Summary: Bryce is trying to recover in the hospital. Ellie is pissed she was kept out of the loop. Chuck and Sarah are free to have a normal life. Of course everything gets jumbled up…there is going to be a sequel after all!

Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck. Chuck is owned by (blank)(blank)(blank). I will type out the name of THAT network when they stop screwing with Chuck fans and give us our renewal already!

A/N: Well, this is it guys. For those of you who stuck with me throughout, I don't know what to say. It really means a whole lot. I feel a little strange that the story is already over. It seems like I JUST started it. I am glad that so many people enjoyed reading it however. Now I will be free to work on Ashes exclusively for a while (although I have another story bugging me to be written, so I may still be working on two). Anyway, I would love to hear your feedback on what you thought of this final chapter and the story overall. It's only through the feedback of the readers that I have come along with my writing as much as I have in such a short period of time. Thank you very much to my beta for this chapter, the great Notorious JMG. If you haven't read any of his work…well, you haven't spent much time in the Chuck fanfiction area have you? Also a very distinct shoutout to another author in this chapter. I want to see if they (or anyone else) picks up on it. Anyway, that's all for now. Thank you for reading, and I hope you'll enjoy my other works and the eventual sequel to this story. Now…please enjoy Bryce and Jill vs. Chuck and Sarah chapter 23: Endless, Nameless.

Waikiki Beach
Honolulu, Hawaii
Friday May 28, 2010
6:20 PM HST

He knew this should be a happy occasion. And he was happy. He was a bit nervous, true. But still he was happy. It was the day he'd dreamed about for…well as long as he had remembered after all. Today, Chuck Bartowski would marry the girl of his dreams.

It was funny in a way that the woman he'd once thought that he would be exchanging vows with was a would-be bridesmaid in the service. He certainly found humor in that particular turn of events.

So let's get this straight Chuck, he thought to himself. You're happy, nervous, humorous, and…

"Awesome, the third string best man is here!" Devon rolled over towards John Casey who was entering the tent that was serving as the groomsmen's room. The doctor held his hand up offering the Colonel a high-five. Casey glared at the groom's brother-in-law momentarily and then turned away with a grunt.

"Come on guys, this is a happy day." Devon was clearly the most chipper person assembled amongst these men.

Well, I guess I found the fourth thing I'm feeling. Third string best man. That thought made Chuck sad. It wasn't a slight against Casey, but the title was true. His first choice for a best man was the very reason this wedding was where it was and on the day it was. It was the one year anniversary of Morgan's death. Sarah was probably the least picky bride ever. Her only stipulation had been that she wanted a beach wedding. So it had dawned on Chuck that it would make it almost feel like his oldest friend was there if they had it on that day and in Hawaii, where the bearded man had dreamed of one day moving to start a new life. Chuck thought it fitting if he began his own new life here in Morgan's stead.

His second choice would have been Bryce. Chuck had known Bryce since Stanford and despite the resentment he had once felt towards his former roommate, Chuck now accepted that Bryce had always been a good friend to him. And so it was that Chuck Bartowski started making final preparations to go meet his bride without the two best friends he'd ever known. But I'm still happy. I'm nervous, true. And I'm a little sad now. But for the most part happy. Think happy thoughts Chuck.

Allen Memorial Hospital
Moab, Utah
Monday November 30, 2009
8:02 PM MST

Bryce's condition was improving, but with the painkillers he was on, he wasn't able to maintain consciousness for long periods of time. Sarah knew that if she didn't get Jill out and about, she would spend every minute of every day by Bryce's side letting herself waste away. It's probably what I'd do if Chuck was in that condition.

While Chuck's injuries had not been severe, he still felt the effects of his time of imprisonment under Fulcrum watch. Simply moving around still felt like a chore. So while Jill had been out with Sarah, Chuck sat with Bryce.

Chuck was focused on his PSP when a rustling from the bed drew his attention.

"Chuck," Bryce spoke with a voice weakened by his condition and made worse by the pain meds.

