Disclaimer: CBS owns it…I just play with it

A/N: Thank you for being patient! Job searching has been taking up a majority of my time…the one thing that sucks about graduating from college. Anyways, Happy Reading and be sure to leave a comment if you can!!!

It had been around 10 pm before he'd made his way back to her apartment. Don closed Ava's apartment door behind him, surrendering his cell phone, badge, and gun to the nearby table and tossing his jacket over the back of the couch. The apartment was dim aside from the natural glow that radiated around the City That Never Sleeps.

He found her lying on her side, snuggled in her bed with a light blanket draped over her, and Hoover resting his head at her ankles. He grinned when he realized that she'd been wearing his old high school hockey jersey to sleep. Don stripped down to his boxers before he gently spooned her from behind, kissing the back of her neck before relaxing into slumber himself.

The delectable aroma of eggs, bacon, and pancakes filled Ava's senses when she awoke the next morning. Hair playfully ruffled and the oversized hockey jersey tickling her thighs, she made her way out to the kitchen where she saw Don only clad in his jeans making breakfast. Hoover sat patiently…waiting for the most opportune moment for a sneak. She leaned against the doorframe and smiled at the sight of her boyfriend carefully placing a goblet of orange juice on a serving tray. Next, he grabbed hold of the hot plate that the eggs were on, but it was much too hot.

"Shit!" he whispered harshly as the eggs flew to the floor causing Hoover to dive at the sight of food. Sighing in frustration, Don looked up as he heard Ava giggle at his clumsiness and Hoovers desperate attempt for food. Don blushed and looked down.

"Well, I'm glad someone got to enjoy it", he watched, amused, as Hoover finished eating the last bit of egg off the floor. He took a long look at his girlfriend as she walked towards him. Wrapping her arms around his waist and massaging circles around his lower spine, she tasted his soft lips.

"So….what's all this about?" she asked, curiously.

"No reason…I just wanted to do something nice for you."

"Yeah?" she gushed.

"Yeah." he said and kissed her.

After they finished what was left of the breakfast and cleaned up the dishes, Ava was finishing applying makeup in the bathroom as Don tossed a shirt over his wet head. He grabbed the towel and hung it over the shower curtain in the bathroom. He looked at the vast array of makeup gizmos and gadgets sprawled across the vanity.

"I'll never understand how you women think you need to use all of this crap." he said, amused.

"What…you think I just wake outta bed every day lookin' as sexy as I do?...Takes work, sweetie." she joked

"Not for you it don't." he winked and kissed her neck as she set down the eye shadow.

"I mean seriously though…" he picked up one of the gadgets. "What the hell does a woman need

something like this for…you could probably take someone hostage with this thing!" She laughed as he pulled her into a fake chokehold, threatening her with the object.

"Christ, Donnie…it's an eyelash curler, hardly something that could injure anyone with." He laughed and released her, and she swiped the object from his grasp.

"Yeah, right! Hell you could take a finger off with that thing…believe me, with some of the stuff I'd seen on the job you'd be surprised."

"Wise ass. So, do you have anything you need to do today?"

"Actually, I wanna take you somewhere today…early birthday present" he smiled, leaning against the bathroom door.


"Can't tell…it's a secret." he teased.

"Oh come on. How the hell are you supposed to be taking me somewhere in the city and not have me find out."

"You'll see," he said, mischievously.

"No, Don. I am not going outside with a god damn blindfold over my eyes."

"Oh come on! You wimpin' out on me are you, Messer?" he teased. She pouted.

"Bastard…" She made a face and paused before letting him cover her eyes. Smiling, he tied the string and led her to his car where he drove to the destination.

The car came to a stop and Don hopped out. She could hear him talking to another person that was standing on the sidewalk but she couldn't make out what they were talking about. She felt the person leave and Don opened the passenger door where he helped her into the building. It felt familiar. It certainly smelt familiar. She said a silent thank you for wearing a long sleeve shirt since the building was much colder than outside.

It took them roughly 10 minutes before Don stopped and stood in front of her and removed the blind fold. Wherever they were it was almost pitch black accept for the small amount of light given away from Exit signs. He positioned her in front of him, hanging onto her arms for support.

"Donnie, where…" Before she could finish, a large blast of light filled the air as she looked at the amazing sight before her. Madison Square Garden.

"Oh my god!!!" she looked at him in shock. "Don!" she exclaimed, giddily. He grinned, very pleased with her reaction. "How did you manage this one?" she asked curiously.

"Even retired NYPD officers need jobs these days. My Uncle Frank works security here." She laughed and hugged him around the waist.

"You gonna squeal all day or you gonna put your skates on?" he teased.

"What?!" she beamed. Don had already taken their skates, hockey sticks, and gloves and brought them to a bench that led to the ice. She laughed in excitement and pulled him into a kiss.

"This totally beats every other present I've ever gotten in my life…by a long shot!" She sat down and switched out her sneakers for skates as Don did the same.

They took the ice as Don skated around her.

"Here's the deal half-pint. I got a present for you…but I can't give it to you unless you get a goal past me." he laughed.

"Please, only one?" she pushed on jokingly. "Let's see what you got, Flack." Flack took the goal as Ava stood center ice playing around with the puck.

"Alright, hot shot. Let's see what you got!" she laughed. She skated towards the goal and Don caught it with his glove. He'd caught the first and second attempts. By the third, adrenaline had her going and she faked a shot with her stick but instead kicked the puck in between his and into the goal net.

"Yeah!" she yelled joyfully. She dropped the stick and threw her arms up in celebration of her success. Don skated towards her.

"Alright, Donnie," she said stopping at center ice to meet him, "so where's this present you were talking about?" she teased. A smile came over Don's face as he took her lips to his for a long, soulful kiss. Thinking that was her present, she was amazingly shocked when he lowered down to one knee, pulling out a beautiful claddagh engagement ring and said two words.

"Marry me."

A/N: Aaaaarg…lmao So, I've been dying to write a proposal for a while so here it is! PLEASE tell me if you liked it so I know I didn't fumble the story too badly lol Much love!!!!