Bella was still asleep, having nightmares about Ren, probably.

Since Ren was ok now, I wanted to surprise Bella.

I went to the nursery and picked up Ren.

I walked back to Bella's room and she was definitely having a nightmare.

"Renesmee. …NO!" she said still asleep.


"Oh, Edward. I had the worst dream. Renesmee. She's ok?"

I handed Ren, to Bella, carefully, and sat on the bed next to them.

I wrapped my arms around my love, and child, and held them close.

I kissed behind Bella's ear and she giggled.


"What?" I asked, and kissed her again, in the exact, same, spot.

"Stop it." she said, laughing.

"Please. I love you." I said, making a puppy dog face.

"Fine. I love you, too."

I kissed her again, and she laid her head on my shoulder.


I woke up, still in the hospital.

I'm guessing that Edward hadn't left the room for one moment, except to go seen Ren, every once, in a while.

When I sat up, in the bed, he, of course, was there.

As soon as he saw me sit up, he came over to me.

"Are you ready to leave?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.