"Hey buddy. You sound a little like Vito Corleone there." Bryce managed a weak smile at his friends attempt at humor. Chuck's own smile was subdued by seeing the 'invincible' Bryce Larkin in this condition.

"Chuck, you saved my life." Through his brief stints of being awake, Bryce had yet to speak to Chuck until now. Jill had told him about how they escaped the facility. He'd made a promise to himself that he'd let Chuck know just how grateful he was when he finally spoke to him again. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Chuck leaned back in his chair. "I wouldn't have even gotten out of that facility if it wasn't for you." Pausing, another thought occurred to the taller man. "And you wouldn't have even gotten shot if you hadn't been protecting me. I slowed you down." The smile that had once been on Chuck's face had now turned into a frown.

"Chuck, don't…" Bryce searched for the right words. Feeling like you'd been run over by and eighteen- wheeler didn't help the situation. "We looked out for each other. That's what friends do right?"

Chuck's smile returned as he looked down at his buddy lying supine on the hospital bed. "Right. We look out for each other."

"So, I guess this is it for you right? Fulcrum's gone. That was your goal. That was your Moby Dick."

Bryce's point was not a revelation to Chuck. He'd been turning the implications of what the end of Fulcrum meant over in his head for over a week now. In fact, for the first time in a long time, Chuck felt really good about where his life was taking him.

"Yeah." Chuck felt his pocket for what must have been the thousandth time that night for the bulk it contained. "I'm proposing to Sarah tonight."

Bryce's face seemed to take on a contemplative expression. Slowly his lips began to turn up at the corners. "That's great Chuck." The bedridden spy could sense the doubt and nervousness his friend was exuding. "Chuck, she wants that. I promise. You have nothing to worry about."

"But what if…" Chuck looked away from Bryce. "What if she finds out that it's not enough? What if she misses all of this?" Chuck began waving his arms around to indicate what Sarah would be leaving behind.

"What, hospital rooms?"

"No, Bryce. What if she only thinks she wants a normal life…but when she gets it she realizes she misses being a spy?" This had been one of Chuck's biggest worries about moving on with Sarah. She'd been a spy all of her adult life and now she was planning to just give it up. Such a huge change seemed foreign to Chuck.

"Chuck…Sarah is a great spy. You know that. She loves what she does."

"You're not really doing anything to assuage my fears here Bryce."

Bryce chuckled softly. "But despite all of that, she loves you more. Sarah Walker has always been the consummate professional Chuck. One person has ever made her behave differently. It's you. You're more important to her than any career. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and for once give Chuck Bartowski a little credit."

"Thanks Bryce." Chuck heard footsteps approaching outside the door. Instinctively he reached for the gun tucked into the waistband of his pants. The door cracked open and Jill Roberts' face looked in on the two men. Chuck relaxed and turned back to Bryce.

"I guess that's my cue. I'll see you two later." Chuck stood up to leave.

"Hey, Chuck…good luck." Bryce smiled back at Bryce and waved at his old college friends as he left.

"Good luck?" Jill was puzzled by Bryce's parting words to the nerd.

"Chuck, uh…wants Sarah to take a look at something tonight." Jill looked at him quizzically. "A proposal if you will." That did the trick.

"Oh my God! Are you serious?" Bryce nodded. Jill couldn't keep the smile off of her face for her two friends. It's good to have friends, she thought.

"Um, Jill, before I have to knock myself out again, can I talk to you about something."

"What is it Bryce?" Jill was afraid this was going to be another one of those "we shouldn't be together" speeches. Her face must have shown her fear.

"You think I'm going to say something to hurt you don't you?" Jill looked sheepishly at her partner and nodded shyly. "I'm not Jill. At least I'm going to try not to." Jill pleaded with her eyes for him to continue. When he didn't right away, she felt the need to break the silence.

"Don't try Bryce. Just don't do it." Her tone wasn't harsh. That said even her soft voice didn't hide the fact that she'd issued a demand and not a request.

