Three's a crowd: Epilogue

Alex Drake sat at her desk, chewing her pen, trying to look as though she was doing something useful. In truth, she was staring into the empty office of Gene Hunt, trying not to worry that he was out on a job with Ray and that they'd both taken guns.

Giving herself a mental shake, she picked up a file and tried to focus. Of course Gene wouldn't do anything stupid. He'd be back before she knew it, large as life and twice as ugly. She smiled.

It'd been, what, nearly two months since she'd gone out to that dinner with Annie and Gene, and she'd only spent two nights alone since then. The first was early on in their relationship, when they'd talked themselves into thinking that it would be a good idea to give each other a bit of space. They'd been wrong. The other time was when he'd been on an overnight surveillance operation. She'd missed him so much it had terrified her. She'd given him a key to her flat soon after and had insisted he always stay over, even when they were both too exhausted or too pissed to do anything but fall into each other's arms and drift off to sleep. Not that he'd needed much persuading, though. He'd gradually brought more and more stuff round, clothes, razor blades, a few favoured books and records, making the little flat feel alarmingly like a home. Smiling to herself, she thought it unlikely that he'd view it that way – marking his territory more like – but either way it made her happy, made her look forward to clocking off every night and curling up with him.

She'd never have believed it. Never thought she'd be happy with someone like Gene, but then Gene wasn't really like anyone else. There was far more to him than he let on – more layers, more emotions, more vulnerability. And she'd certainly enjoyed peeling those layers away, getting to know the real him. It didn't hurt, she thought with a grin, that he was so bloody good in the sack. That's another thing she'd never have guessed. She'd assumed he'd be a less than generous lover, more interested in his own satisfaction than hers. She couldn't have been more wrong. His concern for her pleasure, his skill and sensitivity, left her reeling time after time.

He'd been adamant they keep the relationship from the team and she'd been happy enough to comply, although she was finding it increasingly difficult to pretend that she had nothing but professional feelings for her DCI. Maybe the charade was getting hard for him too. He'd seemed a little preoccupied of late, as if he had something on his mind, but he'd denied anything was wrong when she'd asked him about it.

Hearing his familiar tread along the corridor, Alex smiled to herself. Of course he was fine. She really should stop worrying. He pushed through the double doors, Ray following, along with a couple of PCs and a shabby looking man in handcuffs. Standing in the middle of the squad room he issued orders about the questioning and detention of the suspect before catching Alex's eye.

"Successful morning, Guv?"

"Mmm," he mumbled, running a hand distractedly through his already ruffled hair. "Turned out okay in the end, I suppose, but not without a few hiccups along the way." He turned a dark stare on Ray, who suddenly seemed uncharacteristically busy with his paperwork.

"Guv, I've been thinking," she began, a teasing smile on her face, but he held up his hand.

"Not now, Alex," he said abruptly, vanishing into his office and sitting heavily at his desk.

What was that about, Alex wondered to herself. The op can't have gone that badly – they brought the suspect in, after all – so why was he in such an odd mood? She didn't think she'd done anything to annoy him – well, nothing more than the usual – but something was definitely up.

She looked over as the phone rang in Gene's office. He answered curtly then dropped the receiver on his desk and rose to close his door. Retaking his seat, he turned so his back was to the squad room and continued his conversation in low tones. Alex's throat tightened uncomfortably and a shiver of apprehension ran up her spine. This didn't look good.

Later that morning Alex spotted Gene heading into the kitchen and she picked up her mug and followed him in. Throwing him a smile, she was relieved when he smiled cautiously back, looking around to check they were alone before reaching out gently to cup her jaw.

"Difficult morning?" she asked.

"I've had better," he grunted.

She smiled sympathetically. "Well, can you get away for lunch? Maybe a quick break from this place will do you good."

He looked at her for a moment before shaking his head. "Sorry, Bolls, no can do. Prior engagement."

"Oh. Um, okay," she replied uncertainly. "Later, then?"

"Mmm. Yeah. Later." He looked at her again, a curious expression on his face, then disappeared back to his office before she could ask him just what exactly his prior engagement consisted of.

It's nothing, she told herself with a shake. There's no way he's seeing anyone else. He didn't have time, for a start. And she made sure he didn't have the energy. Truth was, she just couldn't contemplate the idea that he might be unfaithful. If she did, it felt like someone taking a cheese grater to her insides. She hadn't admitted it to him but she'd confessed to herself: she was in love with him. Sometimes she thought he may even feel the same about her, although he was hardly the sort of man given to flowery declarations. Usually she didn't mind – it was part of what made him him – but right now the combination of her own insecurities and his inability to tell her what he really felt was leaving her feeling increasingly anxious.

