Hi everybody!

Sorry it took so long to upload this!

My first Transformers fanfiction ever.

Hopefully it's good!

Disclaimer: I own nadda...except Tai...she is mine!

Chapter one:

What's a cousin?

'Sam! Time to get up!'

Eighteen year old Sam Witwicky groaned as the shrill voice of his mother rang in his ears.

'I don't want...to...' He whined, snuggling deeper into his covers, jamming the pillow over his head to block out the sunlight seeping into his eyelids. He was not a morning person by any means.

'Samuel James Witwicky! Get up this minute or I'll have Bumblebee reach in and hold you upside down again!'

Once again, Sam groaned but decided not to fight it. When Judy Witwicky wanted someone to get up, they got up...no questions asked. Also he didn't think it was fair to use Bumblebee against him on things like this.

Sure he was immensely relieved that his parents accepted him and the other Autobots, but now he had no excuse to sleep in through his alarm on school days.

With that, he sat up and stretched with a huge yawn. He sighed when the joints popped in his back and neck.

He started walking over to his bathroom to take a shower, when he glanced a look at his alarm clock. It was nine thirty in the morning! Nine thirty!

Not even close to his normal Saturday morning wake up time.

'Mom!' He ran downstairs,nearly tripping over Mojo, who was stupidly passed out after another pain pill binge on the top step.

'It's Saturday! Why did you make me get up this early on Saturday?'

Judy looked up with an amused smile at her son, standing there looking all flustered.

'Because Sammy...your cousin, Tatyana, is moving up here now that she is eighteen. This means she is out of the foster system. And I want you and your little friends to greet her.'

After suppressing a chuckle, Sam calmed down and forgot about the waking up early fiasco. He loved this cousin way more than his other ones. The other ones were either too weird or in jail. Not always the best at family reunions when the crazy ones think they are Lincoln or when the jailed ones show up with their parole officers with the electric anklets.

Tatyana or Tai, as she liked to be called, was pretty much the coolest person Sam has ever known.

Next to his amazing Mikaela of course.

She reminded him of Juno in so many ways...tough but nice, brutally honest, very sarcastic, and really pretty in a unique way.

But introducing her to the Autobots so soon...not quite what he wanted to deal with on this lovely day.

'Mom...I can't just waltz her into the base with five huge robots!' He said, grabbing a muffin from a plate on the counter, almost letting it slip out of his hands when he did his usual gesturing when he talked.

'Oh Sam, the worst thing that'll happen is that she will faint or scream...' She said dismissively. 'I'm pretty sure she won't go on a rampage again.' She than left the kitchen to get Tai's room ready.

'She chased me around the yard with a metal bat!' Sam called after her. 'For an Hour!'

But she either chose to ignore him or she didn't hear him. He let out an annoyed snort and sat down heavily on one of the bar stools, his head in his hands.

'God why does always happen to me...?' He murmured to himself.

He jumped about a mile off of his seat when his house phone rang loudly.

'Hello?' He asked picking it up.

'Sam, is everything alright in there?' Bumblebee's voice boomed over the receiver causing Sam to flinch and take the receiver away from his ear for a second.

'Whoa Bee...ow not so loud...yes everything is alright...just family...crap.' He said, choosing his words carefully.

It's been quite an experience teaching all the Autobots the Human language and lingo and expressions. Luckily they found the human race a 'fascinating species' as Optimus had put it...even the bodily functions that they themselves couldn't do. Not that Sam knew of anyway.

They especially enjoyed the sneezing and burping...they thought it was very funny. Not to mention at how mcuh they loved carwashes and hot wax, Sam swears he hears Bee purring like a walrus whenever he waxes him.

'Family crap?...Care to explain?' Bee sounded very confused.

'I'll explain in a few...lemme get changed.'

With that, Sam hung up before Bee could question further. He ran up the stairs, being careful of Mojo and headed to his room.

