Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, they are owned by Hasbro. This has some slash in it between a rat and a raptor from Beast Wars. No like – no read. This is strictly a fan fic. No flames or harsh comments. Constructive criticisms welcome. Enjoy.

Dinobot left the Decepticon space cruiser, having just been thoroughly exploited by Megatron. Dinobot was angry and sore. He realized that he no longer needed to take the constant abuse from Megatron or his fellow Decepticons. Dinobot thought that if he defected to the Maximals that he would have a chance to earn back his honor as well as destroy the son of a glitch who defiled him. Dinobot transformed into his raptor beast mode, and sped off, making sure none of the defects on the Decepticon team were following him. Dinobot was on his way to find the Maximal ship, hoping that their leader, Optimus Primal, would take Dinobot in as a member of the Maximals. The raptor had even changed his code so that now his programming was that of a Maximal. The only thing left to do was to see if the Maximals would accept this former Predicon.

Meanwhile, on the Maximal ship, the Maximals were just picking out their beast forms to explore this strange, unknown planet that was covered in unstable energon. While Cheetor, Rhinox, and Rattrap all had their beast forms, they were waiting on Optimus, who took a little longer to pick up his gorilla beast mode. After all were fitted into their beast form, the four explorers left the damaged vessel. Upon exploration though, the Maximals ran into the Predicons. After a brief skirmish, the two sides return to their respective areas. However, the Maximals were in for a surprise as they returned to their ship.

Optimus was the only one who noted that the Predicons had one less member. He said nothing as he kept a vigilant optic peeled in case this unaccounted-for Predicon sprang a trap on the Maximal team. It was on the narrow bridge that this team ran into the defector from the Predicons. Dinobot wanted to be the leader, but Optimus was not about to let that happen. Dinobot and the Maximals were all unaware that the Predicons had followed them, until the Predicons attacked during the skirmish between Optimus and Dinobot. Optimus ended up not only saving Dinobot, but he also saved Rattrap, the ungrateful whiny Maximal.

Finally, the Maximals, now including Dinobot, headed back to their ship. Rattrap was very vocal about his distrust of the ex-Predicon. Cheetor and Rhinox said nothing, and Optimus finally got the rat to shut his trap. Dinobot was not exactly happy about the arrangements as his quarters was right next to Rattrap, but it was better than being at the Predicon base, where Dinobot remained tied up in Megatron's room more often than not. And so for the first night, Dinobot slept in his own room.

However, in the middle of the night, Dinobot woke to a strange noise. Dinobot looked around to see Rattrap, in his room. However, Dinobot could tell the Rattrap was not all online. Rattrap was "recharge walking." Dinobot carefully watched as the little vermin crawled up to where Dinobot lay. Dinobot was too surprised to say anything as he watched Rattrap come up to him. Dinobot knew well enough not to wake a bot who was in recharge walking mode, but Dinobot was unsure what Rattrap's intentions were. Suddenly, the "sleep walking" rat was sitting right on Dinobot's chest. Dinobot kept still, not knowing what to expect, when all of the sudden the rat used it rough tongue to lick carefully at Dinobot's open areas in the armor. Dinobot was surprised when he felt warmth from the tongue touching his exposed wires. Dinobot, knowing not to disturb the offline rat, allowed Rattrap to continue his ministrations. Dinobot did not shout out even though he was in ecstasy, but he began to pet the rat that sat on his chest and was rewarded with little squeaks.

Dinobot, for the first time ever, was pleasure shot. He had never had an experience like this and Rattrap had not even gone near his interfacing port or cable. Dinobot and Rattrap both overloaded, the latter not even realizing what was going on. It was then that the rat, still sleep walking, crawled out of the room, leaving Dinobot to wonder just what was going on here, but he decided to say nothing about it, as no one would believe him. And so Dinobot fell into a pleasant recharge, thinking about that little rat, who lovingly brought him such pleasure.

Rattrap awoke in the morning, unaware of his nighttime escapade. All the rat knew was that he had a pleasant dream where both he and his lover both overloaded. Rattrap quickly went to clean up as he realized that he had somehow overloaded in his sleep. And so heading to the wash racks, Rattrap was getting ready to start his day.

Meanwhile, in Dinobot's quarters, Dinobot was starting to rouse from recharge. He still was not sure that what happened was a dream or reality. However, he shook the so-called memory out of his head as he knew, or at least thought he knew, that Rattrap hated him and would never do that. It was sad, really, to Dinobot, as he felt in that memory he had found his sparkmate. Dinobot quickly got up and left his quarters and the ship to get fresh air. How could this happen, he wondered.

Later on, after it happened nightly, Dinobot came to expect the little rat coming into his quarters very early in the morning. Dinobot was careful not to wake up the little rat, but did provide extreme pleasure to the one Maximal who constantly criticized Dinobot. It was during one of these nightly encounters that Dinobot was brave enough to ask the little sleep walking rodent a desperate question. And so Dinobot asked the sleep walking rat carefully.

"Rattrap, why do you come into my room every night for pleasure, yet you criticize me all day?" Dinobot was beyond curious.

"well, chopperface" replied the sleep walking rat without thinking, "because I love you. I loved you since I met you, but I did not know if you loved me in return."

Dinobot was shocked, but did not let it show. Dinobot now realized that the reason that Rattrap was so critical of him was that the rat loved the raptor so much, but could not let it show. Dinobot, also now realized that he loved the little rodent as well. They both understood that for now, it was best to keep this a secret, their secret.