Based on I Wish We Were Older by Metro Station.

Their world was chaos.

Miley watches a gang fight in the streets.

She wanted protection.

Miley cries in a corner.

He had it.

Shane is leading his gang.

So what heppens when you pretend to love somebody in order to save yourself.

Miley's flirting with Shane. He smirks.

And do anything in order to do it.

Miley lets Joe push her on top of his bed.

Everyone warns you against it.

Lilly,"Miley, you shouldn't be doing this."

Jackson"You're playing with fire Miley! And you are going to get burned!"

Oliver,"He's right Miles.I'm your brother and I won't let you get killed!"

But, you are finally getting what you want.

Shane,"Miley, will you marry me?"

Miley,"YES!"kisses him.

And somehow you fall in love with him in the process.

Miley,"I love you Danger."

Shane,"Me too Smiley."

What happens when he realizes what's been going on?

Mikayla,"Bro, she played you. She never loved you, she just wanted the safety you could give her."


A world of trouble happens.

Shane,"I killed someone."

Miley,"I know you don't believe me, but I love you Shane!"

Sometimes life hurts.

Miley is about to jump off a bridge.

Shane,"MILEY DON'T!"

And they're only sixteen and eighteen.

Shows a home movie.

Shane,"Happy birthday Miley!"

He picks her up and spins her giggles at the camera.

Miley blows out the candles.

Lights out.

I Wish We Were Older.

A Shiley Story.