Yugioh meets Yugioh GX

Synopsis our favorite old school Duelists decide to check out the Duel Academy, sparks start to fly as Kaiba and Zane clash, while Yugi and Jaden simply chill out, Joey and Atticus compare Red Eyes Dragon's and Marik and Bakura cause chaos.

Chapter 1) Welcome to Duel Academy

Professor Crowler was in a right state rushing around Duel academy making preparations he had only an hour to get the island ship shape for their VIP guests who were arriving all to soon, if only he'd had more warning they could have arranged an elaborate ceremony.

Everyone had noticed the change in Crowler, his panicked and frantic pace, his insistence that Duel Academy be thougherly cleaned from top to bottom. The halls of Duel Academy were filled with whispered conversations on what was going on. Arguably the wildest rumor was in fact the truth, namely Duel Academy founder Seto Kaiba was dropping in for a visit.

After all what other than the fear of loosing his job could put the fear of god into Crowler?

In actual fact Kaiba was indeed visiting his tropical Dueling Island paradise but not alone he'd brought with him a dozen or so very special guests.

Classes has just finished when Jaden, Chazz, Alexis, Atticus, Zane, Bastion and Syrus all got the call telling them to report to chancellor Sheppard's office. Naturally after just saving the world from the shadow riders there first thought was that they were once again needed to save the world from the forces of darkness. However fortune proved their first assumption to be incorrect.

Chancellor Sheppard appeared agitated they noticed this as they trooped into his office. A nervous Crowler stood beside him.

"So what's up?" Chazz asks him direct and to the point "more Shadow Riders? Or are my Brothers acting up again?

"This situation is far graver than that!" Crowler snaps at him.

"Don't exaggerate Crowler" Chancellor Sheppard reprimands Crowler but remained just as grim "it's not bad per say" he claims "more uncomftable at least for Crowler and me, and the other Academy staff of course"

"Why?" Chazz demands arrogantly "is Seto Kaiba popping over to dish out performance evaluations?" he smirks earning a frown from Zane and a glare from Alexis.

Chancellor Sheppard does not chastise Chazz instead he looks down at his folded hands.

"No way" exclaims a shocked Atticus.

"You mean the rumors are true!" exclaims an ecstatic Jaden.

"What! No way!" exclaims Chazz "Kaiba's coming here!"

"Yes Seto Kaiba is paying us a visit" Chancellor Sheppard confirms "and he is not coming alone, Mokuba Kaiba, Joey wheeler, Serenity Wheeler, Marik Ishtar, Ishizu Ishtar, Rishid Ishtar, Tea Gardner, Tristan Taylor, Bakura Ryo and Yugi Motou will also be accompanying him."

Jaden, Alexis, Syrus, Bastion and Chazz's jaws fall open in shock, Atticus's grin reaches supernova levels, even Zane's calm façade crumbles under such amazing news.

"Sweet!" declares Jaden "the King of Games himself I am so gonna duel him"

"Jaden" Bastion reminds him "you've already beaten Yugi's deck"

"I know but that was just Dimiti pretending to be Yugi, I wanna see how I measure up to the real thing" replies Jaden.

"No!" Sheppard states loudly "at least not yet, I called you here to escort our guests around campus and to try and keep the other students from mobbing them"

"What do they expect?" Alexis asks out loud "Dueling legends like Yugi and Kaiba coming to visit a school filled with Dueling obsessed kids?"

"true and I am sure they will be willing to duel a couple of times and perhaps sign a few autographs but for tonight and tomorrow morning they will want their privacy so can I count on you all to keep their visit a secret?" he asks his students.

"You can count on me Chancellor" declares Zane.

"Just try and stop me from helping out" laughs Jaden.

"Baby-sit Dueling legends for a few days? Why not" Chazz shrugs his shoulders "beats Crowlers spell speed vs. counter trap lecture" Crowler bristles at the insult but remains silent on the matter in front of Sheppard.

"I guess I'm in" Alexis comments "me two" laughs Atticus.

"Hum…" chancellor Sheppard does not look convinced "You'd better start on your way to the docks to greet our guests they should be arriving in half an hour"

Crowler leads the newly appointed Duel Academy Rep's across the Island to the docks muttering oaths under his breath the whole time.

Jaden and Atticus were raving about the Duelists that were visiting sounding disturbingly like fan boy's "Yugi's beaten Seto Kaiba, Maxamillion Pegasus, Marik Ishtar and has chalked up who knows how many wins" enthuses Jaden

"I wonder if Joey wheelers Red Eyes Black Dragon could match my own" muses Atticus.

"Hey maybe we could actually get to see the God cards! Wouldn't that be the coolest!" adds Syrus.

"I'm not sure" scowls Zane "I've heard the God cards are the most dangerous as well as the most powerful cards in the game"

Bastion nods his head in agreement "they could wipe the field with the sacred Beasts in a duel"

"You know I have to admit I'm feeling a little…" Alexis struggles to describe her feeling.

"Star Struck?" suggests Chazz before admitting "yeah me two"

"This is going to be so cool" claims Jaden as they reach the docks with minutes to spare.

"So how are they arriving?" Chazz asks Crowler. "By boat right?" Syrus asks him gazing out to sea.

"Don't as me" Crowler shrugs his shoulders "I don't know"

"By Blimp" Atticus states as he stares up into the sky.

The others follow his gaze and see a massive grey Blimp emblazed with the Kaiba Corp logo descend from the heavens coming in to land by the helicopter pads.

"Whoa way to travel in style" Jaden declares.

A platform is lowered in front of the Duel Academy Rep's from the blimp and the doors open emitting a beam of light.

"They've arrived" Bastion unnecessarily announces.

Everyone waits with baited breath as a madcap group climb out of the Blimp.