"Jill…I'm sorry…" Jill could already feel her heart beginning to sink again. She knew how this story ended. But then Bryce continued. "I'm sorry for how I've treated you. Especially after the fight we had. I…I kind of suck at relationships." He half smiled up at the brunette woman.

"Who doesn't?" she asked. Jill now sported a grin of her own. "You don't have to say anything else Bryce. You don't have to apologize. You came back. And I love you."

"I love you too Jill."

"Alright, so now you need to hurry up and get all healed up because I want to thank you for coming back to me properly." She clutched Bryce's hand in her own.

"Why wait? It will hurt, but hell, give me a stick or something to bite down on and let's have at it. No sense wasting this private room." Jill playfully slapped his arm and chuckled at her partner. My boyfriend, she corrected herself. Leaning down, she gave him a soft but sweet kiss.

"Goodnight Bryce."

"Goodnight Jill."

Sarah and Chuck's Hotel Room
Moab, UT
Monday November 30, 2009
11:21 PM MST

When Sarah stepped into the bedroom from the shower, Chuck was already lying in bed. She couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. She stepped lightly so not to wake him if he was asleep. Rest was a big part of getting over the injuries he still suffered with.

Chuck heard Sarah enter the room. He then noticed she was trying to walk lightly. Well, that part worked. She really thinks I'm asleep. Okay, she's coming towards the bed. Here goes nothing.

Sarah very carefully pulled back the covers on the bed hoping she didn't disturb Chuck. All of that went out the window however when she discovered that under the covers on her side of the bed was a small box. The box was opened, and inside the box was…Sarah gasped. Oh my God!

When she looked up, Chuck had turned to face her. He'd pulled himself to one knee, which with his current physical condition was a monumental task. With the bed beneath him, Chuck was still eye to eye with the blonde on one knee, so he hunched over to make sure he was looking up at her.

"Sarah," he began. "I don't have to give you a history lesson on how much my life sucked before you. You know the path I was traveling down. When I was just an asset, and you my handler, you told me that it was your job to protect me. You were great at your job. You protected me from harm; you protected me from a bunker; you protected me from my self doubt. But what you did more than anything else Sarah Walker is you protected me from self destruction. I owe you more than I could ever repay."

Tears were now running freely down Sarah's face. Chuck had picked up the ring and was holding it in one hand. His other hand was held tightly by both of Sarah's hands.

"Sarah…I know you've lived an exciting life. I can't offer you that excitement."

I don't want that Chuck! I just want you.

"What I can offer you is that I will love you for every minute of every day for the rest of my life."

That is all I want Chuck. I'll love you too. Now ask already you big nerd!

"So I'm going to stop rambling on now."

Good, because I can't hold it together much longer.

"Sarah Walker…I guess I'm trying to say…will you marry me?" And in that moment, seconds seemed to drag on for decades. He thought she'd say yes, but there was that tiny insecure part of him that was scared she wouldn't. God, she is taking forever.

In reality, she only took 1.3 seconds to pull her emotions in enough to muster a muffled but enthusiastic "Yes!"

Chuck removed the ring from its box and slid it onto Sarah's left hand. With the symbol now firmly in place, the blonde attacked her new fiancé's lips with her own. Neither of them had ever been happier. That night, Sarah and Chuck made love for the first time as a betrothed couple. Then a second time, followed by a third, and finally a fourth before they both succumbed to the exhaustion from their exertion.

They fell into a deep sleep. Wrapped around each other like a second skin, wearing nothing but smiles, Chuck and Sarah had neither ever been so contented.

Ellie and Awesome's House
Irvine, CA
Tuesday November 31, 2009
7:05 PM PST

Chuck and Sarah had flown back to California that afternoon to have dinner with Ellie and Devon. They'd yet to break the news to them about the engagement. In actuality, they were holding onto that little bit of information hoping it would serve as a get out of jail free card for not telling Ellie what was going on with Chuck's condition until days after he'd been released from the hospital.

