
A.N.: I own nothing.

Full Summary: Bella, Emmett and Jasper have never paid much attention to History class. But if someone told them that they'd go back to 1918, meet new friends and even fall in love. I bet they'd have paid. Canon Pairing

Chapter 1:

The Beginning

Jasper's POV

High School

It's something that most of us, teenagers, have to endure day after day. We have to wake up at 6 a.m. to go to that place and listen some old teachers talk all day about things that we will probably never need. Actually I think that school is a waste of time. We don't learn the things we need to there. Like why in the world would I need to know what the square of PI is? And it's not just that. In this oh-so-called-school we also have to endure other things like the cliques. So, do you know how much those 'cliques' can influence a person? A lot actually. You are who you are because of the people you hang out with. But it all, the cliques and useless stuff, weren't a problem before. Before I would go to school with no problems. It wasn't that bad I had my friends with me, I'd laugh and have some fun. But it all changed.

It changed when I had to move to the gloomy town of Forks. I used to live in Phoenix, Arizona with my siblings Emmett and Bella. Well, we were actually born in Forks, but after our parents Charlie and Renée got divorced we moved to Arizona with our mother while our father stayed at Forks. He wouldn't leave the town for nothing. At first we were good. We'd visit Charlie twice a year and he'd come spend the holidays with us. We weren't rich, but we could live well. Our mother worked as a secretary to an important business man, so we had enough money to live a good life.

Things started to change some years ago when Renée met Phil. He was a baseball player, he was starting a career when they first met. Not yet famous. Phil's manager was my mother's boss, and that was how they met. They started going out after a while. At first we thought it was just some crazy crush like others Renée had through the years. But we were wrong after dating for a year they got married. And just after it, Phil entered in the Arizona Dimondbacks. [A.N.: I know nothing about baseball. I just searched the name of Arizona's team. So please don't get offended to anything that may be said here] Not that it was a bad thing. It was amazing. We had to travel a lot, but it was worthy. Renée was happy to be with Phil, we'd see the world and go to all of Phil's baseball games.

Yet that wasn't the biggest change. Renée had always hated the team's uniform. One day she decided to design a new one. The whole team loved it. It was a total success and some clothes corporation decided to take Renée as a stylist. Eventually she opened her own clothes line 'Eclipsed Twilight' And in the matter of less of a year both Phil and Renée were famous. Making us famous too… somehow.

But both Renée and Phil were always traveling. They didn't want us to go with them. They said that we'd lose the events of being a teenager. We stayed at home. They hired babysitters for us. For goodness sake why would we need it? It was cool because we had our friends, our life. People there knew us before we were 'famous' so we did not have much problem with that. But it felt like there was something missing. Something we don't even know if exists.

And after getting pissed off and tired of being treated as babies we made our decision. We decided to move back to Forks to live with our father. He took it well. He seemed to be happy. I thought he wouldn't really like it because we practically ditched him to travel with Phil and Renée. Maybe he thinks that we're finally going to see him like a father. What never happened.

We moved to a house a week ago. He also moved because Renée refused that we lived in the 2-bedrooms-house that Charlie used to live. The same one he bought on the early days of their marriage. The new house Renée bought was on the middle of the forest. It's huge. The walls on the entrance's all painted in white. The house has 3 floors. In the first one has a kitchen , dinner-room that I doubt will be used, a bathroom and a living room . The second floor has 6 bedrooms. Each one has a bathroom and a huge closet. Renée decorated the whole house except for our bedroom which we have done ourselves. And on the third floor, has a huge game room . A gift from Phil. This room is our favorite. It has all we like. It has a huge plasma TV, Shelves with our favorite books, x-boxes, all-types of video games, stereos, a real home theater, and some other cool stuff, all types of technology. On the third floor also has a music room. We all can play instruments and we all love music. Outside the house, has a pool, a barbecue area and an basketball field.

My bedroom was in the middle, between Emmett's and Bella's. My bedroom has dark blue walls. On it's corner it has a table with my laptop and some books. On my walls, I put some photos of my family and some old friends. It has a balcony with the view of the pool. I tied to keep it as clean as possible.

