A/N: Sorry for the long wait and the short chapter. Do forgive me and enjoy. Thank you very much for the wonderful reviews too. This story might take a different approach it seems.

Disclaimer: SDK is not mine, bebeh.


Crescent Two – Bonds of Glitter


Sakuya fumbled through her locker in search of her literature book. She was worried that she might have misplaced them, again. A frown was beginning to mar her always calm face as she was having no luck in finding the missing book. Trying to fight back a frustrated growl, something that does not fit her character very much, she closed the locker's flap, containing her anger well. She did not really wanna show this side of her to the other students, or teachers. It did not mean she was plastic or anything, she was just too shy to show it. Unlike the fiery Yuya, her dear cousin, she was a bit mellow. Sure, she had good grades and good standing overall but she was also quite reserved to actually make a statement. Bringing her right hand to softly run through her dark brown hair, she let out a small sigh. She was going to be in trouble in the next class.

Hugging the other necessary books to her chest, she turned to head for her next impending class. Literature was her least favorite subject, a surprise to many who knew her. Even Yuya would be surprised that was the only subject she had to double her effort in. For Yuya, it was Math. Actually, it was her most disastrous subject. She would always nearly fail, because she never studies unlike herself. Sakuya giggled to herself. She would need to put some sense into her cousin's head sometime soon about studying seriously. They were going to need it for the entrance exams.

Not really paying attention to where she was going, she bumped into someone and immediately fell back from the impact. Her hand was caught by the stranger though, although it was quite a foolish act to her since her books fell from her hands in a heap on the floor. She gasped from the shock and scrambled to gather her fallen books –people say you would lose your knowledge if your book falls on the ground and she did not want any of that. Completely ignoring the stranger who was standing beside her, she stood up and turned around, only to bump again into the stranger. However, this time, the books were safe in her arms, thanks to the same stranger who she bumped into TWICE.

"Ah, I really am sorry for bumping into you twice! I really am, forgive me-" she stopped mid sentence as her dark brown eyes travelled to meet with the stranger's blue ones. Strangely familiar blue ones.

"…Kyoshiro-san? You're Mibu Kyoshiro from cram school?" she managed, hesitating a bit.

The man named Kyoshiro just nodded excitedly. "Yeah, Sakuya-san! I am so happy you remember me!"

Sakuya gave him a smile. A reluctant one. "…well, of course. I had to teach you basic formula countless of times. I hope you still remember them though."

Straightening herself, she gave a small bow, out of habit. "…I have to go to class now, see you later…Mibu-sensei."

Turning her back toward him, she jogged to her next class, making sure she got there on time. Kyoshiro who was still a bit startled from the encounter, had a goofy smile plastered on his face. He was grinning from ear to ear, excited to have met his Miss Perfect again.

"She hasn't changed much, a bit more hard on me though." Scratching the back of his head, he placed one of his hands into his pocket and proceeded to walk away.


It was at the end of the day and Yuya was waiting for Sakuya outside the school gate, her bag clasped in front of her. She brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear, as it was getting too windy. Sakuya had chorus club today and Yuya had no obligations other than wait for her. Thankfully the club practices are only about 45 minutes so she spent her time in the library reading the book again whilst.

She squatted down, crossing her arms around her knees. She felt quite lonely waiting alone today, it was weird. Usually it was not like this but somehow, she felt today was different. She wondered about the weird teacher she met earlier today. He was…he oozed out this different aura that interested her. It was otherworldly, somehow. But to her, it did not make much sense. She closed her tired green eyes and just sighed.

"Yuya…? How long have you been waiting here?"

Yuya looked up to see Sakuya, who had a slight frown on her normally emotionless face. Her cousin seemed as bored as always. Reaching out her own hand, she gave her a big toothy grin.

"Pull me up."

Smiling, Sakuya grabbed a hold of her and heaved her up. Being the elder one of the two, Sakuya could not help but think that Yuya was still too childish for a high school student. She loves her cousin very much but thought that Yuya needed to act more her age. Still, she could not help but give in. She was maturing too fast anyway.

Both of them started their journey back home, Yuya smiling all the way. "Hey, Saku-chan, wanna go to Mister Donuts? I wanna eat something, I'm hungry!" she suggested, rubbing her tummy.

Sakuya glanced at her watch. It was still early. "Sure, why not? Your treat of course, I still haven't got my part-time job pay yet."

"Ehhh? But I paid for last time too!" Yuya protested, pouting.

"Well, that's what you get for having two part-times and no cram schools. I on the other hand, have to work hard on passing my exams."

"But you're bright enough already. I'm sure you'd pass, like always!" Yuya exclaimed brightly.

Sakuya stared at her, her eyes showing no emotion. How come Yuya was so different when she was with her? Why was she always so childish when it comes to being with her? Sakuya could not help but ponder on the matter. She has always observed Yuya from a distance while at school. She was more upbeat, talks her mind more and well, rude. To teachers, especially. Why must she be so different around her?

They were like night and day. As always, for forever…it seemed to be like that ever since. They have two personalities each, when around each other and when surrounded by other people. And they shift unknowingly.

Sakuya turned to Yuya, who was counting her money. She always wondered how the 'other' Yuya would be around her. She wanted to know her other face, the other mask. Clasping her hand to Yuya's, she pulled her away, her lips forming a small smile.

They had promised to look after each other and she would keep it.

No matter what the future has ahead of them, she would keep it.

Because they have a bond stronger than merely family ties…they were best friends.


A/N: I thought that was kind of crappy. Done early in the morning didn't really help in writing but it was fun. I couldn't sleep. Tell me what you think. R&R&R.