Disclaimer- Do not own Gakuen Alice

Teenage Rebel

Chapter 8

I Don't Want to Fall to Pieces

"I looked away, then back at you"

3 Years Later

The past few months had been the best of my life. Sitting under the stars on the beach, holding hands whilst walking along the coast and romantic dinners in Chez Mey. December had come too fast, and so Christmas Spirit was fresh in the Air. I stepped out onto the balcony and felt the winter air hit me, but two warm arms wrapped around my waist and someone kissed me on my neck.

"It's cold, come inside," he kissed me again, and again and I smiled. I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'll live and anyway I want to say goodbye to Autumn." I snuggled my face into his chest. His hands ran through my hair and is lips found my forehead. "My forehead? Seriously what are you? My grandpa?" I looked up and I saw his smirking. He had grown taller so when I went to kiss him I had to stand on my tip toes. His lips felt perfect against mine as always. When our lips parted I felt the fakes of snow melt on my head and dampen my hair.

"You know snow hides all and makes everything beautiful. You're my snow that fell on my life and made it beautiful." I looked up at him my right eye-brow raised.

"Seriously, dude, where do you get your lines?" My curiosity was peaking by the second. There was always a time where he would say something romantic. Beautifully scripted, like it belonged to a movie.

"Maybe someday I'll tell you." He pecked my nose playfully and dragged me through the doors and shielded me from the cold.

We snuggled up on his sofa with his large duvet wrapped around us sipping hot chocolate.

"I'm cold," I whispered in his ear.

"You know if we strip and press our naked bodies together we could get warmer," his finger had slipped down the strap of my nightgown so it hung loosely around my arm. I looked at my shoulder and then to him. I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

"I told you I'm not having sex with you." My voice was seductive and alluring. Seeing his tortured face was the icing on the cake.

"I didn't say sex. I said our naked bodies pressed against each other and if it carries on who knows....." he looked away, smirking. I sighed, disbelieving his previous comment.

"Yeah and Lucifer's...," he interrupted my sarcastic comment.

"An angel." His eye's looked bored, but sexy and devilishly handsome.

"Am I that predictable?"

"No, I just love you too much and I promise to love you forever." He smile a smile that was only reserved for me.


"You tried to say, the things you can't undo"

Our fingers were entwined as we walked the snowy streets of Central Town. Next to mw was Hotaru under the arm of Ruka. They had finally got together, but it wasn't like she had changed. She still blackmailed and sold pictures of Ruka and Natsume to fan girls. With the loving faces he gave her she could make a fortune. I guess he didn't mid. Today Natsume seemed.. out of it? As if he had a burden on his back.

"Natsume are you alright?" I asked. My voice was low so I didn't disturb the coupe next to us.

"Huh? Oh I'm fine. I'm just thinking about... work experience and .... stuff." His voice was stutter-y and unsure but that's what relationships are about, trust and playing Charlie's Angels later.

"The mouse has eaten the cheese." Ruka and Natsume stopped and looked at me as if I were a beach hobo.

"The dog has eaten the cat that ate the mouse who took the bait." Then they all stared at Hotaru. If only they knew. Translated this meant "We have to investigate later."

"I don't care if we investigate or not."

"Sorry we were just reciting some lines from my favourite book. I want to make a play version."

"So, what's this book you love so much?" he smirked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Um um," I stuttered. Suddenly Hotaru elbowed me and I blurted," The cat ate the mouse." My eyes wide and my mental voice stabbing me.

"Really, who's it by?" It was now Ruka's time to ask questions.

"It's by.. by F..Fido? Yeah Fido...the Duke of Worcester." Fido the Duke of Worcester? What was I thinking.

"Isn't Worcester a flavour of .." Ruka was about to continue but I nervously interrupted him,

" No."

"Yeah it is. Worcester Sauce. Walkers Crisps." All eyes directed to Natsume. Why did he have to go on and say it?

"We have to go. Mikan's on her period. She's saying weird stuff. " My body stiffened and I felt my face flush. Hotaru dragged my away like a doll.


Natsume POV

"If I had it my way, I'd never get over you."


Scince Mikan was spending the day with Hotaru I stayed in my room and put my headphones on. I went through my drawers until I found a Tiffany & Co box and I opened it. It was a beautiful charm bracelet with five charms.

M –For Mikan-

A heart with M+N

A tangerine

A cherry blossom

A cupcake

I sighed. There's no use so won't get it anyway. I clutched the bracelet in my fist and shoved it into my pocket and with the box, I locked away my feelings and I watched them burn. I watched till every piece of blue cardboard and white ribbon was disintegrated.


Mikan POV

"Today's the day, I pray that we make it through."


"Time to plant the bug," Hotaru whispered. We were stood outside of Natsume door.