I was also happy with it. I glanced at my clock. 6:12 a.m. Time to get up I sighed. I walked to my bathroom and took a shower. It's our first day at high school here in Forks and not that I'm afraid. It's just that I can't stand the fact that I have to study here. Deciding to face it. I changed into a green shirt and black jeans. I walked out of my bedroom and walked to see Emmett, knowing him he was probably sleeping after destroying his alarm clock after it tried to wake him up.

As I walked in his bedroom, I knew I was right seeing a piece of metal hanging in the corner of his room. His room was a kind of mess. He didn't really care much about decorating so his walls were painted in a plain white. But it has a lot of shelves with his trophies. It also has some photos. It has a table with is laptop and a pile of CDs next to it. I swear we have only moved here a week ago and he has already managed to messy up his room. The were pile of clothes on the floor. I think I saw a piece of hamburger on the floor. It also has a balcony, like mine it has a view to the pool.

"Hey Emmett!!" I yelled in his ear

"What the fuck…" He jumped and fell out of his bed. I laughed and he glared at me. Emmett is huge, he's 17, a year younger than me, but he's really tall… Emmett has blue eyes and a messy brown hair. He loves to work out and scare others guys with his muscles.

"You're going to pay Jasper…" Emmett kept glaring at me, making me laugh even more.

"Whatever Em…" I tried to stop laughing "It's time for you to get up, it's our first day school" I told him and his eyes went wide

"What time is it?" He asked

"Ten to Seven" I told him

"Oh, Shit!" He ran his hands through his already messed hair. "Why didn't you wake me sooner?" He ran to his bathroom not really excepting an answer.

Still laughing I went to Bella's room. It is simple, yet beautiful. It has green walls with some photos of us 3, Charlie, Renée and Phil. Her bed in on the middle of it. It has a table with her laptop on it and her school material. It has a shelf with her favorite books. Like mine and Emmett's rooms, Hers also has a balcony, but instead her view is the forest.

She unlike Emmett was lying on her bed already ready. She was wearing blue jeans with a simple green shirt. People may think she's the spoiled princess type, that she only cares about looks and money. Especially because our mother is a stylish. But Bella's the opposite. She's quiet and really shy. She hates being the spotlight and unlike most of girls she despites shopping. She likes buying her own stuff, but hates being stuck in a mall for hours.

She was listening to her i-phone. She didn't take this move to Forks too well, she has hated Forks since we came here for the first time when we were little. She loves the sun and the warm. Here has no sun and obviously no warm. I smiled at the irony. Bella's Emmett's twin, but they are nothing alike. While Emmett looks like a big teddy bear. Bella is tinier, smaller. She's more serious and is probably the most responsible out of the three of us.

"Bella! Time for breakfast" I called, knowing that she'd hear me. She slowly stood up. Bella like Emmett had brown hair, but instead of blue eyes she has chocolate brown eyes.

"Morning Jazz" She smiled taking her headphones off

"Morning sis" I hugged her, she seemed surprised, but hugged me back. "Look Bells, we're going to be ok, I promise… it's gonna be difficult at first, but everything will be ok" I told her

"Thanks" She whispered, but our brother-sister moment was interrupted by Emmett's scream

"Shit… Bella how do you do that thing?!" He yelled. We laughed

"He's not trying to cook again, is he?" I asked

"Probably…" Bella smiled "We better go before he kills himself or worst, burns the house down"

"Yeah" I agreed. We rushed downstairs to find Emmett trying to cook lasagna on the microwave.

"Emmett who eats lasagna at 7 a.m.?" I asked him

"What?! I'm a big guy I need to eat" He defended himself and we shook our heads. He had changed into a dark blue jeans and an white shirt. Bella threw the burnt lasagna on the bin and made three bolls of cereal.

"Enjoy" She smirked at him

We ate in silent while Emmett kept complaining about how the food wouldn't be enough for him. I glanced at the clock and it was already 7:33. School starts at 8 o'clock.

"C'mon Guys let's go or else we'll be late" I said getting up. We walked to the front door and found Charlie walking down the big stairs. He looked a bit uncomfortable and I felt guilty. Even after everything we have done, he still accepted us with open arms and eve collaborated with the moving thing.

"Good Morning Kids" He smiled

"Morning Dad" We said together. We're not allowed to call him Charlie on his face.

