AN: I thought I should mention that I won't be writing Kyohei's name as Kyouhei. No, it's not because I don't know that it's supposed to be a long vowel, I'm actually a Japanese major and I know what I'm doing. I'm just used to reading the Del Rey English comics, and that's how they spell it. Also, Kyouhei looks too long and round to really represent him in my mind. That's just how I like it, I'm sorry. In Del Rey they put first names before last names, but I am going to try to reverse that in my writing (Nakahara Sunako, Takano Kyohei) and that may seem contradictory to the first thing but it's my fanfic and this is English and I'll do what I want *pantpant*.

Second of all, the action may be a little..unrealistic. I tried to replicate the pictorial antics of the manga. I hope it works. I'm working on it. Bear with me. Here are my prompts:

30_romances: 15. Take a hint ; Scram!

30_kisses: 2. news; letter

18coda: 16. Mosso (Italian: moved, agitated)
more, with motion or animation~fighting, leaving

Nakahara Sunako's fingers trembled as she gripped the perfumed letter, grinding her teeth as she read her aunt's words over and over again.

"You're gonna rip that thing in half," laughed Kyohei, but his humor died abruptly when he saw the look on her face. Wordlessly he took his steaming plate of white rice and broiled fish into another room.

Takenaga and Ranmaru glared at his cruel betrayal—wasn't he the closest one to Sunako? –but they slowly retreated from the table with their food. Yuki, oblivious, suddenly realized he was the only one still within range. One look at Sunako's expression and he feared for his life.

"S-Sunako-chan…?" he whimpered.

Begrudgingly the creature of night raised her gaze and turned Yuki to stone.

"Yuki!" called Takenaga as the frozen boy toppled over and shattered; Ranmaru grabbed Sunako by the arm.

"What's wro-" He was cut off as Sunako whipped her arm backwards and sent Ranmaru face first onto the floor.

"What the hell is going on in there?" came Kyohei's unconcerned voice from the other room. "You guys better not be breaking shit!"

"Sunako-chan's gone insane!" yelled Takenaga. "We need backup!"

"If you make me get off this couch, I'm gonna be really pissed," he grumbled.

Wind began to rise around Sunako, whipping her hair around like writhing snakes. The dishes and silverware rattled and the lights flickered. Unearthly noises emerged from her throat. Her face was a mask of fury. Her knuckles were white as they threatened to tear the letter in two.

"Is that…perfume?" Kyohei wondered aloud, rising from the couch with audible effort and returning to the kitchen. He seemed unfazed by Sunako's transformation into the Demon Lord…as if her fits were more of a nuisance than something to be feared.

But then, the others didn't know her like he did.

The golden-haired boy pinched the top of the letter and tugged gently, but the Demon Lord wouldn't turn it over so easily. Sunako's hellish gaze twisted up to match his cool confidence, livid at his boldness.

"Get a hold of yourself!" Kyohei yelled, and smacked her in the face.

Takenaga and Ranmaru were visibly shocked. Yuki's last expression of fear and shock was still an appropriate reaction.

The wind died and the dishes settled; Sunako stood motionless in recoil from the strike. Kyohei was unrepentent. He yanked the letter from her limp hands and read aloud:

"My dear Sunako-chan! 3

"The weather here in France has just been gorgeous lately. Really, there hasn't been a cloud in the sky since February! Spring in Europe is wonderful—there aren't any cherry blossoms, but there is such beautiful scenery and such rich history, it's all beautiful. Things are going so well with my Darling, I just can't see being apart from him for even a moment. Of course I miss you, Sunako-chan, and this is why I want you to come live with me here in Paris!"

Kyohei paused in disbelief, but the others urged him to continue.

"I know you're probably surprised, as this is very sudden. But don't pretend you don't understand. I know you hate living there with those boys, and I know Kyohei is not really your boyfriend. I can't imagine you really care for him, knowing you. But it's not in my nature to just kick four poor young men out on the curb like that, their parents would be heartbroken. I'll just triple their rent. I think your progress into a real lady would be much faster if you came to Paris—here there are real ladies! I will be flying home next week to pick you up. Love, Auntie~

"P.S. Don't bother packing any of your ugly black clothes or your creepy skulls. We'll buy you all new clothes!"

A hush fell upon the room. They all had figured the landlady had given up trying to turn Sunako into a traditional lady, especially when she saw the girl's true dark obsessions. Had this only spurred her ambition?

Takenaga, always the quickest with words, was the first to speak. "P-Paris? All the way to France?"

Smooth Ranmaru was the next to react, albeit on a different train of thought: "She's fallen for a Frenchman, I see…"

"Sunako-chan is leaving?" whispered Yuki, recovered.

"Triple rent?!" said Kyohei. "Are you kidding me? That old bag is going to triple our rent!"

"Yuki's going to have to cook," groaned Ranmaru. Kyohei and Takenaga made wretching noises and Yuki's eyes filled with tears.

"You guys are so mean," he told them. "You don't even care how poor Sunako feels!"

The boys turned their attention to Sunako, her long bangs hiding her face. Kyohei could see from the slight shivering of her shoulders that she was trying not to cry.

Takenaga took the heavily scented letter from him and scanned it once more. "'Don't bother packing any of your ugly black clothes or your creepy skulls.' She's really trying to make Sunako-chan a real lady this time."

"It'll never work," said Kyohei, rolling his eyes. "Sunako's not like any other girl. I wish the landlady would just give up already and let her stay here."

"Well, what are we going to do?" asked Ranmaru. "I know you can't afford triple rent, Kyohei, since you can't even keep a job."

"Shut the hell up!"

"Guys, don't fight!" said Yuki. "What are we going to do about Sunako-chan?"

"What can we do?" Kyohei shot back. "Turn her into a lady? Sunako's not normal! She can't leave, or we'll have to pay triple the rent!"

The others were shocked into silence. Unfazed, Kyohei turned back to face Sunako, whose fists were trembling. But when she spoke, her voice was clear and spiteful.

"I know I'm not normal!" she spat. "Every day at school I get treated like I'm a monster—either everyone's scared of me or they pretend I don't exist. And you don't know how much shit I get for being 'that girl' who lives with you creatures of light. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. The only ones who understand me are Josephine and Akira-kun and Hiroshi-kun!"

She fled from the room, long black hair flying out behind her.

"Suna-" started Yuki, but Takenaga put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. Better to let her sulk in her room then incur her wrath again.

All eyes turned to Kyohei.

"Not normal? Really, Kyohei? You had to say it?" Ranmaru asked quietly. When he didn't answer, Ranmaru continued. "Is rent really that important to you? You can't even think about how Sunako might feel, leaving home and everything she loves?"

"Triple rent is-"

"Forget the fucking rent!" interrupted Ranmaru. "I know you can't even control your temper at work, and you don't give a rat's ass about Sunako beyond what she makes for dinner, but just don't be such an asshole to her, you know? She does a lot for all of us, so stop being so goddamn selfish."

"Shut the fuck up!" Kyohei yelled. "You don't know anything about me! Have your fucking parents pay for your rent, some of us aren't pampered pussies and have to pay it ourselves. Sunako's not leaving and that's that!"

He strode past them to leave, but Ranmaru caught his arm and whirled him around. "You better fucking apologize to her," growled Ranmaru. Kyohei shrugged him off and stormed out.

Yuki sniffed sadly. "Can't we all just get along?"

Ranmaru was too pissed to answer, and Takenaga was lost in thought, so Yuki never got an answer.