
A disrupting cheerful face greeted him as he transported to the Watchtower. He fought the internal urge to unleash the dark thoughts that often spun around his head on the darkest nights on Gotham. A mental reminder that the man in front of him would only feel a slight brush on his head if a batarang mysteriously found its way in the center of his forehead. Stupid steel physique, he thought. He really had to put an end to these early morning League meetings. The rest of them may be waking up around 7am, but he was usually entering his first REM cycle by this time if Gotham allowed.

"Bad night?" Superman asked noticing the intense look of dislike directed at him.

Batman felt himself unconsciously reaching for a batarang. Instead of lobbing the weapon at the Man of Steel, he intensified his look. Trying to contain a smile, Superman mumbled hopefully, "There's coffee ready." With a nod, he turned to retrieve a cup.

Picking up a cup with WE etched onto it, Batman reached for the coffee pot and tried to fill his cup. Noticing that weight of his cup did not change, he looked down at an empty pot. He carefully placed down the pot and mug and turned around looking for a surface that could handle his growing anger.

Suddenly, a red blur stopped inside the kitchen digging around the freezer for ice. Flash zoomed to the blender dropping in the ice to complete his iced mocha. Batman watched as the last of the coffee was mixed into a frothy mix. Flash finished up his delightful mix topping it off with some whipped cream. Slurping a bit through the straw, he noticed the expression of pure hatred coming from Batman. He squeaked a muffled 'Good Morning' before disappearing into a room with witnesses.

A quiet chuckle drew his attention to the door. Batman saw Wonder Woman leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest. She declared, "You can't kill him. You designed this place with too many cameras. Even if you can turn them off, Superman, J'onn, and I would hear Wally's screams."

"You know that I could find someway to stop him from screaming," Batman responded honestly.

"True, but you'll regret it later. Maybe not soon but definitely at some point. Besides, I have a better plan," she replied.

"Some form of ancient Amazon torture," his voice grew hopefully (well, hopefully for Batman).

"Better. I could make some fresh coffee," she picked up the pot heading to the sink. Batman sighed relaxing his shoulders. It would be easier letting her make coffee than trying to take down Flash. She turned and smiled at him, as though, she knew what he was thinking. After filling the coffee pot, she began pulling open cabinets and digging around for something.

"Do you know where the filters are?" she asked. He pointed to the lower cabinet on her right. Smirking internally, he admired her natural assets as she reached over to grab the fillers. Soon, the rich aroma of coffee, specially blended by Alfred, filled the small kitchen area. As the pot filled, Batman and Wonder Woman stood in comfortable silence watching it. When the READY light lit up, Batman held out his mug. He nodded to her as she filled it up.

"You're welcome," she commented pulling her own mug off the shelf. Her face was flushed with surprise when Batman handed her the cream for her coffee. "Thank you," she muttered with a shy smile. His response was another nod. She headed out the door towards the conference room. Batman followed a second later tempering the smile that graced his face.

A/N: I had to prove to myself that I could write something that was short and innocent but still sweet and funny. How did I do?