"Are you running late?" He asked "Do you want a ride?" I shuddered at the thought. Charlie's the chief of Police here in Forks and nothing can be more embarrassing than arriving at school on your first day in a car with blue and red light on it.

"No thanks" Emmett said "We're going on my Jeep"

"No Emmett" Bella and I said together "We're not going on your Jeep" Emmett can get a little overexcited behind the wheels. It can get a bit dangerous and we don't want anyone harmed on our first day.

"Yeah! We're going on my Mercedes" I said proudly. How I love that car!

"No we're going on my Audi" Bella said. I opened my mouth to protest, but she was faster "Emmett's not the only one who gets a little too excited"

"Fine" I sighed accepting my lost.

"Wait" Charlie said "Wait?! Jeep? Mercedes? Audi? What does that mean?"

"Oh we never showed you our babies?" Emmett asked him with a dangerous glint of excitement on his eyes.

"Humm… No" Charlie looked, somewhat, scared.

"Then Let's go" Emmett ran to Charlie and dragged him with one hand to the garage. Bella and I laughed but followed them. Charlie was, of course, dazed by the sign of our cars. Emmett's black jeep stood in the middle between my midnight blue Mercedes and Bella's silver Audi. We got those cars as Christmas presents from Renée and Phil. [A.N.: Cars link on profile]

Charlie whistled "Wow, those are good cars"

"Yeah our babies" Emmett and I said. We really love those cars. Bella laughed and whispered something under her breath that I couldn't make up.

"We can go on our own. I guess it won't be difficult to find school here" Bella hugged Charlie "But thanks anyway Dad" She added

"I guess…" He smiled "I'll be going then… Bye Kids"

"Bye Dad" We chorused. Once he left Bella opened her car and we all jumped in.

"C'mon Baby Let's get going" Emmett said in an Elvis Presley tone. We laughed and left the house. Like Bella said it wasn't difficult to find the school. It was like a lot of house together. Weird. We entered already getting people's attention. Probably because of the car. Charlie has already gave us our classes time so we didn't have to worry about that. Bella and I had Geography, Chemistry and Math together. Emmett and I had Physics, Biology and Home Economics together. Bella and Emmett had Gym, English and Spanish together. We 3 had History and Music together.

"It's a good thing we have gym together, right Bella?" Emmett started teasing Bella about her clumsiness.

"Hey! It's not my fault that I'm not as well coordinated as the two of you!" She crossed her arms as we entered on the school. They kept teasing each other until Emmett noticed that he had 1st period alone.

"Have to go guys!" He said "Bye Bells, See ya in Math Jasper"

"Bye Em" We told him.

"I also have to go Jazz" Bella hugged me with one arm. I hugged her back "Ok, see ya" She went on the opposite way. I had Trigonometry alone. What a great way to start the day I thought sarcastically. At least the teacher didn't make me introduce myself in front of the class, he only told me to sit next to some guy whose name I don't remember and don't intend trying to do so. I tried paying attention, but it was useless. I already knew everything he was saying.

Leaving me bored, I started to daydream about nothing in particular. This life in Forks was so boring. I wanted something new. I wanted adventure, but of course, the most exciting thing that can happen on Forks is when someone buys a motorcycle! Woah! How exciting… I have a motorcycle since I was 13 years old. Emmett since he was 12 and Bella since she was 15! Not big deal. I'm starting to hate my life. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that that guy sitting next to me was trying to talk to me.

"Humm.. I'm sorry I spaced out" I told him sincerely

"It's ok…" The guy said "I'm Mike"

"Jasper" I said

"So… how do you like Forks so far?" I hate it, despise it, it sucks and I don't want to be locked up here "It's not that bad"

"Good" He looked at me as if he had something else to say "Humm can you… please, give me your number?" He asked. I looked at him to see if he was kidding, but apparently he wasn't.

"Huh… look I'm not gay, ok" I told him as some guys behind him laughed. Mike blushed

"No! It's not like that" He got redder as he spoke "It's that I think your sister's hot and I want to ask her out. So will you give your number?" I didn't know if I laughed or hit him. There's no way Bella would date a guy like him. I know my sister very well and she hate this type of guy who judge people by what they look like. And also I have my say in this. I mean it's my baby sister.

