Don't hate me…its only the first chapter!

She stared out at the sea and it stared right back.

Today it was as still as a mill pond but she knew from her limited experience that it could change in an instant. That the winds could suddenly turn and whip into a frenzy. That waves could appear on the horizon and dwarf a ship. That the rain could begin as suddenly as it could stop.

She wondered what it had been like that day.

She imagined that they where in high spirits, being on the return leg of their voyage. That perhaps there where men lounging about on the deck; talking, singing and generally being merry.

She can imagine the sun being out, shining down on the deck and providing a clear view for miles around, but then the weather changing suddenly. Dark clouds rolling in and all hands on deck as the vessel bobbed on the water.

She can see the other ship approach from the east. For the crew to be so focused on the incoming storm that it takes several attempts for those in the crows nest to alert the main deck about the approaching danger of the enemy craft. Of them finally noticing it and manning their stations.

She can imagine a fierce battle. The men she knew, they wouldn't have lain down and let the French walk over them, they would have fought. Would have given their all. Did give their all.

She could see him quite clearly on the deck. Not standing by the wheel but milling among the men and pulling his own weight, his voice carrying well above the wind as he issued orders for that line to be tightened and for that canon to be tied down.


She didn't react when she heard her name being called but it did break up her vision.

She didn't turn, didn't acknowledge the person walking along the shore wall towards her. She knew who it would be and she knew what they where going to say. She shouldn't really have been out here, but when she saw the sun shining and the reflection that it created on water, it just called to her and she found herself picking up a shawl and taking a walk along the breaker wall.

Margaret Harville sat down by her and they both stared out.

She woman sitting next to her knew how she was feeling. To a degree. She was a sailors wife, had been a sailors wife longer than she had been and had often had to endure long separations away from her husband. Not knowing when or whether he would return.

"I have often wondered," said Margaret quietly, "How something so beautiful can be so destructive?"

Anne turned to the side and looked at her companion. "You did not come all the way up here to discuss the prowess of the sea with me," she stated.

"No, you are right," Margaret said, pulling herself to her feet. "I came to bring you back inside. You shouldn't be out like this."

"A few weeks ago you where complaining I spent too much time indoors." she said, turning back to the water.

"I have no qualms about you being outdoors," Margaret said, "I just wish you'd dress better for the weather. It would not do you any good to fall ill now."

Anne pulled the shawl closer round her, "I suppose you are right," she said.

"You know I am right," Margaret said to her, pulling the shawl further up the other woman's shoulders so that it covered her more. "And where you thinking properly, you would have known that too."

Anne dropped her head. "Can you blame me for being out of sorts?" she asked quietly.

Margaret kneeled before her and caught her eye. "No one blames you, how could we? But you really need to take care of yourself, for now and for after. You are going to need all your strength."

Anne nodded her head ruefully. She knew this, but there where mornings when she woke and just did not feel like getting up and doing anything, let alone take care of herself. Not since…

As she stood, her hand brushed over her swollen belly and she felt a strong kick where her hand touched. A small smile flickered over her face and she found herself placing a hand more securely on her side, revelling in the life she felt beneath her fingers.

It is with this papers deepest regret,

That it announces the fall of the HMS

Aurora. The Royal Navy vessel had been

On the return leg of a voyage to Southern

Africa, when it was step upon in rough

Weather by French privateers and over-

Powered with the lose of 187 of its crew.

Among those announced dead where

Captain Frederick Wentworth, Captain

Charles Hamilton and Lord Milton, a

Passenger on his return to England. It

Is believed that a further 50 odd men

Where taken captive and are currently

Being held in French Morocco.