Camp Lake Forks

"So ……… good," I said as I had another bite out of my pizza. "Your mom is the best at making pizza!" I said to my friend, Bee.

" Katie, stop eating so fast your going to feel sick later." She said back to me.

I sighed," Fine." We were watching a movie and eating pizza at Bee's house. It was Friday and the start of summer brake.

"Hey, uh, do you want my pizza?" asked Bee as she handed me her plate.

"Why? It looks alright to me." I said as I looked at the pizza.

"There is a piece of pepperoni on it." Bee said as she pointed to the pizza and there it was. I had forgot about her being a vegetarian.

"It would be my pleasure!" I said and took a bite out of that too. "Hey do you mind if I use your straightener? My hairs starting to fuzz up." I said as I looked at my hair in the mirror.

"Go ahead." She said. I plugged in the straightener and watched the movie as I waited for it to heat up. "What are we going to do this summer, Bee?" I asked as I took another bite out of my pizza.

She turned to me and said, "I don't know, Sleep, dream, grow, eat, sleep." I laughed and turned to the TV again. "Did your mom say yes to us going to a camp?" Bee said.

I sighed and said, "She's thinking about it. Yours?" I turned to her.

"The same" she said. I remembered the straightener and started straightening my hair. 5 minutes later, I was done.

"I'd like to go to this camp, I forget the name. I came across it on Google. I want to go there because it has a great lake we could swim in. You should see it," I said as I took another bite out of my pizza. "The pictures amazing just imagine the real thing."

Bee took out her lab top and went online. "Remember the name." She said.

"Ohh! Ohhh! I know Camp Lake Forks!" Bee typed it in and clicked search. And there it was the most beautiful picture ever. It was a picture of the lake. There was a sunset and trees every where.

"Wow." We both said. She clicked another time and there it said, 'Welcome to Camp Lake Forks!' and under that was information about it.

"We have to go there." she said as she pointed to a line in the information. There it read, "And for the vegetarians here in Camp lake forks, there will be a vegetable and fruit table where you can pick out your own food." I laughed and jumped on top of the bed and lay down.

"What if we're not allowed? Not being able to see that beautiful lake?" I sighed.

"That vegetable and fruit table…" she continued. I smiled.