Welcome everyone to my 13th chapter of my Lion King 3. I'm sorry that it's been so long, but this story feel to the wayside. I thank everyone that has reviewed, and ask for the readers forgiveness in

me not updating in so long.

Now then. The long awaited chapter 13.

Chapter 13: Homeward Bound

Kiara and Kopa were the first up that morning, and as they looked over the Outlands they started to talk.

"So. What happen to you?" Kiara asked her older brother.

"Didn't I go over it with you? Zira cubnapped me, and brought me to the Outlands," Kopa said, as he let out an annoyed sigh.

"Oh yeah... You did tell me that," Kiara replied with a laugh.

"So tell me little sis. How has father and mother been without me there?" Kopa asked starring straight into Kiara's eyes.

"Oh. Well I don't really know for sure. They've never mentioned you around me. I think the completely forgot about you."

"Oh," Kopa said, as he looked down and moved a rock with his paw. Kiara knew that she had said something that hurt her brother, and replied with, "well. I did say I never heard about you from them, but I've heard other lioness talk about you.

"Really?" Kopa asked in an unbelieving tone.

"Yeah. You were still their king, or should I say was going to be their king," Kiara said.

"Ha. Kovu is now the King, since he's your mate. I see what I missed," Kopa replied in an aggressive tone.

"No... That's not what I meant at all," Kiara replied, as she tried to think about the words that she was going to say next.

"That's the meaning behind it though, Kopa replied angrily.

Dead silence is all Kopa got out of Kiara, as he said, "I knew it.. This whole time, locked in the Outlands, and now I lose my place in the circle of life."

"No.. You don't mean it Kopa?" Kiara asked with a deep concern in her voice.

"Yeah. Whatever. I'm going to take a walk. Come find me when you figure stuff out," and with that Kopa stormed off.

Kovu walked up behind Kiara and asked, "What's the deal with him?"

"Oh Kovu," Kiara said, as she nuzzled into Kovu's soft mane, "I was trying to help my brother, but it seems like I hurt him instead."

"I see my love. Don't worry, he will come around soon," Kovu replied returning the nuzzle.

Kopa walked a mile or two, and looked back. He was still thinking about what Kiara just said, when all of a sudden he was jumped on by a lioness.

"I caught you," Lila said, as she looked down at Kopa.

"Oh. Hi. How are you?" Kopa said.

"Fine, and you?"

"Just have a lot on my mind."

"About?" Lila asked, looking a little worried.

"I was just talking to my sister, and finding out what was happening in the Pridelands. She said that nobody remembers me," Kopa replied, with an angry tone in his voice.

"Oh... I'm sure they remember you my love. Did you ever stop to think about how your parents felt when you were captured?" asked Lila, as she looked Kopa dead in the eyes.

"No.. Not really," Kopa said with a hint of guilt in his voice.

"Why don't we go back, and talk to Simba. I'm sure he knows what's going on," was Lila response, as she turned around and started walking back towards the area where Simba slept.

"Wait up," Kopa replied, as he chased after her.

They walked a few mile, before they saw Kiara and Kovu sitting beside each other with their backs turned to them. Simba was standing beside them talking about the fate of the Pridelands, as Kopa and Lila came into range of their conversation they heard, "So. What happen to Kopa again?" Simba asked Kiara.

"He got mad at me, because I said that I didn't think anybody in the Pridelands remembered him."

"I see. Of course people in the Pridelands remember him. How could we forget someone, who was going to be the next king," came Simba's answer in a soft tone.

"I know... It just came out wrong. I wish I had the chance to tell him I was sorry," replied Kiara, as she looked into her fathers eyes.

"Apology accepted little sis," was what Kiara heard, and as she whipped her head around, she could see Kopa walking up behind her.

"KOPA!" Kiara shouted, as she ran up to her brother, and started to nuzzle him.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you. I know that you were trying to help, and I'm sorry."

"It's okay brother. I forgive you," was Kiara's replied, as she nuzzled him, and started to purr.

"Good morning son. Kiara told me everything that has happened," Simba said.

"Good morning father."

"I do have to ask though. What was this about you not being remembered as king?" asked Simba.

"Well. I've been gone so long, and I didn't think anybody would remember me. Then when I was talking to Kiara, and she said that nobody has talked about me."

Simba just looked at him and said, "I see. Kiara is wrong, and I can tell you how. When You were captured by Zira. Nala and I searched hi and low for you. We even had all of the pride members look for you. We searched, until Nala got pregnant with Kiara. Then she stopped, but I continued on. It was when Kiara was born, when he finally gave up and thought Zira had killed you. That's why she was banished to the Outlands.

"Oh. I thought everyone gave up hope on me, and when I didn't see the others coming after me I lost all hope of being rescued."

"We didn't know where you were, and like I said; we searched high and low for you, but to no avail," came Simba's response.

"I see," Kopa said, as he looked down to the ground, and started thinking about everything that his father had said.

Kiara then walked up and said, "I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it the way it came out."

"It's okay sis. I understand what's going on now. You don't have to worry about it."

Kiara just smiled at him and said, " I almost forgot to introduce you to my mate. Kopa this is Kovu, and Kovu this is Kopa."

"Nice to meet you Kovu. Have you been taken good care of Kiara while I was away?"

"Of course I have. I am her mate after all," came Kovu's reply with a laugh.

"Good. I'm going to hold you responsible for anything that happens to her. Understand?" Kopa said with a smile on his face.

Kiara just smiled, and looked at her brother. She then said, " I can take care of my self thank you very much.

"Just not in anything dealing with fires," Kovu interjected.

Kiara took her paw, and hit Kovu's leg and then said, " That was only one time, and it I remember correctly it was Vitani and Nuka who set the fire ablaze."

"You are going to have to tell me that when we get back to the Pridelands, but can we get going. It's getting hot, and we have a long ways to travel, Kopa said.

I was just thinking that," Simba said, "let's go."

Simba started leading them back to the Pridelands with Kiara and Kovu walking side by side, and Kopa and Lila walked side by side. It's been a while since Kopa returned to the Pridelands, and he was excited to see it again, as well as his mother.

End Chapter 13

Well everybody. That's the 13th chapter. I hope everyone enjoyed it, and will be patient with me. Thanks to all my long time readers, and anyone who just started reading it. I thank y'all for your time.

Hinu Hyuga