After spending a lonely lunch break at her desk, Alex tried not to notice that Gene's 'prior engagement' had kept him out of the office for over 90 minutes. She didn't catch his eye when he eventually returned, but looked up a short while later when she sensed him looming over her desk.

"Yes, Guv?"

"You free tonight, Drake?"

She frowned. Of course she was free. On the rare occasions these days when she did anything without him she told him in advance. "Yes," she nodded. "Free."

"I'd like to take you out to dinner tonight," he said quietly. "Just the two of us. Want to talk to you about something. Not Luigi's."

She looked up into his face, hoping to see affection and anticipation. Instead she saw wariness and anxiety. Her mouth suddenly dry, she nodded. "Okay."

"Right," he muttered. "Pick you up at seven." And he hightailed back to his office, closing the door resolutely behind him.

At five to five, Alex packed her bag, shrugged into her jacket and left the squad room. Gene had been called into a top-floor meeting not long after the dinner invite and hadn't reappeared since, leaving Alex to spend the rest of the afternoon panicking about what the evening would hold in store.

He couldn't be leaving her. She refused to accept it. Okay, maybe things had got pretty intense pretty quickly, but she'd got the impression that he'd been happy about that. That he'd been waiting long enough, that they were old enough to know what they wanted. Still, if it was more space he needed, she'd find a way to give it to him. Whatever he wanted. She couldn't lose him.

She wasn't going to give up without a fight. Arriving at her flat she showered quickly and tended to her hair and make-up. She smoothed delicate floral body lotion across her skin and spritzed matching perfume behind her ears and between her breasts before carefully unwrapping the tissue paper from the items she'd bought on her way home from work. Tiny, expensive scraps of black satin trimmed with pink lace, she was certain he'd like them. That is, if he still wanted to see them.

The knickers sat low on her body and tied at the hip with pink ribbons. She slipped them on above the black suspender belt then bent to attach sheer black stockings. Finally she pulled on the bra, discreetly padded and perilously low cut, enhancing her already generous breasts. Watching herself in the mirror, she smoothed a hand across the cups, feeling the hardness of her nipples beneath her fingers. She closed her eyes as she thought of Gene, rolling her thumb across a taut peak, breathing in sharply as she imagined it was Gene's mouth on her body. Catching sight of her reflection, she grimaced ruefully and pulled her hand away. Far better to wait for the real thing. She didn't dwell on what she'd do if the real thing wasn't forthcoming.

She finished dressing, pulling on a soft red jersey dress that draped close across her body, the cowl neckline giving occasional glimpses of the flesh beneath and the narrow skirt finishing just above her knee. Drawing a slim black belt around her middle, emphasising her slender waist, she stepped into tall peeptoe shoes and was ready just in time to hear Gene sounding the horn of the Quattro.

Gene's heart nearly stopped when he caught sight of Alex hurrying across the street to join him. She looked amazing. She always looked amazing, of course, but tonight… He couldn't put his finger on it but somehow she looked different, even sexier than usual. Desire raced through him at the thought of the body beneath the red dress, and he gulped.

Get a grip, Hunt, he told himself, pushing aside the treacherous thoughts, hoping he wasn't about the make a huge mistake. He shook his head. Just get through this evening, say what you've got to say and after that – well, what would happen after that was anyone's guess.

Alex caught his lips with hers as she got in the car but he pulled away sooner than she'd have liked. Her attempts to lighten the mood fell on stony ground as Gene appeared even more distracted now than earlier, replying in grunts or single words. Eventually she fell silent, trying to quell her unease, but as he pulled up in front of the bistro they'd been to with Annie on their first night together she couldn't help but worry.

"Why here?" she asked, striving for casual.

"Seemed appropriate."

They took their seats and placed their order, sipping uneasily at wine and water, making their way awkwardly through starters and main courses. Gene stared quietly at the table top, Alex became more and more concerned about his mood. As the waiter cleared away their plates, Gene took hold of Alex's hand and dragged his gaze up to meet hers. He couldn't put it off any longer. Not fair to either of them.

"Alex," he began. "There's something I've been wanting to say. I've been thinking it for a while now and – well – I think it's probably best if I just come out and say it."

Alex gripped tightly onto his hand, willing herself to stay calm. "No," she replied quickly. "Gene, you don't have to do this. Please, just think about it. Just wait."

