At County, Banfield, Morris, Frank, Jerry, Sam, and Gates are all working when the County Crew walk in. Frank and Jerry are excited to see them and announce to the whole department that they are there. Everyone gathers around the admit desk to chat.

Sam: What're you guys doing here?

Carter: Well we were out celebrating and reminiscing and just decided to come to the place that brought us all together…and this, ladies and gentleman (referring to Rachel), is Mark Greene's daughter. She is thinking about a career in emergency medicine.

Chuny: Smart girl. It's in her genes.

Rachel blushes. The nurses steal her away to talk. Banfield approaches the admit desk looking pissed that everyone is seemingly just standing around.

Banfield: Doesn't anyone have any work to do?

The County Crew turn around to face her. Banfield only knows Carter and Abby, neither of whom she is thrilled to see.

Banfield: What is this a field trip?

Kerry (stepping towards Banfield): Hello I'm Dr. Weaver I used to be chief of the ER. And this is Susan Lewis, Peter Benton, Elizabeth Corday, and Abby Lockhart. We all used to work here.

Abby (under her breath): Yeah we've met.

Banfield: Well, this is quite a little reunion you've got going on here. Nice meet you all…(to Sam) Curtain 3 needs a new IV, Exam 1 needs a foley and they need more supplies in sutures.

Banfield walks away.

Kerry: Was I that bad?

Susan: Yes, but we grew to love you.

Carter: Shall we take a walk down memory lane?

Elizabeth: Absolutely.

They walk through the department, chatting with familiar faces along the way and introducing themselves to the new generation of residents and interns and even advise them on how to treat a few patients. Banfield is watching with extreme annoyance the entire time. She finally cannot stand it anymore and approaches the group.

Banfield: Excuse me, Dr. Carter, can I have a word?

Carter walks towards her and Kerry eyes them.

Banfield: This is a place of work, not a time portal for you and your friends to visit. Life and death matters come through here and I don't need you and your posse distracting my staff.

Carter: You don't think these people know that this is a serious place?

Kerry approaches them.

Kerry: Excuse me, Dr. Banfield is it?

Banfield: Yes.

Kerry: How long have you worked here?

Banfield: About 3 months.

Kerry: Three months, ok, well, I worked here for 10 years. Elizabeth over there, former chief of surgery, worked here for 7 years, Susan, also a former ER chief, worked here for 7 years, Abby, who went from being our top nurse to one of our top doctors worked here for 10 years, and Dr. Carter worked here for 12 years. We've seen ambulances explode, helicopters crash, been involved in shootings, toxic spills, and lockdown situations. We've seen co-workers and friends assaulted, kidnapped, and killed. We, of all people, know what goes on here. We gave our lives to this place sometimes sacrificing our own sanity and personal well being.

Abby and Susan look at each other. Peter and Elizabeth grin. Banfield looks to Carter for an explanation and he just shrugs his shoulders.

Kerry: So excuse us, but I don't think it's too much to ask to let us reminisce. And as far as us distracting the staff, this group of doctors could probably teach you a thing two.

Banfield is dumbfounded, silent. Kerry walks away from her. Susan and Abby try not to laugh as they walk past Banfield.

Banfield: She really expects me to believe that an ER worker was kidnapped?

Abby: Oh yea, that would be me.

Banfield is silent again and walks towards the admit desk.

Frank: Talk about a clash of the Titans.

Sam slaps his arm and holds back a laugh.

Elizabeth: Shall we find Rachel then?

Susan: Yeah good idea, let's go up to the OR, it's getting a little tense down here.

Elizabeth: Splendid.

Abby: I never get tired of that accent.

They head towards the elevators.