Hey, thanks for checking out my story! I've been meaning to do a story for the Warriors section, but up until now I could think of no ideas. I finally thought of one, though I'm not sure if it's been done before.

Either way, I hope you like this fic. I'm not going to take the time to make a list of cats like I've noticed some people doing, partly because I'm lazy and partly because I like introducing new characters randomly.

Just know that this is set in the old territory, with Fireheart deputy and Bluestar leader. Even though I am fairly caught up with the recent storyline, I prefer this for writing a fic. You may notice that some of the characters are still alive who would normally be dead. This is because I am not going to take the time to sync it up with the books. I've forgotten most of what happens in them anyway.

Please leave reviews, as it encourages me to write more often!

"But we can't leave the territory! Our place is here, with the other clans!" Cried one of the queens. Her fur was pure white and her green eyes clouded with fear. Two small kits sat at her feet, casting each other worried looks.

"We don't have a choice!" Tallstar silenced her with a harsh tone. He gave the clan the signal to follow him, and when they remained seated he let out a loud yowl that rang through the clearing. "If we stay then we die! Do you really want to be responsible for your kits deaths, Whitetail?"

Everyone knew the Windclan leader had gone too far, but Whitetail said nothing to confront him about it. Instead she whispered hushed murmurs into her kits ears before standing upright. The rest of the clan followed suit. They looked unsure, several of them staring at their denmates in confusion.

Dark stormclouds gathered overhead and a fierce wind blew through the cluster of cats. A startled ripple of whispers broke through the clan, but they hurried after Tallstar as he pelted away. Their leader would not wait.

They carried on, away from the camp as thunder crackled overhead. It made the fur on Tallstar's back bristle, but he kept his pace. The rest of his clan followed behind him nervously, unsure if their leader was making the right descision or not. There were four clans in the forest, no more, no less. That's how Starclan intended it. But as of now Tallstar had no intentions of listening to Starclan. He was going to keep his clan safe, despite the consequences.

Thunder crackled over the sky again, and to their horror a bolt of lightning shot down from the heavens in the blink of an eye, igniting a nearby tree. The flames spread quickly, engulfing the leaves and making its way down the thick trunk.

"Run!" Tallstar yowled, doubling his speed. The majority of the Windclan cats kept up with him, but a few of the elders and queens were left behind. A couple of warriors urged the elders on while the queens grabbed their kits by the scruffs and raced ahead. The elders were out of breath, desperately trying to keep up with their clan before the fire could spread to them.

Onewhisker was one of the warriors who was still behind. He grabbed a kit in his jaws and ran ahead to the group of warriors. He passed it on to a Runningbrook, a gray she-cat who snatched the kit from his jaws, gave him a quick nod and kept pace with Tallstar.

Onewhisker returned to the elders and queens who were having difficulty rounding up the rest of their kits. He took another kit from Morningflowers jaws before racing back to the group of cats. He found it hard, as they refused to slow down and he had to pelt full speed to catch up with them. He handed it off to another warrior and returned to the small group that was struggling to keep up.

Come on, we don't have much time!" He meowed urgently to an old tom who was breathing heavily. Onewhisker felt the heat of the flames and turned to see the fire running along the grass just a couple of foxlengths behind them. He closed his eyes tight, knowing that he had failed.