An ordinary day at Odaiba High School goes horribly wrong when six students decide that they're tired of playing by the rules.

It was an odd sensation that woke Motomiya Daisuke up that morning. He couldn't exactly think of what it was. It was similar to dread, but dread wasn't usually laced with excitement, was it? The high school first-year was just excited because today that was big day. He'd decided that no matter what happened that day he was going to confess his true feelings to the love of his life. He only prayed that she felt that same.

"Daisuke, I'm leaving you here unless you get your butt out of that bathroom this instant!"

The threatening words of his sister reminded him that he couldn't afford another tardy on his record and he ran out of the apartment before Jun had even picked up her keys.


Yagami Hikari sat up and rubbed her bruised rib. "Did you really have to do that?"

There was no reply from her morning assailant, but she didn't need one. It was her wake-up call because she'd been too lazy and neglectful to pay attention to her alarm clock. Or her mother's yells. The fourteen year old dragged her body out of the warm blankets and shivered as the cold enveloped around her bare legs. She stumbled to her dresser and began running a brush through her short hair. It wasn't long before she emerged from her room, dressed for the day.

Kari smiled up at the sky and walked to school, a small skip in her step. It was going to be a good day.


The blond boy pulled himself up from his uncomfortable position on the couch and cracked his neck. He didn't remember falling asleep on the couch, though there was a foggy recollection of his brother sleeping over but the details were fuzzy. He looked around his empty apartment only to find it just that… empty. His mother had gone to work and his brother had left. Those two things added up to one conclusion; Takaishi Takeru was late for school.

He ran around his room, frantically trying to find his uniform blazer and tie. He cursed himself for not bending to his mother's demands to clean his room. Just as he slipped through his front door and locked it behind him, he remembered he hadn't finished his history assignment.


The lone girl sat in front of a computer waiting for it to load. She'd been here for a half an hour already. She felt so pathetic sitting here. By herself no less. And if that wasn't the worst part, this was her daily routine. She came to school before anyone else; the only other presence she ever noticed was a weary janitor or the occasional teacher coming in early to prepare for a lesson. Inoue Miyako sighed. She was a loser, and she knew that. This was her second year in high school and she was a nobody. She blended into the background. Her appearance was, beside her lavender colored hair, unnoticeable.

And she wanted people to see her, so very much.


"What am I doing here?" A very short first year student mumbled quietly to himself. "I don't belong here." His over-large backpack was pressed firmly to his back, giving him the appearance of a turtle. He walked quickly passed the older students in the hallways, desperately trying to avoid their off-glances and strange glares. He tucked his head low into his hoodie and kept his gaze to the floor.

He was the weird, non-talkative, thirteen year old who skipped a few grades. Hida Iori. The kid who didn't belong. He was just someone who avoided socializing and stuck to his studies, managing to advance himself in school. He was now in his first year of high school and had hated it every single day of it.


Soccer was his excuse for transferring to this school. Odaiba had an excellent team, one that relied on all of its members' strengths instead of focusing on one person. He hated carrying other people's weight. His parents were not so agreeable on this tender subject, but they, his mother more than his father, wanted him to be happy.

Ichijouji Ken walked up the front steps to his new high school, new schedule in hand and a bored expression on his face. Given the option, he would have graduated long ago, but his parents insisted that even though he was a genius, he mingle with peers his own age. So he was now going to be a first year Odaiba High student, starting off in the middle of the year. "Oh joy."


"Take your seats please, morning announcements are about to start," Homeroom teacher Nanikato Chiyoko addressed her mix of first and second year students.

They filed in slowly, taking their seats at their own leisure.

"Morning Kari," TK yawned as he took a seat next to her. "Did you do the history work?"

Kari rolled her eyes but opened her shoulder bag nonetheless and pulled her notebook out. She handed it to him with a smile. "You owe me."

"Hey Hikari!" Davis beamed as soon as he walked into the room.

The entire classroom turned to stare and him; though the morning antics of Motomiya Daisuke had become somewhat ritual, they still pitied him. Everyone had known from day one that he would never have a shot with the small girl. Everyone that is except for Daisuke himself.

"Hi Davis," Kari replied in a bored monotone.

"Motomiya," TK acknowledged as the spiky haired teen took a seat in front of them.

