Oh, great. Probably got some pretty angry readers out there at the moment…what has it been? Three/Four months?

I do actually have some valid reasons as for my lack of updates, not sure if anybody is bothered to hear them or not, but it's the basic excuses that the writers on fanfiction normally give.

A) I've have had LOADS and I mean LOADS of exams lately.
B) Day to day life has been quite hectic and stressful.
C) School work calls.
D) I've been working on some personal projects of my own instead of fanfiction – but now I'm back!

I bet you're all jumping for joy.

So I don't really have a full length chapter for you, but more of a teaser/preview of what's to come in future chapters. Enjoy!


"It was terrifyingly feral!" Emmett exclaimed with a boisterous smile. "Old Eddie here probably wouldn't have been able to keep up with her. Lucky enough she was too distracted to notice us tailing her, wouldn't have liked to have been on the receiving end of THOSE monsters." Emmett revealed his teeth and made clawing motions at the air.

The rest of the Cullens looked at Emmett blankly before turning and wandering back to their previous occupations. Alice and Edward escorted Bella upstairs, while Esme and Carlisle moved into Carlisle's study, and Jasper and Rosalie moved outside to work on their cars.

Emmett sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well it was!" he cried out in a childlike tone.

Silence greeted him, irritating Emmett into leaving the house himself and moving towards the surrounding forest.

Wandering through the trees, Emmett started kicking at the debris on the forest floor. Amusing himself by hiding behind some of the trees and jumping out at an unsuspecting rabbit or fox at random intervals of his wander.

Emmett sighed, letting his body fall onto the floor, and lent back – resting his arms behind his head and staring upwards.

Nobody seemed to take Emmett seriously, with Rosalie's constant pining over her lost humanity and the rest of the Cullen's totally immersed in the new addition to the family, Emmett was pushed even more to the back of any events.

He didn't mind though, loving his family and tolerating his family were two different things. And with Emmett's total loyalty to his family, he couldn't complain that their attention wasn't totally focused on him.

He wasn't a selfish creature, but when his words were disregarded without a thought, it hurt him slightly. Jasper could feel it and Edward could hear it, yet they did nothing to console Emmett that he was a valid member of the family and that his opinions were taken seriously.

Sometimes he wondered if he was just a clown to the family. The guy with a buff body yet the mental age of a six year old. The useless joker.

He would never know, their true opinion was lost in their own motives.

Emmett sighed again, opening his eyes. With a shock he realised he had been out in the forest for over several hours – and the sky, once light, was now completely dark.

He got up, brushing the leaves and dirt off his trousers, before turning back in the direction of his home and drifting back at a slow, leisurely pace.

His legs felt heavier as he walked back and his shoulders hunched up slightly.

Something in the atmosphere of the forest wasn't right.

There was something…off about the temperature in the air.

Stopping suddenly, Emmett whipped round and narrowed his eyes at the surrounding trees.

It was totally silent, eerily so, as Emmett span round again.

Launching himself at the closest tree, his hands and legs helped Emmett to fling himself up a few feet onto a branch of the tree.

Perching on the branch, Emmett raised a hand to shield his eyes and craned his head, scanning the floor of the forest.

As he started to move his gaze to a more easterly direction, there was a flicker.

Pausing, he squinted from the corner of his eye. In the darkness he could just about make out the shape of a…person.

Too still to be human.

Cursing, Emmett leaped off the tree, landing with a silent thud, and sprinting in the direction he had seen the figure in.

The figure spotted Emmett's approach and spun, the hood on their cloak covering their face as they ducked their head and started to escape in the opposite direction to Emmett.

They hadn't planned on being seen.

Emmett forced himself to move faster, envisioning prey in front of him instead of another vampire.

He was within a breaths whisper, reaching his hand out – his fingertips made contact with a soft material, before he was suddenly thrown to the side from the force of a collision.

The attack had come from the right of him.

Spinning round with the speed only a vampire could posses, an acidic hiss escaped from Emmett in reaction to the surprise attack.

There's two of them.

Emmett couldn't make out the features of the two vampires, who had stopped and were facing him now.

"Who are you?" Emmett called, the defensive tone in his voice making the words ring louder through the forest.

The two figures moved closer to each other, their words slurring together in Emmett's ears.

Their words were strange to Emmett, like an echo of a language he had studied before, but in a more intense, aged form. Italian?

Were they Volturi?

"We only want one," the taller figure of the two suddenly called out.

Emmett frowned, moving slightly out of his defensive position and straightening up.


The smaller figure moved towards Emmett now. "Only one," his accent rang through the words, making Emmett understand that the two were finding it difficult to string the words together.

"Who –" Emmett started to ask when the smaller figure waved a hand.

"No," he hissed, and then a few more unintelligible words escaped his lips.

The taller figure nodded his head and then both vampires were…gone.

As if they had vanished through thin air, or had moved too quickly for Emmett to see, he suddenly felt the irrational paranoia set in. They could be anywhere, even right behind him.

Racing back to the Cullen household, faster than he had even done before, Emmett skidded to a stop outside the front door before turning and looking at the forest again.

Were they still out there? Were they looking straight back at him within the leaves?

The answer was simple.

Yes they were.

Well, not sure how you all found that.

Remember that it's still only a teaser, it's not like it's supposed to make sense or anything...Wait, they are?

Moving on, I hope you enjoyed it anyway, it would be good to hear some feedback on it even if it isn't a full chapter.

Happy first of December to those still on it, hope you've all got your advent calendars reading for the countdown!

And now…I unleash you, my toasties, run free with your imaginations onto who the two vampires could be! Volturi? Enemies? Friends?

Only you can decide…actually, no, I will…but let's create an atmosphere here anyway.