Sleepingdreamer08: Hey there people! I'm finally using my account! For the meantime I'm rewriting all my stories and deleting some of my old ones. Please read and enjoy :))

SUMMARY: Because besides the fan boys, there will always be that annoying question, "Sakura, do you have the hots for me?" and for some reason it always came from the lips of Uchiha Sasuke. xSasuSakux CRACKfic

He was a happy guy. Don't look at me! He really is! All you have to do is look behind that cold Uchiha glare and strong body that would try to kill you if you ever piss him off. And yes, I'm talking about Uchiha Sasuke.

And no, I'm not joking because I, Haruno Sakura, saw him smile. You know? A genuine smile that makes your heart flutter. It's true okay. Go ahead and read this story, of course, unless you're an annoying fangirl. No offence bitches but the last Uchiha is mine, got it?

It started out like this:

Just Yesterday…

I was on my way to the Hospital. I feel so proud of my self, I could practically hear Inner Sakura screaming with pride (although it gives me headaches).

My years working at the hospital and the bruising training that Tsunade gave me were all worth it! (Even though her Sake obsession made my life a living hell) Today, I have earned the title as the head of the hospital. And despite the fact that I'd be doing most of the paperwork, (yawn…) it is something to be proud of…in a way.

How old I am, you ask? I'm now 18. Everyday I'm bombarded with fanboys, admired by my looks and brutal strength and healing skills. My used-to-be short hair was now in waist length and the pervert, Jiraiya, said I have developed a curvaceous body. So yeah…I'm happier than that rich dude, Bill Gates.

I was making my way towards the hospital wearing a white tank top and a black skirt and a medical coat, as usual, until I heard the sound of death.

"HEY LOOK IT'S SAKURA!" a hoard screamed. To be more precise, a hoard of 'I heart Sakura' fans.

Yep, I'm pretty sure Satan was out there to get me.

"Shit…" I cursed loudly.

I'm in really deep shit. Good Lord, save me from these fans! Why must they notice my shiny pink hair?

And with that in mind, I had to run around the hospital and for some damn miracle, I managed to outrun my drooling, mindless fan.

"Thank you Lord!" I praised, not really noticing the coal, dark and deep eyes that were watching me with amusement.

"You seem to be happy" a deep, yet husky, voice said. For some reason, that voice sounded familiar but I just ignored it.

I bit my tongue as my cheeks seemed to flushed every second. I knew I shouldn't say things out loud.

"Y-you h-heard m-me?" I stuttered out. I probably looked like an idiot right now.

I turned around to apologize but…I can't seem to. I mean, Sasu-gay was practically smoldering me with just his gaze.

His broad figure was towering me that just by tiptoeing, I could only reach his lips.

'His sweet, delicious lips, you mean?' inner Sakura said while licking her lips. I simply ignored her.

He was, obviously, still handsome that I wasn't surprised that his fangirls increased upon his return.

'Even though he practically betrayed Konoha and left me on a damn bench with just a small 'Thank You'. I mean, seriously, who does that?'

He raised his eyebrow in curiosity when I continued to stare at him with my mouth gaping.

"What's wrong Sakura? Do you have the hots for me?" he lightly teased. I rolled my eyes at him. This was almost his everyday routine.

I pouted at his comment but inner Sakura was practically yelling at me to jump him. It broke my heart to say it but I still love him. When he came back, I decided that I should just hide my feelings…for our friendship.

It didn't stop him, though, from saying that very same statement over and over again when he catches me staring at him.

It happened during training, parties and during the random chances that I get to see him. In the end, he would always ask the same question.

'Do you have the hots for me?'

I almost laughed when he used the term 'hots'. Being with Orochimaru for more than 2 years really rubbed off him.

I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at him childishly.

"In your dreams" I spatted at him.

For a second, I thought he looked…disappointed but just shrugged it off.

"How would you know what I'm dreaming about?"" he challenged.

I sighed.

"I don't have time for this. Anyways, I have to go now" I said as I bid him goodbye.

Little did I know that he was smirking at me when I left.

God it hurts, as in everything hurts. Why, oh why must everything be so difficult when earning a good title?

I sighed as I rubbed my temples. Now I know how Tsunade feels about work. No wonder the woman was drunk off her ass!

I checked the clipboard I was holding. My next patient is requesting a physical exam.

'My last patient…' I thought, relieved.

I grasped the handle and opened the door and took a glance at my patient.

What I saw definitely made me freeze in my place.

Let me see…

Chicken-but hair (check)

Sexy body (check)

Did I mention that he was shirtless?

My mouth was practically gaping at him as he watched with amusement in his eyes.

"S-Sasuke?" I almost screamed.

How the hell am I going to survive this? Me and Sasuke plus alone time is going to ruin me!

"Hello Dr. Haruno" he said.

A small blush made it's way to my cheeks which made me curse silently.

Anyways, I'm going to skip the embarrassing details because the physical exam itself almost too like forever.

All I can say was that I was able to tolerate him As long as I didn't look at his abs.

I smiled slightly before taking off my medical coat and my stethoscope.

"That's all for today" I said before turning to leave.

Here's the best part. I didn't leave. Instead, he pulled me by the arm, turned me around until my soft lips reached his. His hands were wrapped around my waist tightly as my hand slowly found it's way in his hair, massaging it which made him groan loudly.

My hair looked slightly messy right now, my lips almost bruised and my cheeks both adorned with a very pink blush but it didn't matter so I kissed him back which made him groan again in approval.

Suddenly, the need for air arised and we broke it off for a while.

I looked at him with a bit of lust clouding my eyes. He looked back at me and gave me a genuine smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"So Sakura, are you sure you don't have the hots for me?" he asked teasingly.

I just merely smiled.

Next day

Life was good, for me at least when I saw both mine and Sasuke's fans looking over the big sign I placed in front of the hospital.

To all mindless and bitchy fans:

Uchiha Sasuke is officialy taken by Haruno Sakura so back off.

I smiled inwardly as I heard the fans groan and wail loudly.

Yep, life was good.

Sleepingdreamer08: Good? Bad? Press that button that says "REVIEW" and let me know :))