"If I'm going to be the doctor for you 'team' then I have to know what's going on with your team!" she'd admonished Chuck. Sarah had done no better when she'd tried to calm down a hopping mad and overprotective Ellie.

So here they stood outside the house of Chuck's sister and her husband fully prepared to take the wrath of the mama bear Ellie Bartowski-Woodcomb. Chuck stood to Sarah's left so he could cover her ring bearing hand with his own. Looking into one another's eyes, they prepared themselves for whatever might await them inside as they had many times before. Finally after several moments of silence, Sarah finally reached out and rang the doorbell.

Eventually Ellie answered the door. "Oh, hello strangers." Her tone was flippant and emotionless. She turned to walk away leaving the door open for the couple to let themselves in.

Forgetting why he was guarding his fiancé's hand, Chuck quickly reached out to grab his sister. Pulling her back to face him, the human Intersect pulled the lady doctor into a big hug. Before Sarah could pull her hand away however, Ellie caught sight of a gleam on the spy's ring finger. She immediately pushed her brother out of the way and moved to face the blonde.

"Sarah?" She turned to the nerd. "Chuck?"

"Yes Ellie," they said almost in unison.

Ellie squealed in delight as she grabbed the hands of the other woman and began jumping up and down excitedly. Suddenly however a thought occurred to the doctor. Her face turned serious and her exuberant jumping ceased.

"Can you people get married? Wait-I'm sorry, I don't mean you people, I just mean you know-"

Sarah let out a small giggle at Ellie's awkwardness. "I'm sorry Ellie, you're right. Spies can't get married." Ellie's face fell to a devastated frown. Before she could say anything, however, Sarah continued. "That's why we decided to quit."

"Quit?" The shock in Ellie's voice was evident. "You're going to quit? So, you'll both be…normal?"

"I don't think we'll ever be normal sis." Chuck laughed even as he spoke the words. He looked to his fiancé and reclaimed her hand before speaking again. "But that's okay. Everything is going to be perfect."

Allen Memorial Hospital
Moab, Utah
Wednesday December 1, 2009
9:37 AM MST

"I need a crash cart in here!" Medical staff scrambled to the scene of the emergency.

"This guys coding." The patient's heart rate had plummeted suddenly. His girlfriend watched in shocked horror as the doctor's furiously tried to revive the dark haired man.

Their efforts all seemed to be in vein however. Even after several hits with the defibrillator the patient slipped from this mortal coil.

"Alright, we did everything we could here people. Calling the time of death," the senior doctor paused as he glanced at his watch. "Uh, call it 9:40 AM."

The sheet was pulled over the man's young, attractive face and the assorted doctors and nurses grimly left the room. In there stead they only left the brunette woman to grieve her loss.

"Oh my god," Jill whispered sadly.

"What?" Bryce said looking up from his wheelchair.

"Bryce…when you were in surgery…and when you were in and out of consciousness for the last week…I was…I thought that would be me over there mourning your loss."

Bryce sensed the dread emanating from Jill. "Hey," he began. "Look at me." The doctor of bio-chemistry acceded to his wishes but her eyes still brimmed with tears at the thought of having almost lost him. "That was never a possibility." She looked at him questioningly but didn't interrupt. "I couldn't leave you here without making everything alright. You don't have to worry about me leaving you Jill." His smile was further reassurance that he wouldn't leave Jill's side.

She looked down to Bryce and answered his smile with one of her own. "You ready to get out of here?"

"Yeah, let's go see the soon to be newlyweds."

"So sure are you she said yes?" Jill's spoke with a teasing tone. She knew Sarah would say yes. Even though most people couldn't tell, Jill knew that the blonde was somehow even more in love with Chuck than he was with her. And that's an almost sickening amount of love, Jill thought. Of course I suppose I can't really talk. She smiled down to her partner turned lover turned…well, we'll see where this goes.

