A\N Those of you who read my last fic, "Do I Look Like a Penguin, Doctor?" may have laughed at Donna briefly mentioning her "Travelling With the Doctor Rulebook". Or not, because it wasn't really that funny. But, it gave me an idea- and here is Donna's rulebook. I promise it's not as boring as it sounds. It also cheered me up, because even though she's gone, I like to think she left something of her behind. Below is a brief intro written as Donna. Enjoy and I hope this really is a good idea... Proper story in next chapters!

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who, and if you really must know, I wrote this. Not Donna. But let me pretend cos it makes me happy, k?

Dear Future Friends of the Doctor,

My name's Donna Noble and right now I'm travelling with the Doctor. I wrote this while I was living in the TARDIS- and if you're reading this then you must be too! I know the Doctor's had a lot of friends travelling with him, and at some point I'll probably leave. I would never choose that, but stuff happens. Stuff no-one, not even the Doctor, can control. I wrote these down hoping that future companions of the Doctor will read them- I found all this out the hard way, and I want to make sure you don't make the same mistakes! I remember thinking there should be a rulebook- and here it is. There's a story behind each rule, and I hope whoever reads this will laugh at them and recognise that this will be the greatest time of their life. Enjoy it while you can!

Love Donna Noble, Human, From Earth 2008