The train whistle blew as the Hogwarts express left the station slowly. Harry was off to another year of cavorting and frolicking, and thwarting Voldemort's plots when he had the time. His best friends were there; you know them, Ron and Hermoine. Harry was staring out the window, Hermoine was staring at her new textbooks, and Ron was staring at a box of chocolate frogs sitting in Harry's lap. The scene outside the train was familiar, parents waving to their kids, and the occasional paranoid mother running beside the train asking her son or daughter if they remembered everything. Harry sighed, and longed for his own parents.

Harry's head sprung up as five blurs sped past the window, tossing one paranoid mother to the ground, leaving her scrambling for her purse. Harry heard five thumps and someone that sounded like Draco Malfoy saying "Holy Crap!"

"Did you see the blurs?" asked Harry, looking at Hermoine, who had taken her nose out of her book and started looking towards the door, furrowing her brow.

"Who are they?" asked Hermoine, spotting five people walking by their door, one of which glanced inside briefly. Ron was already looking out the door, ogling the two girls who had just walked past.

"Did you…did you see those chicks?" said Ron, eyes wide.

"Since when do you say chicks" said Harry, looking out the door himself, "Whoa, check out those chicks!"

"What's going on, who are they…Holy crap those guys are hot!" Hermoine had glanced out the door, and still stared.

There were two girls; one had long blonde hair and an expression that was arrogant, but not truly that self-absorbed. The other one smiled, and had spiky, short black hair, and wore a strange and expensive-looking outfit with the word Chanel written in small letters on the front. There were three boys, one with bronze curls and who had already gathered a crowd of groupies hanging on his every move. One had curly brown hair and was so broad he almost had to step sideways to walk through the narrow hall. The last one had a disposition that reminded you of a prairie dog, since he never seemed to blink, and kept biting his lip and flinching at the groupies that had accumulated at his side. All of them had supermodel bodies, and faces like angels. They were extremely pale, and their eyes were a strange golden color.

Ron had already pushed by Hermoine and was running to join the group of guys who were already hitting on the two girls. Harry just gaped at the gorgeous girls, while Hermoine seemed to be struggling with herself not to go running to the boys.

Suddenly everyone seemed to scatter, as Severus Snape himself came walking in. The groupies dispersed, and Harry and Hermoine pulled their heads back in. The mysterious people walked by back the way they had come, and stopped at their door. Ron and Harry tried not to stare much, since it was rude. Hermoine buried her nose in a book to try and distract herself, though anyone could tell she struggled since her eyes kept wandering from the pages. The door slid open, and the group stepped in, towing their relatively big luggage, the largest of which was the spiky haired girl's. Snape slammed the door shut and the people put their luggage away, sitting down and saying nothing.

It was silent for a while as the train left London, until the Blonde girl spoke up angrily, "You know my face is up here! If you're going to stare, be polite." She scoffed. Ron Looked away quickly, trying to hide his redden cheeks. The bronze-haired one started to chuckle under his breath. "Shut up Eddy." Said the blonde again, folding her arms.

The awkward silence continued, and the prairie dog boy started to twiddle his thumbs. Hermoine broke the silence.

"Well um, I guess we should introduce ourselves. Um, I'm Hermoine, that's Harry, and that guy is Ron." She said sighing when she finished, as if it were the hardest thing to do what she just did. Ron raised his eyebrows in shock at Hermoine's courage.

The spiky haired one smiled. "Hi Hermoine, I'm Alice, this is Jasper, that's Emmett, Edward, and Rosalie." Emmett smiled, Jasper twitched, Rosalie gave a half-hearted hmm and glanced out the window, and Edward gave a half smile, not even looking up.

Ron cleared his throat and boldly asked, "So, where are you all from?"

"Well that's certainly a change from 'Holy crap! Out of the way Malfoy, she doesn't want to talk to wusses.'" Said Rosalie, inspecting her perfect nails.

"Rose!" said Emmett, "We're from Forks, in Washington."

Hermoine looked puzzled, "But you're going to Hogwarts."

"Foreign exchange students," said Jasper, quickly as if he were permanently in a rush.

"Do you already know your houses?" asked Hermoine.

"Nah, we're being picked with the first-years, and we'll be starting out in sixth year." Said Edward.

Hermoine was alarmed at how well he knew how Hogwarts worked.

"Tell me about what it looks like." Said Alice, looking at Hermoine with interest.

"Don't you know?"

Emmett shook his head in sync with Jasper and Alice. So for a portion of the remainder of the ride, Hermoine described some of the school, leaving gaps for surprises. Though in the middle of her description a certain greasy haired Slitherin boy named Malfoy interrupted her, along with his goons, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Hello Potter," said Malfoy with such contempt he spewed spittle all over Alice's outfit. Alice shrieked and pulled a silk handkerchief from one of her many pockets, and started frantically wiping off the goo.

"Oh sorry ma'am," said Malfoy, putting his hand on her shoulder, while Jasper snarled under his breath at Malfoy. Alice flicked away his hand and Malfoy winced in pain as he saw her finger had bruised his grimy fingers.

"Sorry, my finger…slipped." She smiled a lovely smile at him and continued to wipe her outfit with increased vigor.

Malfoy put his hand at his side, trying to look strong and unharmed.

"Hello, their miss, I'm Draco Malfoy."

Rosalie scoffed, "You mean that guy who was first in line to hit on me? Well sorry, but I'm taken." She took Emmett's hand and smiled smugly at Malfoy. Malfoy glanced toward Alice, and She took Jasper's hand and smiled smugly like Rosalie.

Malfoy glanced at Edward, "Don't even think about it, I'm not gay." Said Edward. Hermoine giggled.

Malfoy changed the subject, "So what house do you think you'll be in?"

"Anything but your's" said Rosalie, releasing Emmett's hand.

"Definitely." Agreed Alice.

After a few more hopeless attempts at attention, Malfoy finally left, and Hermoine resumed her talk about Hogwarts. A few people stared inside before being shooed away by a sour glance from Rosalie.

Soon the train stopped, and the new people grabbed their wands from a velvet-lined suitcase within the luggage of Alice.

"You know Alice, you don't need to carry your wand around in velvet all the time." Said Jasper.

"I thought you of all people would understand my obsession for velvet casing." Alice sniffed.

They got off the train with the new people, and they walked over to join the first years while Harry, Ron, and Hermoine rode with the sixth years.