"Look…" I put my don't-mess-up-with-my-sister face on "If you appreciate your live I suggest you to listen carefully. You won't go near my baby sister or my brother Emmett and I will personally take are of you, got it?"

"Emmett?" Mike looked at me confused

"Yeah, you know that big muscular guy from Junior class" Mike's eyes hidden, I guess Emmett has already called attention.

"But… what if she likes me back?" I couldn't help it. I brushed out laughing. "Oh believe me she won't" I was almost crying because I was laughing so much that idea was just too ridiculous. Right on cue the bell rang

"I hope you accept my advice" I told him before walking out of my seat and before leaving the room I couldn't help but laugh again "What if she likes me back" I quoted him imitating his voice "Yeah right" I started laughing even more. At the corner of my eyes, I could see Mike's embarrassed face and his friends laughing.

At Math I told Emmett everything he also brushed out laughing and was happy to know he had a new victim here. At lunch we asked Bella about him. Apparently, he talked with her, but she didn't like him much. I'm so proud of my sister. We sat in a table away from everyone just the 3 of us. Not even bothering in trying to fit in. That's not what we're here for. Actually, we don't plan on being here for too long. Collage is just some years away.

The rest of the day went slowly. We got home happy that the day had finally ended. Emmett went to the game room to play on his x-box, Bella sat on the couch next to him reading Pride and Prejudice and I was training some basketball moves just out of boredom. Charlie didn't talk much with us that day. None of us were in the most comfortable situation. It was awkward for all of us. It was so weird being with Charlie after all of this time.

A month later

A month passed by and things stayed the same at home with Charlie and at school. Bella made friends with this Angela girl through. She's really nice. She made it a bit easier for Bella. It's important for her to have a friend. She'd even go hang out with us for a while after class. The others at school were afraid of us or thought that we were too snobby just because our mother's famous. But well, none of us tried to convince them other way. We just don't care about what they think about us, because we've already seen that they only care about looks and money. And also we've already seen that the reason why they we are snobby is that they're jealous.

I woke up and got dressed with my favorite jeans and a red shirt.

"Hey Jazzy!!" Emmett called

"What's up Em?" I asked

"Charlie wants to talk to us" Emmett told me "Family meeting on the dining room.

"Going…" I wonder what Charlie wants, school starts in a half of hour and he usually leaves an hour before school starts.

"Morning Jazz" Bella smiled at me

"Morning Bells" I smiled back

"Good Morning Jasper" Charlie said

"Morning" I said

"So what's up with all of this?" Emmett asked

"It's just that, today I have a meeting so I'll arrive home late, but I never left you alone here before…"

"Relax Cha-Dad, we were always alone back in Phoenix, it will be ok. We can take care of each other" Bella said. Charlie was taking this dad thing seriously. I appreciate that.

"Humm… I guess" Charlie bit his lip. "Ok, I'll be back at 9. Behave yourselves"

"Of course" I said

"Yeah" Emmett agreed a bit too cheerfully. Bella rolled her eyes, but nodded.

"So I guess I'll get going" Charlie left. It was still a bit awkward. I felt so bad about it, but I just can't help it.

"So who wants to skip school?" Emmett asked

"Emmett no skipping" I said


"No buts. Jasper's right." Bella said "We're starting all over here. We can't disappoint Charlie"

"Charlie doesn't have to know" Emmett smirked. He can be slow sometimes.

"Emmett we're not in Phoenix anymore" I told him "This is a small town everybody knows what everybody does"

"And also Charlie's the police chief. People tell him stuff" Bella helped me out

"You guys are no fun" Emmett whined

"What can I say?" I sighed "Life's not the same"

"I know what you mean" Bella also sighed

"Ahhh" Emmett groaned "I can't believe you guys"

"What?!" I asked confused

"Don't go 'what' on me! You know really well what I'm talking about" Emmett stood up and started to walk in circles around the room, like he did every time he was anxious or frustrated.

