I don't own Twilight or any of it's characters, Stephenie Meyer does.


I was once again seated in my office. Yesterday had been, interesting to say the least. I had been dreading the conversation we had for a while, all in all though it had gone much better than expected. Much, much better. I smiled, but then again remembered and the smile vanished. The things that Bella had told me about that girl Jessica and what she had said, it bothered me. I knew what Bella had said about the whole situation, and while I was relieved by the words she spoke I couldn't help but feel guilty. Like this was my fault. Or Alice's fault.

I should never underestimate my crazy sister again, I tought, wondering when she got to know me so well that she picked Bella out from a whole lineup of girls. I chuckled a bit at the thought of Alice scouring through the applications looking for her brothers perfect match. She had been trying for a long time, trying to get me on countless blind-dates but I had never been on one. I always found some excuse involving work to get out of it. I didn't like the idea of someone else meddling in that part of my life, but now that it was already done I couldn't be angry at Alice. Bella was the perfect girl for me. I needed something fresh, something to get me out of the house and working less. Bella was that girl, she might be my salvation if there even was one to be found.

I decided to stop my brain in it's tracks, no more thinking, overthinking, wondering. I had to trust what Bella said when we talked. Our relationship would have to be equal, based on respect for the other and that involved not second guessing the other person's words.

It was sunday today, the weekend almost over. God, I wanted Bella to stay over every weekend from now until the end of the universe. But would it be appropriate? Maybe she wants her own space? We have only known each other for about a week and I already want this woman beside me all day every day. I leaned back in my chair and listened to the notices of the house. I could hear Bella downstairs, and was that… singing? I smiled again, thinking about how happy it made me that she felt so at home already. I would have to get this smiling under control, but with Bella around it felt like I could do nothing else all day but be happy about her presence.

I stood up from the chair and walked down the stairs. I stopped in the door to the living room. Bella was on the couch, headphones on and singing to some song I didn't recognize. Her eyes were closed and she was lying down, making small hand movements in tune with what I assumed was the songs beat. I chuckled and Bella's eyes shot open. She sat up quickly, took of the headphones and looked at me, her face beginning to turn a crimson red.

"How long have you been there?" she said, her face turning an even darker red.

"Oh not long, but long enough" I said with a mischievous grin.

"Sneaky" she said mockingly but with a twinkle in her eyes and I couldn't help but to laugh. This woman.

"Any plans for today?" she asked.

"Does making you happy and content with life count?" I asked, "if it does then that."

She smiled, blushing again.

"I thought, maybe we could go into town?" She said. "I could pick up some more stuff from my dads?"

I had dreaded this moment. Charlie wasn't exactly an easygoing fun guy to hang out around. He was the sheriff of Forks and he didn't like my family. I knew this from my days growing up, my sister Alice had caused many a trouble in her younger days and due to that Charlie had developed a slight distrust towards my family. She always did have a way of getting away with all her mischief… However, if this thing, whatever it was, between me and Bella was going to work I would have to win the approval of Charlie. I knew he was important to Bella and I was determined to make it work.

"Sure" I said, but it seemed like Bella could hear the wariness I'll m my voice.

"Don't worry, when I got this job Charlie didn't freak out or anything" she said. "I think it's your sister/family he doesn't trust, nothing specifically against you" she said and winked.

"Very funny" I said. I still couldn't shake the feeling that this was going to be harder than Bella thought.

I went to change and Bella did the same, I was waiting by the car for her when she was finished. Inve again I was blown away by her beauty as she walked out the front door. She wore jeans and a forest green cardigan with a white shirt underneath. The green colour accentuated her brown hair even more than usual and her pale skin made her look like something out of a fairytale. I couldn't do anything but stare as she locked the door and started walking towards the car.

"Didn't anyone tell you it's impolite to stare?" she said laughingly as she saw my look.

I could do nothing but smile I'm return. My mind was just melting in this woman's vicinity, what secret power did she possess that made me regress into a pubescent boy as soon as she was around? I could only wonder as we got in the car and started driving towards the town.


The road to Forks for Carlisle's house was nothing but forest until you reached the town sign. From there small houses started appearing and a small town came into existence in front of your eyes. I can't say that I ever loved Forks, it was my home for sure but nothing more, no sentimental attachment apart from my father.

We drove through the small town, took a left, a right, another left and there it was. The house I grew up in. The police van was outside. Shit.

I had tried to put on a brave face for Carlisle but the truth is my father didn't like the Cullens one bit. I had never gotten the full story but I had heard mutterings about the "short pixie bandit" which I assumed was Carlisle's sister Alice. Charlie wasn't to keen on the fact that the Cullens were some big corporation who occasionally could make more trivial charges disappear. This hadn't happened since Carlisle took over the company though which Charlie commented on when I got the job, so I had some hope that things wouldn't be impossible between him and Carlisle.

I exited the car and waited for Carlisle to do the same. He walked over to me and as he came up beside me I could feel his hand gracing mine, asking for permission. I responded by grasping his hand and gently squeezing it. I looked up at him and saw a smile and those kind eyes.

"Shall we?" he said.

"Let's get this over with then" I said as I let go of his hand and started walking towards the house.

Lets not push our luck just yet I thought, and I hoped that Carlisle understood. I turned around and Carlisle was just behind me, giving me a reassuring nod. I felt relieved as I walked up the stairs leading to the front door.

I knocked and then entered.

Authors notes: If you like it, please leave a review! =)