On his way, he saw his mom working on one of the guests rooms which was about the same size of his room.

He assumed that would now be Tai's room...hopefully she wouldn't keep it the way his mother was setting it up. Flowers everywhere and porcelain dolls with those creepy eyes that you swear are watching you.

After putting on a black t-shirt, an pair of jeans he found on the floor, and his beaten up old chucks, he quickly ran downstairs to meet Bumblebee.

'Okay I'll explain on the way...too the base but first Burger King...we have a situation and I need some fatty, soggy crap lingering in my gut for ten minutes!' Sam groaned, his head in his hands after putting his seatbelt on.

'Is it a real situation or a somewhat of a situation?' Bee's voice crackled through the radio as he pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the nearest fast food place.

'Okay, it's not a big situation but I still really need to talk to Optimus!' Sam urged with a soft whine to his voice as he kept his hands on the steering wheel to avoid weird or alarmed looks from other drivers. Particularly cops.

'Sam you just need to calm down...it can't be that bad...just tell me.' Bumblebee said, desperately trying to soothe his charge.

'Well my lovely mother neglected to tell me that my cousin is coming to live with us...don't get me wrong or anything, I love her like a sister. So that isn't the reason I'm freaking out!' Sam rushed, slamming his forehead onto the steering wheel, a muffled 'Ow.' ,escaping his throat.

'It isn't?' Bee asked, even more confused. As much as he cared for Sam, this human made his processor ache every now and than. He could only assume this cousin of his was the same way. Oh joy.

'No...it's just I'm not so sure how she will react when she sees..well...' Sam trailed off, making sure not to offend his friend.

'Us?' Bumblebee asked with an amused tone, inquiring the other Autobots and himself.

'Yes!' Sam wailed. 'I really don't want her upset in any way at me..I'd rather face Megatron again than the wrath of Tai.'

'Oh come on...she seriously can't be that bad!' Bumblebee said in a shocked tone. A human girl worse than Megatron? Although, Mikaela even scared Ironhide during the female menstruel time, so he could be wrong.

'Okay she's not...but she can be scary!' Sam whined as they pulled into the drive thru of the Burger King.

After getting the food, they headed off towards the base where the other Bot's were staying.

It used to be an old airplane factory, but after going out of business, it was abandoned for god knows how long. It was very large and has plenty of space, which was great for Optimus Prime and his team. They even had a couch...a very big couch which Sam loved to sit on.

Newly repaired Jazz opened the huge doors for them after hearing the honking of the young scout. Thanks to Rachet and the little bit of the All-Spark, Jazz was back to his old self...The Bitchin' Pontiac. Sam and Mikaela were so excited when they visited one day and he was there. He was great to have around, especially for illegally downloaded stuff.

Bumblebee stopped a few meters inside so Sam could get out before he transformed into his robot mode. Sam clambered out, nearly breaking his neck again, because somehow his foot got stuck in the seatbelt. How that happened, he didn't know...it wouldn't surprise him if Bee did that to make him laugh...or to annoy him. Most likely both.

'I-I got it!' He than pulled his foot loose but he ended up falling flat on his back. 'Oof!'

Jazz and Bee, who just finished transforming, leaned over him with concern.

I'm okay!' Sam waved them off, sitting up and rubbing his head where he bumped it against the floor.

'Are you sure? That looked like it hurt.' Bumblebee reached down with his large metal hand to help him up.

'Guys I'm okay...now where's Optimus?'

'He's in 'is quarters.' Jazz jabbed his thumb claw do-dad in the direction.

'Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!' Sam practically bolted in the direction, both of the smaller Autobots staring after him in confusion and amusement.

''Sup with him?' Jazz asked, raising his visor.

'From what he said...his 'cousin' is coming to live up here...as to why he is acting so oddly...well that's just Sam...'

'Ahh...' Jazz looked satisfied with that answer but than got a look of confusion on his face plates.

'What's a cousin?'

Bumblebee just sighed.