Shaking his head, he leaned closer. "I have to do this, Alex. I'm sorry. I can't let this go on any longer without telling you… This is hard for me, Alex, you know it is. Please don't make it any harder."

Blinking quickly, she nodded. "Okay," she gulped. "If you're sure."

He looked at her for a moment, trying to gather his courage. Eventually he let go of her hand and reached into his trouser pocket. "Wanted to give you this," he said gruffly, handing over a small leather box.

Whatever Alex had been expecting it wasn't this. She looked down, taking the box in slightly unsteady fingers and flipping the lid. "Oh, Gene," she whispered. "They're lovely."

"You said you liked them when you saw them last weekend. Went back to get them today."

"Thank you," Alex breathed, taking the antique diamond and ruby earrings from their velvet nest and fastening them in her ears. "But, why?"

Gene shrugged and looked away, leaving Alex to her uncertainty. The earrings really were beautiful, she'd admired them when she and Gene had been strolling through an antiques market the previous week. But were they a token of affection or a parting gift?

Taking a deep breath, Gene said quietly, "They are beautiful, Alex. Beautiful and classy and elegant, just like you." Gene caught her gaze for a moment before looking away again. "I wanted you to have them because I want you to know how much you mean to me. You drive me up the wall with your fruitcake ways and I haven't had a moment's peace since you joined the team. I've never had anyone second-guess me the way you do and still you accuse me of never listening. And you're a liability in the office with those very distracting legs. But I wouldn't change you, Alex. Wouldn't want to go back. Just wanted you to know that."

Sliding her hands across the table to his, Alex wove their fingers together, blinking hard, trying to control a grin. Relief coursed through her and she nearly laughed at how wrong she'd been, how magnificently and wonderfully wrong. "Gene," she smiled, pausing until he looked her in the eye. "Thank you. For the earrings, obviously. But for all this too." She waved a hand around the restaurant. "And I wouldn't change anything either."

Gene risked a small smile. So far, so good. "Funny you should say that," he replied, reaching into the briefcase he'd left at his feet. "I got you something else." And he handed over a smallish cylindrical package wrapped in brown paper.

Alex took it cautiously. "What's this?"

"Open it."

Tearing away the paper and the layers of tissue beneath, Alex bit back a gasp. "Gene," she whispered. "How did you know?"

Gene watched as she turned the small Royal Doulton vase around in her hands, examining it from every angle. "You like it then?"

"Like it? I love it. Of course I love it." She'd spotted the vase on the same day she'd seen the earrings and although she hadn't said anything to Gene at the time he must have noticed her appreciation. It was nowhere near as valuable as the earrings but somehow the vase was worth more to her because of the thoughtfulness behind it. "I don't know what to say. Thank you again." She set the vase on the table and reached over to squeeze his fingers, running her thumb softly across his knuckle.

Clearing his throat, Gene took her hands in both of his and held tight. "I thought it would look nice in your flat, Alex," he said carefully. "But I thought it might look better somewhere else. Somewhere we chose together. I, um. I'd like us to live together."

A bubble of shocked laughter escaped her lips. "You want us to live in sin?" she grinned. "And there was I thinking you were the old fashioned type."

"Flaming hell, woman," Gene blurted, anxiety making him unwary. "I'd have asked you to bloody marry me if I hadn't thought you'd say no."

It felt to Alex as though the rest of the room just melted away, leaving her alone with Gene. "What did you say?"

Gene drummed his fingers furiously on the table. What the hell had he gone and said that for? Shit shit shit buggering shit. And why did it sound as though everyone in the restaurant had stopped talking? "I – um – nothing," he muttered.

"No, Gene. What did you just say?"

"Drop it, would you, Alex? Doesn't matter. Just – think about the living together idea, eh? Don't just dismiss it out of hand. Now, can we go?" He signalled to a waiter for the bill and began gathering his belongings, suddenly very keen to get going, but Alex remained determinedly still.

"I'll think about it if you'll tell me again what you just said."

Gene's shoulders slumped as he puffed out a breath. He laid his hands flat on the table and stared at them, wondering where to begin. Of course he wanted her to marry him. He never wanted to wake up without her again. Wanted everyone to know that somehow, miraculously, she was his. But it seemed so unlikely. He knew how much she valued her independence, he couldn't imagine her giving that up. Couldn't imagine asking her to, bloody wilful, bloody stubborn woman. And the chances of her saying yes, of her taking him on permanently rather than just on approval, seemed so unbelievable tiny that it hardly seemed worth the risk. But there was something in her face, in her eyes, telling him to go out on a limb. He slid his hands across to hers and took hold of them gently.

