Hey there! Welcome to this fic 'On the couch'. I have no idea if something like that has been done before, but I found the idea of the FFVII characters in therapy somewhat amusing, so I thought I give it a try^^ Though I do study psychology this will not be serious of course, it´s just for fun! ;)

So each chapter will be another character, if you want to you can make suggestions and I will keep them in mind. There is no fixed order in which characters appear, so I will take requests as well.

Many thanks to PfenixB for the awesome betaing!!!

Have fun^^

Prologue: On the couch

Somewhere in a luxurious ShinRa building, there is an apartment. Actually, it is not an apartment, it is a psychologist´s office, but it does look a lot like an apartment, with cozy chairs and light colours, much glass and small tables- everything to make the visitor feel comfortable. If one comes in, one is greeted by a nice lady in her mid 40s, wearing a pink chemise and a soft smile, her blond hair curled up. One could read her name on the sign pinned over her chest, but then one would forget it within the next moment anyway.

The counter is made of light wood, and there is a palm tree in a pot standing next to it. The carpeting is a light grey, and the light yellow walls are decorated with abstract paintings depicting lines and triangles.

There are some chairs for the visitors to sit and wait until they are called into the therapist´s office. That room is dominated by a desk and a sofa. There is a high chair for the psychologist to sit in and make his notes. Between them, a small table sits, to hold a cup or whatever it is the table is needed for. High shelves flank one side of the room, but they are usually ignored.

The door to the therapist´s office opens, and a man enters, with a huge white beard, keen, small eyes, and a calm air around him. He wears a brown coat over his black suit and a hat on his bald head. Bending down and setting his leather bag aside, he takes his hat off and puts it on the cloak stand, then he frees himself from the heavy jacket and straightens his suit before he walks up to the counter.

"Good morning, Doctor Reud, " the lady at the counter smiles, receiving a slight nod. The doctor looks through the mail she has laid out for him, and she informs him in her benign, soft voice "I made coffee and put it on your desk."

"Thank you, Martha," Doctor F. Reud murmurs distractedly ina pleasant, low voice, then he gathers the envelopes in his hand and prepares to go into his office. It is his first day working here, he actually had retired already, but the pleading and promise to get to see some extraordinary cases here made him rethink his decision.

Falling into his leather chair behind the desk, the doctor sets the bag aside and throws the mail on the table, leaning back and enjoying a sip of his coffee. Two spoonfuls of milk, no sugar, just as he likes it.

Now, this seems like the beginning of a good day, the doctor thinks, taking another sip and then asking through the intercom, "Who is our first client today, Martha?"

There is some crackling, and the movement of papers can be heard, and then the light voice of the lovely woman is heard, saying, "A General Sephiroth will be here at 9:00 am, doctor."

"Thank you," doctor F. Reud says, humming a little, because he thinks he has heard the name before. Then he gives a light shrug and puts his cup aside to go through his mail again.

Little does he know that the relaxed atmosphere is just a deceitful, vicious illusion that is bound to break under the madness that is soon to infiltrate his quarters and turn everything upside down.

This is just the calm before the storm


Short introduction of the surroundings, it needed to be done. First I thought about having one of the FFVII characters themselves playing the therapist (immediately Vincent came to mind...dunno why^^), but then I couldn´t spare anyone. So Mister F. Reud came to be.

Next chapter: General 'I-do-NOT-have-an-oedipus-complex!' Sephiroth.

Review please?