Xhomast blinked, everything had happened in a matter of seconds and was lost in thought.

"Alright score one for the nymph!" Larxene laughed, hopping up in the air, "beat that Samurai."

Xhomast grinned, taking that as a challenge. When the heartless began to stand up on its feet once more, he immediately blasted through the air and swung his katana down, cutting the creature in half, watching its number of lives narrow down once again becoming an obsidian coloured VIII.

"I think I just beat that." Xhomast grinned.

Larxene scowled and threw a kunai as the heatless began to twitch once again and Xhomast noticed this as well, slashing at the head of the creature. It squealed twice and the number skipped VII and went straight to VI.

"I think it's still a tie." He said frowning, "but at this rate the creature will be dead in no time."

"I think you just jinxed it."

He looked down and groaned when he watched the creature dissipate in front of his eyes, vanishing from the floor without reanimating itself once again, "Great it still has six lives left, what are we supposed to do now?"

Larxene shrugged, "Maybe we'll be lucky enough to have run into it again?"

He lowered his head in depression, "I highly doubt it." He raised his head and smiled innocently, "I'm not exactly the luckiest person in this castle. Never won anything in my life really, and I tend to never find things when I look for them."

She pursed her lips, "Then I blame you for his disappearance. It's your fault that he vanished before we could kill him anymore." Xhomast's jaw dropped slightly, "is what I would say if I wasn't a total bitch. Now let's get moving already we're wasting time, but worst of all, I'm actually being kind to another nobody." She shuddered at the thought but Xhomast only continued to smile at her, resulting in her glaring right back at him.

They stood there looking at each other before Larxene groaned, "Why do I get the feeling that we're going to fall in love with one another or something?" She threw her hands up into the air with a sigh, "I suppose it's my own fault for being born this beautiful." She flicked a hand through her hair, shaking her head in slow motion.


"What you don't agree?" She asked angrily, her right eye twitching, "You should be honoured to be in the presence of such beauty and wonder you know that?"

"Heh heh…of course Larxene but seriously can we go and let the others know that we got the number down to 6?" Xhomast suggested.

She rolled her eyes, "Yea whatever let's go already. I want to kill that little bugger a few more times."

Meanwhile with Marluxia and Luxord…..

"This is such a bore." Luxord groaned as he unconsciously rubbed at his blonde goatee.

"You think? I would much rather be back at my garden. For all I know Lixicaa's little beast has torn apart my garden once more and all my years of work will have gone down the drain."

"Bloody hell, stop whining already would you? Hanging out with you is going to make me an alcoholic." Luxord joked, picking random cards out of a deck, smiling every time he picked an ace.

"Well aren't you polite. It's no surprise you don't have a female friend." Marluxia scoffed in an attempt to hurt Luxord's feelings.

Luxord shrugged, "I've always been into the male persuasion."


Luxord flashed a grin, his sparkling white teeth glowing in comparison to the dull walls, "Why Marluxia are you interested?"

He shook his head, "Even if I was into guys I wouldn't go for a drunk like you."

He glared, "First off I was joking about being gay, secondly I am not a drunk. But if I have to listen to your voice one more time I will strangle you and blissfully listen to your gargled screams."

Marluxia's eyes narrowed, "Ok Luxord may be rude at times but he's not this bad." He sliced at the British member with his scythe and it screeched as it reverted back into a heartless form, the number V forming on its vest.

"…Wait so you really were the heartless mimic?"

It hissed at Marluxia before running off, disappearing into the walls. "Wow and here I thought I was attacking Luxord when in reality it was that damn doppelganger." He snapped his fingers, "I wanted to hear Luxord scream!"

"What was that about hearing me scream?" Luxord asked approaching Marluxia from behind, a cup of tea in hand, a crumpet in the other.

"Where did you get those? And what happened to you? I just killed the heartless that was mimicking you!"

Luxord blinked and moved his head to look behind Marluxia, "Where'd the bloke run off to then? Oh and I noticed this sign above the meeting room saying British Member Appreciation Day. So I went in and noticed there was free tea and biscuits for any British member...although now that you mention I suppose that would've been the perfect time for the heartless to take my place without noticing."

Marluxia said nothing; rather he turned his head and began to walk off, clearly unable to believe Luxord's stupidity, despite his love for biscuits. He was pondering whether or not to make a run for it, but the sudden screeching noise in the distance changed his mind, and the two of them darted down the hall, taking a quick right and found Roxas killing yet another Luxord clone.