"You must know how I feel about you by now, Alex. You're all I want. I want to be with you forever. Alex Drake, will you marry me?"

Studying her face, waiting for her answer, Gene felt each second as though it was an hour. He struggled to breathe, his gaze skidding away from hers and down to the table top, flitting from corner to corner of the room, as her prepared himself for the worst.

Alex, too, listened to the silence stretching between them, repeating his words in her head, making sure she'd understood. Slowly she nodded, a wide grin splitting her face as she caught hold of his hands, forcing his eyes back to hers. "Gene Hunt. Yes."


"Yes, you insufferable oaf of a man. Yes, I don't ever want to be without you. Yes, I will marry you. Soon, please."

Gene blinked, wondering if he was missing the punchline. As it dawned on him that she wasn't joking he felt as though a freight train had hit him in the stomach. Catching his breath, he managed a smile. "Soon, then. Okay. I can do soon."

A peal of delighted laughter rang from Alex's lips and she hooked an arm around Gene's neck, pulling him close. "I can't wait, she smiled into his ear, nuzzling at his neck. "I mean, really. Let's go." Gene slapped a few notes on the table and followed Alex out of the restaurant rather quicker than was decent.

Arriving back at her flat, Alex found she felt unexpectedly nervous. She had no reason to be – she and Gene had spent so many evenings together now it was second nature – but the events of the evening, the commitment they'd made to each other, brought out her shyness and she bustled around clumsily, hanging up clothes, tidying away clutter, pouring drinks with unsteady hands, until Gene took pity on her and came over, taking a slug of the scotch before setting the glasses on the kitchen counter and folding her gently in his arms.

He dropped soft kisses on the top of her head, breathing her in while he held her close. She was his now and he never had to let her go. Closing his eyes for a moment in gratitude for whatever had brought her crashing into his world, he reflected that if this was what contentment felt like he'd been missing out big time until now.

She pressed herself closer, raising her head for his kiss. Looking down at her, catching sight of the love dancing in her eyes, Gene's stomach lurched. Would it matter if he never said the words? He hoped she wouldn't mind, that she'd know how he felt anyway. That's what the whole evening had been about. Him showing her how he felt, that he felt the same way.

He lowered his mouth to hers, brushing her lips with the gentlest of kisses, hearing her sighs as she melted against him. She tasted beautiful, warm and sweet, and he wondered if he'd ever get used to her particular flavour. He doubted it.

Raising his head, he took her hand and allowed her to lead him to the bedroom. His gaze roamed hungrily over her as she walked in front of him, the red dress clinging lovingly to her shapely behind, perfect calves encased in black nylon, feet poised precariously in spiky heels. He took a deep, steadying breath, determined to take his time, to make it perfect for her.

His determination was put to the test straight away as she reached the bed, turning to face him before pulling the dress slowly over her head. "You like?" she asked playfully as he stared at her, her skin luminous against the black and pink, her incredible legs encased in lace-topped stockings. He nodded. "I like."

He wanted her so much he wondered for a moment if he would be able to move. She solved his problem by sashaying towards him, pulling on his tie until his head was level with hers then pressing her lips against his, sliding her tongue into his mouth, curling her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his.

"Gene," she murmured into his mouth as she removed his tie, her fingers busy with the buttons on his shirt. "Let me show you," she whispered, sliding her hands across his chest, pushing his shirt from his shoulders, kissing his neck, his collarbone, "just how much," unbuckling his belt, slipping the button from its hole and lowering the zip, pushing trousers and shorts to the floor, "I love you." She knelt before him, taking his hard cock in her grip, running her hands along its length and drawing it into her mouth.

"Jesus, Alex," he groaned, emotion and desire overwhelming him. She snaked a tongue around his tip, licking and kissing, before taking him deep into her throat, sucking harder, stroking a finger underneath from his arse to his balls.

Gene's knees nearly buckled beneath him. He wouldn't be able to take much more of this. Pulling her to her feet he kissed her fiercely, desperately, trying to show her he felt the same. He hooked an arm under her knees and carried her the short distance to the bed, showering her face with kisses, running his hands down her body, wanting to touch every part of her.

She squirmed beneath his touch, arching her back to allow him access to the clasp of her bra, gasping as he slid his hands beneath the cups, her nipples pebbling against his fingers. He pinched gently, loving how they grew at his touch, then pulled the bra quickly away before lowering his head and taking one hard, aching nub into his mouth.