"You two are driving me nuts" He ran his hands through his hair. "First you came with this story of 'Let's go to Forks, we have to be responsible and bla, bla, bla' but when you arrived here you started to complain about everything, started to be all down and like 'life's over' or 'I hate my life' It is killing me"

He was right, we were being horrible with him. We've been having this let's do that for Renée thing, but we weren't collaborating and it was just making it harder for us, for him and also Charlie.

Bella looked at me and I knew she was thinking the same.

"Em, look…"

"No Bella… I can't stand this anymore" Emmett sat and kept his hand on his head

"Emmett…" Bella sat next to him and put an arm around his shoulders "Look, I'm sorry I promise that I'll try to be easier, ok?"

Emmett looked at Bella into her eyes and asked "You're not lying are you?"

"We both know that I'm a really bad liar" Bella hit him playfully on the arm.

"Yeah" I sat on is other side "I'm sorry too"

"Sometimes I forget about the others around me and I end up hurting them" I told him honestly "I'll pay more attention. I'm so sorry"

"It's ok Jazz" Emmett smiled

"We've always been in this together" Bella said

"And we'll still go through this together" I said

"And nothing will tear us apart" Emmett said

"Wow, that sounded so gay…" Emmett laughed and we dragged along.

"It's good to have moments like this…" I said more to myself than to them.

"Yeah" Bella agreed "It feels like home" She smiled

"Home" Agreed Emmett. We looked at each other and Emmett grinned "Group Hug" We hugged and started laughing again. When a blue light filled the room and something fell out off the ceiling on the floor.

"What the hell?!" Emmett yelled. We walked to the object. It looked like a type of machine. It was so weird.

"What is that?!" Emmett asked

"I don't know, but it must be dangerous" Bella said


"Emmett, it just fell out off of the ceilings…" I said in an isn't-it-obvious tone

"Oh…" He started at him before asking "What is this red button for?"

"Noooo" Before we could do something, Emmett hit the button and everything went black.


"Ouch…" I woke up with a big headache.

"Are you ok, Jasper?" Bell asked next to me

"Yeah" I massaged my temples "What about you?"

"I'm fine"


"I'm here" Emmett's voice appeared behind me. I looked around we were still on our house.

"What happened?" I asked

"We don't know" Bella said

"We've just woken up too" Emmett said

"Where's that thing?" I asked

"Here" Bella said taking out of her school bag "We'll give it to someone to exanimate it"

"What time is it?" I asked

"I don't know, my clock is broken" Bella said looking at her clock.

"Guys, we have to go to school" I exclaimed standing up.

"Aww! I don't wanna go" Emmett complained

"We have already discussed that!" Bella sighed "Let's go"

We went to the front door and opened it, but to our surprise, we saw something expected. The path to the city had disappeared. We looked around, the forest seemed to have more trees than before. Weird. Really Weird.

"What's going on?!" Emmett asked

"I don't know…" I whispered

"And we can't even use our cars with no road" Bella said "It will destroy them"

"We can use my Jeep" Emmett smiled "It's off-road"

"Yeah, but it has no gasoline, remember…" I said. Emmett had insisted in driving us to school last week, but on the way back he decided to explore the forest.

"I guess Emmett was right" Bella sighed "We better skip school… it's not like we'll get there on time. We're already late"

"No way" I said "We have to discover what's going on. And also we don't know what happened earlier…"

"Maybe it was an earthquake" Emmett suggested.

"Yeah" Bella rolled her eyes "An earthquake with blue lighting and a strange machine that appeared out of the thin air" She took the small machine out of her bag to prove her point even if she didn't need to.

"Maybe it was the aliens…." Emmett exclaimed "We were abducted by aliens…."

"Emmett Shut up" I smacked the back of his head

"Ow" He whined

"We were not abducted by aliens, ok?" I told him

"Oh.." He looked at me thoughtfully. He can be strange at times.

"We'll have to walk then…" I said

"And het lost in the forest… no way" Bella said

"Remember last week… we found our way… We'll just have to do the same" I said

"It's already too late to go to school, you know…" Emmett said

"Yeah, but we have to do something about that thing…" I said

"You have a point" Bella sighed "But I'm horrible at hiking" She complained

"We'll help you" Emmett said

"Let's go before I regret it" Bella sighed again.

"Let's go then…"I agreed.

So what do you think? Was it good? I hope so… Please Review and tell me if I should keep writing