"I thought it was odd when Xemnas paired Marluxia and myself with you in separate mentioning in that little speech of his…" Roxas stated as he slashed the creature, an IV forming on its vest.

"Wait so it cloned me twice?" Luxord asked as he finished his little crumpet with a satisfied smile. "So should I be honoured and flattered by its interest in me or weirded out that it wants to be me?"

"Shut up Luxord. Oh Roxas slash it again quickly!" Marluxia yelled pointing at the twitching creature as it slowly stood up.

Roxas flinched at first at the sudden yelling but then he looked down just as the heartless was getting up and he quickly slashed down once more, smiling as he it crumpled to the ground and the number III appeared.

"This is just too easy." Luxord said as he sipped from his tea cup.

"Speak for yourself; you're not even doing anything you know that right?" Roxas stated, glaring at him.

Luxord shrugged and finishing drinking his tea, whipping a card at the creature, striking it in the forehead as it had begun to sneak off. It groaned, almost in annoyance, as it fell to the floor and the number synonymous with Xigbar popped up.

"There," Luxord smiled, "I did something. Happy?"

The heartless whined before vanishing into the floor like a shadow would. They all cursed in unison, hoping that they would be able to end this menace as quickly as possible. Marluxia flashed an angry glare over at Luxord, "You really are an idiot aren't you? We could've finished this thing off once and for all, but instead you have to put in your cocky two-sense and bam! It runs away while you're flashing off your stupid grin."

"You seem stressed today Marluxia? What's wrong, did you accidentally plant white roses instead of red?"

Roxas looked at both of them as they began to argue with one another and he sighed as he shook his head in disappointment, he had gotten use to the arguing since he joined this Organization, but he still found the bickering pointless. "So are we going to stand around and argue all day or are we going to find that thing and end its final two lives?"

"No need to." Lixicaa stated as she walked down the hall, past them, "Demyx and I already finished it off, it's gone now."

"Really? Just like that its dead?" Roxas asked. Lixicaa nodded her head, not bothering to give a verbal response. He stared at her blankly then his lip curled into a devious smile before charging at her and cutting her down with his keyblade.

She groaned in pain as she fell to the ground, her body beginning to spasm on the floor. Both Marluxia and Luxord stopped arguing and looked upon Lixicaa's limp body, eyes wide and mouths jarred open. With a horrified stutter in his voice Marluxia spoke first, "Roxas…what did you do?"

He looked up, "She was annoying me. Of course you're arguing is more annoying so maybe I should cut you guys down next?"

Luxord was about to respond when her body shifted into the heartless creature once again, its life counter becoming I. With a sigh he flashed a card and whipped it at the creature, cutting its head off and watching it disintegrate into dust, "Ok that thing was just getting annoying. Could you imagine someone reading this like a story? I mean he just keeps popping up, his jacket shifting numbers, I swear if I was reading our battles as a story I think I would be bored out of my mind."

"Ok that was a random rant…"Marluxia said, stating the obvious.

"Our lives are random." Roxas clarified.

The Meeting Room…

"Well the final soldier of the heartless army has been defeated and we are no longer confronted with a threat. I must commemorate you all for your job well done, even if some of you didn't fight against the creature a single time." Xemnas droned, "and if we no longer have an enemy we no longer need extra combatants for our army."

"Wait a minute, what are you saying?" Demyx piped in, fearing the answer that had already come to his mind.

"It's simple Demyx," Xemnas snapped his fingers and the coats disappeared off of Xhomast, Lixicaa and Alexandrex, "I'm saying welcome back Thomas, Alicia and Jimmy."

Everyone looked over at the three who were once again human and Thomas frowned as he looked down, already missing his jacket as he saw his black t-shirt and navy jeans back on, "So I guess you're going to kick us out now?"

"That's what I was planning," Xemnas replied, "and since you're human I was also going to have Namine erase all three of your memories since entering this castle, and having fake events replace them."

"You can't do that!" Alicia yelled, "What about the friendships we made here? The laughs, the joys?"

"The tears?" Xemnas cruelly mocked. She flinched and stepped down, looking across the floor. "That's what I thought. Now don't worry, your families were informed that you had randomly been chosen for a special new camp where you were taught the proper skills to essay writing."

"Well if you're going to erase my mind then I might as well inform everyone about what happened with Vexen." Thomas declared with a large grin.

It was Xemnas' turn to flinch this time and he looked upon the young adult with a seething anger, "You wouldn't dare boy."