"Gene, please," Alex begged, needing more. She threaded her fingers through his hair, holding him close, as he sucked hard on her nipple, pushing it against his teeth with his tongue, scraping the tip, nipping at it until she cried out in ecstasy.

Gene slid down her body, leaving a trail of hot kisses across her ribs and stomach as he went, until he was settled between her knees. He pulled at the ribbons holding her knickers in place, smiling as the bows unravelled in his fingers. "Oops. That was careless," he murmured as he threw them to the floor. The stockings stayed in place.

He stared down at her, at the curls between her thighs, at the folds of feminine flesh they concealed, and wondered if it would ever stop feeling like the first time, if he would ever stop being amazed by the perfection of her body. He dropped a tender kiss on the inside of her knee then ran a finger gently down from her navel to her centre, parting her to his gaze. He circled her clit with his finger then leaned closer, his tongue replacing his hand, swirling across her again and again, her hips bucking beneath him, her moans of encouragement filling his ears. He slid a finger insider her, eased it gently in and out in time with the thrust of her hips, then took her clit between his lips, sucking and licking until she clenched against him, panting and begging, calling his name.

Sliding back up her body he cradled her gently against his chest, kissing her face, her lips, murmuring words of comfort as she came back down to earth. He wanted her desperately, painfully, but he knew there was no need to rush, that she wasn't going anywhere. After a moment she looked up at him, smiling at the heat blazing from his eyes.

"Your turn," she murmured, pushing him to his back and sitting astride him. His cock was still hard and it twitched beneath her as she rubbed herself along its length.

It was Gene's turn to beg as Alex teased him, kissing and stroking him, his neck, his chest, his aching cock, bringing him to a haze of mindless desire. He wanted nothing but to drive into her, to make her his. He pulled at her hips, trying to position her over him, but she resisted, taking his hand instead and pushing his middle finger inside her. Sliding her own in beside it they worked her together until she was just as desperate as him, and she pulled their hands away and sank onto him, stretching to take all of him, gasping at how completely he filled her.

"Gene," she breathed, staring down at him, at the face that had come to mean so much to her. She stroked a finger down his cheek. "It took me a long time to realise it. Even longer to tell you. But this is it, for me. It's where I want to be."

He glanced up at her, naked but for stockings and earrings. "That's good to know, Drake," he grunted. "But if you don't shut up and bloody fuck me I'll have your bloody badge."

Smiling, she lowered her body to his and took his mouth in a long, deep kiss. Riding him slowly, listening to his groans of pleasure, she held him tight. She gripped his hips with her thighs, dipping onto his cock over and over until she was weak, mindless for him. "Please," he muttered, "want you, Alex, make me come, please."

She was close herself and increased her pace, thrusting against him harder and faster, his hips rising to meet hers, following her lead, until with a shout he flooded into her, his arm slung tight around her back, holding her close as the pleasure crashed through him.

His release sparked her own and pulling hard on his hips she tightened around him, shouting his name, her whole body awash with glorious sensation. "Gene," she panted, flopping unsteadily onto his chest, an arm curving around him as she sought to regain her breath. "You know, you're not bad for an old bloke."

"Oi," he yawned, pulling her closer to him an dropping a kiss on her nose. "Less of the old. I like to think of myself as experienced." He felt her smile against his chest as she relaxed into him, tracing idle patterns on his body, sleep creeping up on her.

Holding her closely, Gene could still scarcely believe she'd said yes. To be honest, he was amazed he'd even managed to ask. If it hadn't been for that phone call from Annie this morning, he doubted he'd have had the courage. But Annie had faith in his instincts and told him to trust them too. She wasn't a detective sergeant for nothing, it seemed. She'd been spot on.

Peering down at Alex, Gene smiled as he heard her slow, even breathing, saw her eyelids firmly closed. He loved it when she fell asleep against him like this. When she showed him how much she trusted him. Taking a deep breath, he whispered softly, "I love you too, Alex." Hmm. Not as difficult as he'd expected. Maybe next time he'd try it when she was actually awake.

He drifted quickly off to sleep, not noticing Alex smiling against his chest at his words, her arm tightening protectively around him. Somehow, it seemed, they'd found peace at last, together.


AN – Thank you for all the kind comments and favouriting. It's great when you let me know what you think. I hope you don't mind this bit of unabashed fluffery – I needed something sweet to get me through the darker waters of series two. See you after the first episode.