Castle Base, Below the Orange Orange
Burbank California
Wednesday December 1, 2009
7:24 PM PST

Casey had to admit to himself that he'd had a lot of fun over the last couple of weeks. Working with Anna had been a breath of fresh air. She was a capable agent, despite being green, and she was reliable as a partner. And oddly enough she'd seemed to understand the gruff veteran NSA agent. He could stand continuing to work with his former Buy More colleague. Working with her reminded him a lot of working with Walker over the past two years and change. Except I don't have to pry Anna off an asset every two minutes. Casey laughed inwardly at his mental quip. I'll have to remember to write that one down.

Anna had really appreciated her experience back home. They told you in training that agents really didn't have a home. They were dead wrong. For at least the two plus weeks she'd been back in Burbank, Anna Wu knew she had a home. She'd even had a good partner during her stint. While she would have loved to have known what exactly the point of this operation was, she was content to know that they'd accomplished something important. On top of everything else, Anna knew she would take away from this assignment a wealth of knowledge she'd gleaned from her more experienced temporary partner. I wouldn't mind working with John again, she admitted.

Bryce and Jill emerged from the back of the base from a spirited workout. At least Casey was going to pretend that it was a workout that had made them work up the sweat that was still evident on their faces. Then it dawned on the Major that in Bryce's condition, he was in no shape to be working out. That fact made him admit to himself what he was really seeing the after affects of. Stop it John! Don't need to have an aneurysm now that Operation Moron is finally over for good. Casey was quite positive his two long time teammates were on their way out the door after this last mission. Although he'd never tell anyone, he was really happy that two people who'd sacrificed so much for the greater good would finally get to enjoy the world they'd help make a better place.

Finally with only two minutes until the scheduled briefing, Chuck and Sarah found their way down the stairs to Castle. Both carried a single sheet of paper in their hands.

"What you got there?" Casey asked them knowingly.

"Letters of resignation," answered Sarah. The smile on her pace refulgent.

"Hold on to those for the time being agents." Dammit! General Beckman…always the buzz kill.

"I'm sorry General?" Sarah wasn't letting this go that easily. She'd more than served her time. Didn't Sarah Walker get to experience some of the good life? Why would Beckman try to stop that even before it started? Calm down Sarah. Hear the woman out.

"Agent Walker, am I to understand that you wish to leave the Intelligence Community in order to pursue a marriage with Agent Bartowski?" The old military woman already knew the answer to the question before she'd asked it.

"That is correct General. Chuck and I are engaged. We wish to resign so that we can…"

"Don't worry Sarah." The General almost never called her by her first name. Maybe this was good news. Or maybe it's really bad news and she's trying to soften the blow by being personable. The blonde agent tried to shake that thought.

"I understand your desire to have a more normal life. I appreciate your…both of your contributions to national security. The wealth of knowledge you both possess is still however a valuable commodity. It's a commodity the United States Government is willing to pay you quite well for."

Sarah had her rejection all queued up and ready for delivery when her fiancé spoke in front of her. "How well General?" Sarah shot Chuck a warning look that seemed to say 'don't you even think about it buster!'

"Of course I can't talk numbers without an official offer…but suffice to say you would never want for anything agents."

"What is the nature of this work General?" Sarah couldn't believe her ears. Chuck was actually considering staying in this business? Fulcrum was gone!

"Well, as you may know, Fulcrum is not the end of the line in this game. There is a much larger collection of rogue agencies similar to Fulcrum that is now the target. If things were difficult before, they will only get more so now. That is why I would like to keep the Human Intersect project alive."

Five sets of eyes flew to the one agent in the room that didn't, and wasn't supposed to know about Chuck's secret. "Umm, General?" Chuck said through clenched teeth.

"Don't worry Agent Bartowski, that was not an unintentional slip on my part. I wish to keep the current team together. Agent Wu will be assigned to the project full time and paired with Colonel Casey. The two have proven to be an affective team. Of course, Agent Larkin and Agent Roberts…your accomplishments together are certainly of note. I wouldn't dream of splitting you up."

