Oh No He Didn't



"Good night everybody!"-I cart wheeled backstage. I love New York. Here everything is so much better was faster, bigger, and the guys were so cute! That guy Justin is so hot. What a gorgeous body. If only lilly wouldn't have embarrassed us…


"Welcome to Abercrombie ladies. "- My eyes ripped themselves away from the store as soon as I heard such a manly voice . Justin. Approximately 6'3, very athletic body a killer smile and Brown eyes! Oh my, why is it so tempting to be faithful? I've already cheated on Jake 6 times. Well without counting those long makeout sessions with lilly. Ok, we didn't justmake out! Fudge cake.

"Um…hi."- Lame start lilly. First of all you don't shudder with a guy It let's them know you like them to fast. If you would have read "The Rules" when I gave the m to you, you would've known. Lilley-0 Miley-1 (just cause I'm Hannah) I swear she gets so shy around guys. You should see her around girls. I had to pin her to the wall to finally get something. I can still remember her face as I pressed my lips against hers. HI-larious.

"Hi yourself"-I winked at him spreading a smile on his face. Aww he has dimples. I fucking love Abercrombie, and the guys. Let's see. Silk? No. Why would I want to wear silk on the beach. Ooh this shirt is so cute, but cashmere. Hell no. Maybe I'll settle for cotton. I turn to lilly and she's devouring him with her eyes.

"Just make a move."-I keep on looking for the T-shirt to wear on Amber's party. She blushed.

"no, he's like 20." She tried to move but I got in the way smiling to myself.

"And….? We're 18. Who gives a damn? He looks so good."-Her pupils go left. "See?"-She squeals.

"Ok!"-She 'whispered.' Could she be more obvious? Let's see. The cashmere one was like 20 times better. Gosh. I am so bad at deciding things I'll just take both of them!

"Im so sorry"!!"- Mr. Hot Stuff ignored Lilly's apologies as he whipped the smoothie off his shirt. His brows wrinkled in angry expression.

"Idiot"-I mumbled. How couldn't she have done it. Just a move. A wink, anything. If I would have known this I would have gone after him myself.

Control yourself Miles. Remember you've dated Jake for about 3 years. Our anniversary is …on 2 weeks!

"Bud, that was great!"-As his hands wrapped around me I felt my air escape my fragile lungs.

"Dad! Are you trying to kill me?"-He chuckled a bit and I slapped his biceps playfully. Almost ruining one of Hannah's nail. I grimaced.

"Sorry bud, its just that you were so great tonight!"

"there's a reason for that…-I smiled goofily as Lilly and Jake approached me. Here come's my baby.

"Hi babe."-He leaned in and pecked me softly. My back tensed. I've kissed him thousands of times yes. Heck, We've had tonsof sex but when he kisses me I feel like a piece of my heart was just removed. Ooh, I think I just found Hannah's new song! I looked at lilly and she signaled me. She needed to tell me something. Now? Why? Talk about rude! Girl, I will cuther, Bon Qui Qiu style.

"I'll be right back, Jake. "-What could she possibly want! Just when I was about to tell him to skip the after party and go to his apartment. I guess ill tell her later. I looked at her again. She was biting her bottom lip, Ever hear of Chap-stick, freak? Ok, that's a little mean. I Cant believe I have to leave Jake for this. Wait. Does she want to make out? Ooh turn on.

"Outside."-Talk about being unconsidered. I just finished a concert. I am freaking exhausted. I wonder what she wants to talk about and why we can't just talk in front of my dad. Oh, we cant 'talk' in front of my dad.

"Miley...Um "-Lilly stopped closed the restroom door and her head hung.

"Ok, try getting to the point, Lils."- I pounced at her. She flinched a bit and then leaned on the sink for support. Ok, that pose is only sexy on me. What's not?

"Um, Jake…"--She started. Jake? What does she need to talk about Jake. Oh, so no lilly-Miley time…bummer.

"Yes?" I tapped impatiently. "Jake, What?"-I was getting a little irritated, I wanted to be with Jake right now. I mean it's the least I deserve after 5 months of Tours. I've been to England, France, Italy, Germany, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and thousands of countries. All this time away from my hubby and -"

"He's dumping you"- I could have sworn my eyes popped out of my face.


"For, Mikayla."-She replied abruptly. Ok, she didn't even give me time to react to the first one.

"What!-She instantly covered my mouth. She leaned into my ear.

"I found them making out and she convinced him to break up with you."-I pushed her hand away.

"That's what he needed to talk about?"-She nodded.

"Im sorry"-She said in a calm voice. Contrary to her pitch from a few seconds ago. I smiled weakly and stormed off the restroom.



Where is she? I bumped into a guy for the fifteenth time. Oh my f**** god. How the hell can I loose her so fast? She came out of the concert like a minute ago. Sixteenth time. Fuck, where is she and why doesn't anybody watch where im going? Imbeciles. Hey that's a fancy word. How do you even pro-

I bumped into out 17th player in this little game of bumping into Mikayla.

"What are you doing here, babe I thought you 'd gone home." -Jake.

"What are youdoing here? I thought you were with Miley. I knew it. You're not dumping her"-I yelled annoyed, oblivious to a spy out. This totally ruins my plan. Wait, this is my plan. His face went pallid as he placed his finger over my mouth shushing me.

"Babe. Someone could hear us." -I pouted my lips to which he tilted my head and pecked me. I could have sworn I hear a gasp. God his lips are chap and as dry as a 2 month burrito.

"I don't care. I want you to dump her."- He looked at me a little taken aback.

"Is that all you care about? I mean that's all you talk about. "Fucking retardo. Of course

"Are you seriously asking me that, of course I do. It just makes me so mad to have to share you with her. But I love you. I'm just tired of waiting."-Oh, boy I hate having to be so corny when I'm with him. Why couldn't Miley have gone for someone better? Like me. Eeek, Mikayla what the hell? I'll just pretend I didn't say this. Well, thought actually. Which is worst!

"Ok, its just not that easy. We've been together for about for like 2-3 years.-I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "But, I'll do it. Now."-I smiled pleased, He is so whipped. I pivoted to leave and Met Miley and that other creepy girl who had a neon blue wig on. What the hell. Why does she wear a different one every time I see her. Miley looked at me as if she wanted to skin me alive. I shuddered at this. We all know how much I hated pain. Even if she gave me a killer gaze I could only focus on how gorgeous she looked as both Miley and Hannah.

"Hi, babe."- Jake leaned in to kiss Miley and she pulled away. Whoa, embarrassing. Miley grabbed his wrist and drove him away from me just to stop a couple of meters from us. Far enough to stop me from hearing what they talked about. He better do this right! The weird girl coughed. I eyed her insignificantly and saw in her eyes that she was a little intimidated. I chuckled and Miley turned around. To this I arched a brow and looked at her rather superior. She strode towards me. Why?



:p :p :p :p :p