Title: Inferno

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I don't own it.

A drabble written for the Writer in a TARDIS challenge on LiveJournal. The challenge was to take an onscreen moment and twist it into something romantic.


Taking her hand, he felt the regeneration heat coursing through him. He wondered if she felt that heat instead of his familiar cool touch, and if it frightened her. Gallifreyan blood never warmed affectionately or burned with lust. Only renewal could set it afire.

"I said one word. Just one word," he whispered. "I said, 'run.'"


Her eyes brimmed with tears that could quench his flame. But he wanted this fire. If the barrier between them didn't burn now, it never would.

And he wanted, needed it to burn.

"Hello." Pulling her close, he bent his mouth to hers.