Casey broke up the General's diatribe. "Excuse me ma'am…Colonel?"

"That's right. You've earned it." The newly minted Colonel gave a genuinely appreciative smile and nod to his superior. Today was a proud day.

"Thank you ma'am."

Beckman glanced over to the spot where Chuck and Sarah stood. "And finally Agent Walker and Agent Bartowski…the position I am offering you two is a consultation and analysis position…on paper. In actuality, direct control of Operation Bartowski will be turned over to you two. It will require no field work, and you'll be able to choose whatever missions you feel your team can handle. Most of all, you will be free to wed…start a family…take vacations. You can do as you like. Your country still needs you two and it is willing to negotiate."

"I don't think that's a good idea." "We'll do it General!" Chuck and Sarah spoke simultaneously. For the first time in what seemed like forever, their thoughts were not on the same wavelength.

"Umm…General Beckman, may I speak to Sarah momentarily?"

"Of course Agent Bartowski. I will continue briefing the others on their next assignments." After permission was granted, Chuck grabbed Sarah's arm and pulled her over to a quite corner.

"Sarah, this is great! You would be terrific in that role. And I'd be your yes man. Imagine it!" Chuck could barely contain his glee at the prospect of the new position. It wasn't so much that he wanted the job, but he knew it was a big deal for his fiancé to be offered the opportunity to run such an important op. Seeing the woman he loved more than anything in the world become so successful wasn't something he wanted to miss out on.

"But Chuck…we would still have to lie about who we really are to people. We'd still never have a normal life. I want to give you a normal life Chuck. It's what you've always wanted." Sarah pleaded with the nerd to understand.

"Sarah, this is a great opportunity for you. I would never forgive myself if you didn't take it. And plus…we will still get to see our friends. They are the closest friends we have Sarah, besides Ellie and Awesome of course…but even they are in on the secret." Sarah still had a doubtful look on her face. Chuck decided he needed to allay the woman's other worries. "Besides…what did I tell Ellie last night? You an me? Us? We'll never be normal Sarah. What we have is far too great to be considered normal."

Finally Sarah smiled at him. "I love you Mr. Bartowski."

"And I love you future Mrs. Bartowski." It was the first time she'd been called that…well except a few dreams she had. You know what? I kind of like being called that. Strike that, I really like being called that.

Chuck looked down into the sparkling blue eyes of his betrothed searching for an answer to the question of the hour. She simply nodded. The smile on her face had not disappeared.

"We'll do it," they spoke in unison to General Beckman.

Waikiki Beach
Honolulu, Hawaii
Friday May 28, 2010
6:29 PM HST

Chuck and his groomsmen began to make their way towards the front of the small group of family and friends that had been flown out for the wedding. Chuck heaved a deep sigh as he stepped out onto the sand. Suddenly he felt someone grab his shoulder. Instinctively, Chuck jerked away and prepared to defend himself. But it was just…

"Bryce? I didn't think you guys were going to make it!"

"Yeah, we had to push hard, but I wouldn't miss today. Two of my favorite people in the world agreeing to only have sex with each other forever and ever." Bryce gave Chuck a devilish grin.

"So Jill give you a lot of shit about being late?" Chuck couldn't really argue Bryce's point. In fact it had been the theme of his bachelor party. And to be honest, Chuck couldn't be happier about his situation.

"Yeah…women tend to get kind of pissy about these things huh?"

"Yeah Bryce, they do." Chuck reached out to clap his former roommate on the shoulder. "I'm glad you're here buddy."

"Me too Chuck. Now let's go get you married."


A/N: Thanks again to everyone who stuck with me throughout. Please review and let me know what you think. One more thanks to Notorious JMG for the beta. Oh, and stay tuned for the sequel to Bryce and Jill vs. Chuck and Sarah coming up in probably June. You guys are awesome. Peace.