"Oh wouldn't I? What have I got to lose?" Thomas snarled in response.

"What is he talking about?" Xigbar asked, "You told us all that Vexen was killed by one of his recent experiments."

"That is what happened, this boy doesn't know what he is talking about." Xemnas hissed.

"Hey I'm no boy I'm 18, almost 19 now. So clam it grandpa."

"And he does know what he's talking about, cause I know the truth as well!" Demyx boldly announced as he stepped forwards and stood beside Thomas. They flashed each other smiles before both glared over at Xemnas who had begun to look nervous.

"Very well. I'll let you keep your memories, but not your elements or weapons. You no longer need them, and if you had powers like that in the real world who knows what kind of havoc or chaos you could cause."

"What about our jackets?" Alicia whined, "I like them!"

"Alright I'll put a jacket in each of your rooms again, but you can no longer live in this castle. It's time that you all returned home. Besides, you know where to find us now, visit whenever you wish." Xemnas declared through gritted teeth.

Demyx smacked his hand across Thomas' back, "Yeah don't be a stranger. I need my best bud here as often as possible or else I'll go insane!"

"Demyx you already are insane." Thomas said.

He scowled, "Well I'll go psychotic and start murdering my fellow members then."

"I'd like to see you try." Saix whispered with a sinister smile.

Demyx gave a quick, awkward laugh and took Thomas aside, "But seriously dude don't visit like once every 4 months or I will hunt you down."

Thomas smiled, "Demyx I wouldn't do that to you. I think I would go insane if I wasn't around you for a certain amount of time per month."

Demyx's face brightened, "Then I'll be like Larxene's Aunt Flo! She tells us that her Aunt Flo visits for a few days a month!"

Thomas opened his mouth to say something but then decided against it, thinking that Demyx wouldn't even understand it if he tried to explain it, "Yea Demyx, I'll be sort of like Larxene's Aunt…I suppose."

"Though now that I think of it, Larxene is the only one who has family in the Castle and I don't think we're supposed to have guests in the castle. I should talk to Xemnas about this, maybe he doesn't know since Larxene is the only one to actually see this so called Aunt Flo."

"Uh huh…"

"Alright you three, get on your way now." Xemnas ordered.

"Alright already, we're going sheesh." Alicia groaned, "take a chill pill dude."

"I have taken enough stress medication to last me a lifetime, and it all started when you came to my castle!" He roared as a vein located above his temple began to bulge.

The three of them turned their backs to the members of the Organization and walked out of the meeting hall, leaving the secret entrance of Castle Oblivion and finding themselves outside, standing in the cemetery once again, only this time to be greeted by the cool air of October. They stood proudly, knowing that this was something in their lives that they would never forget, not as long as they lived.

"Why are we standing in the middle of the cemetery?" Jimmy asked, breaking the silence as he looked around the gloomy area, crossing his arms across his chest at the sudden cold.

"Heh? What are you talking about?" Thomas replied, "We just came from Castle Oblivion."

He laughed, "Yea right Thomas. You know sometimes I wonder if you're high or something."

Alicia glanced nervously at Thomas, "You don't think…"

The two of them turned around and were greeted by the sight that they had feared. The Mausoleum like building that had contained the entrance to the Castle was no longer in sight, standing in its place was a dying tree, it's branches grey from age, "That bastard," Thomas whispered, "he lied to us. He erased Jimmy's memories and he got rid of the secret entrance!"

"Why would he do that?" Alicia asked softly, her voice beginning to waiver.

"Maybe he didn't want us to come back after all…but I don't see why he only erased Jimmy's mind."

"He really knows how to kill someone from the inside doesn't he?"

"I suppose there's nothing we can do though Alicia, but we didn't leave here empty handed." Thomas stated.

"What do you mean?" She asked, her hair beginning to take flight as the wind picked up speed and strength as if to add a dramatic suspense to Thomas' statement.

"It's simple," he declared, "We now know what it means to be, somebody."

And that's the end of my final chapter and all I can say is goodbye~ I will miss this story like my own child. However I think my writing has strengthened since I started this story and I plan to start my own original story soon after. I also have posted the prologue to my Resident Evil FanFiction but if I don't hear any feedback for it I'm not going to continue it. But please tell me what you all thought about my story, your favourite chapter, character etc. And fear not I will eventually start posting the bonus chapters. They have nothing to do with the plot, since the heatless army is destroyed, but relationships will be strengthened and some good fun times will occur.