Dinner with the Demon

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters used in this fanfiction. I just borrow them to appease my god complex. Then I put them back.

Chapter 3

When Aikawa had been a young girl, she had prided herself on her creativity and exceptional grammar. She loved writing, but had never been extremely good at it herself. As a major BL fan, she decided to start writing fanfictions to improve her writing skills. And after numerous failed attempts and abandoned stories, she found her true calling. Beta reading. Her persistent e-mails and phone calls to her authors resulted in faster updating, and she was always quick to fix grammar and unclear plot points. So Aikawa had found her true calling while indulging in her guilty passion.

Those same skills that made her such a good beta reader made her a great editor as well, because she insisted upon good results from all the authors she worked with. As Aikawa grew older she got a job at a company as a real editor, but she never deleted her account. It was through that account that she discovered the raunchy works of a certain Usami Akihiko. She spent many late nights reading through his works so that they could be posted online for the general public as soon as possible. Through many e-mailed conversations, Aikawa eventually made the connection between her favorite BL writer and Usami Akihiko, the man she worked with at the company.

It was after making this connection that Aikawa used her acquired key to let herself into Usami Akihiko's apartment and confront the man directly. She had decided to use her full persuasive power to convince the author to publish his books under a penname. Expecting a fight, Aikawa was completely surprised when Akihiko agreed without a fight and proceeded to bounce ideas off of her for his next story. And so began the strange relationship between Usami Akihiko and his BL crazed editor, Aikawa.

Anyway, the pair had been discussing ideas for Usami's next BL story when the phone rang.

"Aren't you going to get that?"

"No." So the pair continued to ignore the phone, but on the sixth time the phone began ringing, Aikawa decided that enough was enough.


"Who are you?" came the curt reply.

"My name's Aikawa. I'm Usami-san's editor. I'll take a message for you."

"Oh, I thought you were his new girlfriend or something."

"Nope. He's got a boyfriend." Aikawa said with a large smile.

"Oh." There was a brief silence.

"So, can I take a message? You obviously have something important to say otherwise you wouldn't have called six times."

Hiroki cleared his throat awkwardly. "Just ask him what time he wants us over for dinner."


"Yes, us. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Boy or girl?"

"Excuse me?"

"Is you lover a boy or a girl?"

The stuttering on the other end of the line confirmed Aikawa's suspicions and ignited her inner fangirl. "I'll call you back in a minute!" she squealed into the phone and quickly hit the power button. Turning to Akihiko she gushed, "Oh my goodness! Two gay couples in one room! For dinner! I must be there! What day is dinner?"

"The day after tomorrow," came the disinterested reply from the couch.

"What time should I be there?"

"Five thirty is good."

"Ok! I'll see you then." Aikawa said as she picked up the phone to call the other guy back to tell him the new time. When she hung up the phone she turned back to the author, "Who was that, anyway?"

"Probably Hiroki."

"He is gay, right?"


Aikawa squealed. "Well, I'll see you for dinner. Get working on that new novel, and don't forget about the deadline on the other one. And I'm bringing someone special for you to meet!" she yelled after her as she walked out of the apartment. Popping her head back in the doorway she added, "And make sure to give those cream puffs on the counter to Misaki!" With a click she was gone leaving Usami Akihiko smoking idly on the couch.

The day of Akihiko's informal dinner turned larger affair had finally arrived, and everybody was preparing in their own way…

"I'm so excited!" Aikawa sang quietly as she began to fiddle with her hair straightener. "And I just can't hide it!" She reverted to humming as she carefully applied her lipstick to make her lips shinny. Her make-up was perfect. Her hair was perfect. Her clothes were perfect. So what still needed to be done? Her special guest needed to be ready as well.

Her special guest was a small stuffed penguin with some very special features. Each of its eyeballs had a small camera inside and the belly housed the recording device. This was Aikawa's chance to get footage of gay men in action (if the large quantity of alcohol she was bringing had any impact), and she sure as heck was not going to let this one pass her by. Besides, with Usami-san's obsession with plushies and her implication that his little guy was actually her significant other, she could probably get away with sitting him at the table. Right by all the action. In a perfect recording location. Oh, Aikawa was excited.

"Ok, sweetie," she sing-song picking up her 'special guest', "we're going to have some fun with the boys! Oh, they are just going to be so excited to see us! I can't wait!" Aikawa got into her can and she drove off towards Akihiko's apartment.


"Are you ready, Hiro-san?" Nowaki asked as he fixed his shirt in the mirror.

"As ready as I'm going to be." Hiroki said as he finished tying his shoe laces, and joined his lover.

Just as they were at the door, Nowaki said quickly, "Oh, wait a minute. I almost forgot," and walked quickly back into the kitchen.

"What did you forget?" Hiroki asked curiously. He scowled at Nowaki when he walked back out. "What are you doing with all that alcohol? I thought that we weren't going to bring anything."

"It's the nice thing to do, Hiro-san," Nowaki explained patiently.

"Well, I'll probably need it to survive tonight anyway. For sure if that crazy woman I talked to is going to be there," Hiroki muttered darkly.

"Let's go, Hiro-san," Nowaki said as he walked out the door. With a sigh, Hiroki pulled his coat tighter around him and followed his lover out the door.

"Please, please let this be a normal dinner," Hiroki said softly as he turned the key in the lock, "Oh, and please don't let Akihiko do anything weird."

In another part of town…


"Bless you," came the response from the kitchen where Misaki was putting the food they picked up in the oven. Akihiko had ordered the food, and the two of them had taken the drive to the restaurant together in order to pick it up. However once they arrived, Misaki noticed that his lover had ordered enough food to feed about fifty people. "I still don't know what we're going to do with all of this food! There's no way we're going to eat it all!"

"We can have leftovers. That's what common people do after large get-togethers. They have leftovers."

"Yeah, maybe for a few days, but this could feed us for the rest of the month! And I'll get fat eating all this!"

"Well then, Misaki, should we do some exercises together?" Akihiko asked as he engulfed his young lover in a hug, "I know something really fun that we can do together."

Misaki turned bright red and pushed him away. "STOP IT! WE HAVE PEOPLE COMING OVER!"



"It's not like they haven't seen it. Hiroki's gay and Aikawa would probably enjoy it."

"That's not really the problem here."

"Then what is?" Akihiko asked with a serious look on his face.

"YOU'RE IMPOSSIBLE!" Misaki screamed as he pushed the older man out of the kitchen and to the couch. "Ok, sit here and don't do anything weird." All the food was being warmed up, the table was set for six people, there was ton of alcohol for everybody to drink, they had quiet yet upbeat music playing in the background, and Usagi-san had managed not to ruin anything yet. In Misaki's book, everything was going perfectly.


Neither Akihiko or Misaki moved.

"Aren't you going to let them in, Usagi-san?"

"You can do it."

"Stupid rabbit," Misaki mumbled as he pressed the button to let their visitors in. Misaki was about to turn away when the buzzer sounded a second time. "Sounds like everybody is here," he said as he pushed the button again to let in the second pair. One thing is for sure. Tonight would be far from boring.

So that was chapter three. Oh, I wish that I was Aikawa! Anyway, the next chapter is the actual dinner. Any comment or review is much appreciated.