"But Hotaru remember last time Natsume was being sneaky. He was just hiding my Valentine's day present. Plus I promised not to bug him again." I looked at the bug guiltily in my palm.

"Then why did you say the code words?" Hotaru hissed. She grabbed the bug and put her hand on her him in a dramatic way. I tried to hold it in but in the end we both started laughing. "Whatever, lets just get ready for the formal. Remember the countdown till Christmas?" Her voice was perky as we walked through the dorms to Sumire's room.

"I remember. Whoever you kiss at midnight under the Christmas star will be the one you spend all your Christmases with. Only if it's true love though." I stared dreamily into space imagining Natsume and I under the star again. We had never kissed at midnight but tonight was when we agreed.

At least two hours of torture for this one night, but I have to admit we all looked amazing. We were wearing matching red tube dresses. They reached just above our knees and plunged slightly at the cleavage. The only difference was the colour of our chokers. Mine was black with a red bow, Hotaru's was black with a purple bow, Anna's was black with a pink bow, Nonoko's was black with a navy blue bow and Sumire's was black with a green bow. They may not have matched but they were our colours. Nowadays people didn't say our names they called us Rainbow (collectively) or by our colours. Even the freshmen.

Our lips were matched our dress colour and we had simple mascara and eyeliner.


"Make it through the fall,"

We entered one after the other on the arm of our dates. First it was Sumire and Koko then Anna with Kitsume then Nonoko with Yuu. After Hotaru entered with Ruka and Natsume and I were last. It was weird, this month Luna had backed off and so had her remaining posse. Natsume seemed to be more agitated now. When he danced he got steps wrong and he refused to eat. What was going on? It was the last dance until midnight.

"Natsume come on let's dance," I chirped. I tried to drag him but he walked in the opposite direction. "Natsume?" my voice was quiet and concerning. The worst kind of voice you could make.


"Make it through it all."

I recognized the path we were taking we were walking to the Sakura tree.

"Natsume what.." he interrupted me.

"Let me talk." I nodded. "Okay." He took a deep breath and started talking. "These past months, years even have been awful. Having to endure you horrible screechy voice. Not to mention you. You're stupid and dull and you have no personality whatsoever. It's been a lie. Everything I said. Everything I did was a lie. You want to know why I've been down, it's because of you."

My breath was held as he spoke now it was my time.

"Natsume, these past years have been amazing. I want to thank you for the memories even if they were fake. I also want you to know I'll could never hate you and I wish you had never told me you loved me because trying to get over you is going to be the hardest thing I going to have to ever do. I don't want to be dull I want to.. want to be a person worthy of your love but I love you and I want you to know you healed me." I looked at him but he was dark.

"You liar! You just love my money! On the last day of the year Luna and I will be wed." I stopped moving. Natsume was marrying her.

"Why are they making you do this?"

"They're not making me do anything. I love her." The words hit me like ice and punctured my heart. I didn't ever want him to love anyone else but me.

"Tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"Tell me you don't love me."

"I.. I.."

"Say it and you won't see me again."

"I don't love you. I never have and I never will." I collapsed onto my knees. He said it. He didn't love me. I felt fresh tears trickle down my face and I felt my heart rip out. I was dead. I was dead without him. Why? I heard him walk away and in the distance I heard the clock chime and cheers.

"Merry Christmas." I heard him mutter. I couldn't move.

Luna a Natsume wed in under a week. On the 31st of December there would be a Mrs. Hyuuga but it wasn't going to be me.


Natsume POV

"Did you tell her son?" my dad whispered in my ear. I nodded. "I'm sorry."



2 Years Later

My name is Mikan Sakura. I am 21 years old and my corporation was voted Most Thriving Upcoming Business of 2014. I attended Hyuuga A. Academy, graduated with honours and most likely to succeed. I guess it was true. I own a fashion line called 'Black Cats' for every girl with a unique style and I've just opened my first hotel 'Sakura Hotel' near the natural hot-springs of Japan, and my heart is still mending.

My name is Natsume Hyuuga. I am 22 years old and my corporation was votes Most Thrived and still Thriving of 2014. I attended the school owned by parents, now owned by me, Hyuuga A. Academy. I graduated with honours and male most likely to succeed. I also got my own record deal with Hot Tunes. I own 50 hotels over the world, 10 holiday homes (5 of which are beach front), own a tropical island, Hyuuga A. Academy, over 100 stores over the world, 10 penthouse suites and a large castle on private land on the edge of Tokyo, near my own Hot Springs. I am divorced to Luna Koizumi the biggest mistake of my life and I wish I could change it.

For confusion-

NatsuMikan- The relationship was built on lust but they were acting like they didn't love each other. Coving the love with lust in simple.

Thanks for the support and I hope you enjoyed the fanfic. I hope you enjoy my sequal.