"Takaishi," Davis said with a nod.

"Class," Ms. Nanikato called. "We have a new student that I'd like to introduce you all to." She gestured for a student by the door to come in.

The boy with pale skin and shoulder length blue-black hair walked to the front of her desk and gave a small bow.

"Students this is Ichijouji Ken, a transfer student from the next city over. I expect you all to be polite and respectful." The look she gave her students caused them to nod. "Very good. Ken, please take a seat in front of Mr. Takaishi and next to Mr. Motomiya. Boys, raise your hands so Mr. Ichijouji can see where to sit."

Davis waved enthusiastically while TK merely raised his hand lazily. Ken moved away from the teacher and over to the designated area where the brunet and blond were waiting, the former more expectant than the latter.

He found that his new seat would be in the last row of desks, almost at the very back next to the windows. He advanced on that row, finding a small boy slumped over his text book at the very front. Several students sat between his seat and the little guy at the head of the row.

Iori's eyes only glanced at Ken for a fraction of a second before he turned his attention back to his global studies volume and continued to photocopy it to memory.

Miyako stared at the new guy, Ken, with wonder. From behind her large glasses she had no doubt that she must look like a freak. Her eyes were no doubt the size of saucers. But she couldn't tear them away from him.

Ken took note of the bottle-eyed girl staring at him, practically drooling. He felt bad for her and offered an uneasy smile. When he smiled down at her, she caught his light blue eyes and smiled back. He sat behind her and she could have sworn her heart skipped a beat.

"Hey, I'm Daisuke, but everyone calls me Davis," Davis said with an extended hand.

Ken took it and introduced himself.

"Cool dude, this is TJ and Hikari," Davis said pointing out TK and Kari.

Kari interrupted him with a cheerful smack to the back of Davis' head. "You can actually call me Kari and this is TK. With a 'K' not a 'P' or whatever other letter Davis likes to use."

TK nodded and Ken reciprocated the action.

"So what do we do in here? Actual work or what?" Ken asked unsure of whether he should be pulling out a book like the kid at the front.

"Naw," Davis answered. "We just have to come in here for attendance and then listen to the announcements. After that we're free to go."

"Announcements?" Ken looked puzzled.

It was TK who answered his question this time. "Yeah, the school board got it in their minds that there isn't enough interaction between the administration and the student population. So they started the morning announcements."

"It's really dumb to begin with," Kari added. "It's just the principal doing a live broadcast from his office. He basically tells us to have a nice day, study hard, and make the school proud. Stuff like that. Occasionally he'll throw in a notice, like what's for lunch or what hallways are closed. It's like five minutes long then we go to first period."

"Ah, thanks," Ken said with a grateful smile to his trio of new acquaintances.

A television turned on at the front of the classroom and a silence fell as the students turned their attention to the screen.

Davis leaned over that whispered so only Ken could hear. "It's starting."

A black Hawk with red ribbons lacing around its body and the words, "ODAIBA HIGH SCHOOL HOME OF THE SOARING HAWKS" written in bold lettering on the streams of red appeared on the TV. The ribbons began to untangle themselves, as if there were being pulled away. The hawk opened its large beak and flapped its wings before flying off the screen.

The screen went blue for a moment before a man appeared behind the Principal's desk. He sat tall, his hands resting on the mahogany surface. He was wearing a crisp dark suit, but his face was hidden behind a black ski mask. The voice that transmitted from the speakers cracked, the natural sound being distorted.

"Attention students. This is your new principal speaking. I am proud to bring you the last day of your lives. Oh but don't worry… you'll have one last moment to say goodbye. Have a nice day."

The screen went black while the students' shock and silence dragged on.

Then chaos erupted.

A/N: March 31, 2009

Disclaimer: PrincessJaded does not own Digimon. Nor does she own any recognizable brands (i.e. clothing, food, and the like).
Beta'd: SugarSpiral... I love you Aana!

This is a tester chapter. Depending on the response I get for this fic, I'll decide whether I continue it.
All 12 Digidestined will be in this fic but it is completely AU, so no Digimon =( Sorry. I'm working on a new one with the mon.

Please review, I'd love to hear your thoughts and/or concerns. If you don't think it's good, say it in a nice way, I'm not too partial to flames. Translation: I'll flame your ass right back, even worse. :D
