Chapter Ten

Jack and Faith sat by themselves huddled, trying to give each other comfort. They both loved the young man who was dying very much. They would lose something important to them.

Angel and the others didn't know what to say? They didn't feel they had the right to intrude. The vampire turned and looked over at Wes.

Their rogue demon hunter was staring out of the window; guilt was gnawing at his insides. It was his fault, if only he hadn't assumed that he knew more than Ianto.

The doctor walked out into the waiting room and looked around.

"Captain Harkness?" He called out.

Jack and Faith jumped to their feet and rushed over. Angel and the others stood watching carefully to find out what the news was.

"How is Ianto Doctor?" Jack asked holding Faith's hand.

The doctor smiled at them. "We have him stabilised, he's going to be fine"

Jack and Faith turns and they hug each other. Big smiles covering their faces.

"He's going to be ok." Jack whispered taking a deep breath. He had lost so many people over his long life and losing Ianto now would have been far too soon.

Wes took a deep breath the first thing he was going to do was to apologise to Ianto. He looked over at Faith she was no longer the slayer they all once knew. He would have to call Giles and Buffy to let them know.

He frowned would they still be going after this.


Tosh sat and stared at the phone praying for it to ring with good news. Owen placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her.

Gwen sat and stared at a picture with her and Jack. She hoped Ianto was going to be ok and that Jack would come back. She missed him so much.

Gwen knew she was attracted to him, everyone was but she was now wondering if it was more than just a sexual thing. If it was what was she going to do about it? Did Jack feel the same? Would he give up Ianto? Could she break Ianto's heart and of course what to do about Rhys?

She had to figure out if her feelings for the immortal were love and if they were she would have to talk to Jack.


A month had past and Ianto was still recovering. They had released him from the hospital and were curled up in bed at The Hyperion being spoilt.

Wesley had come in and apologised, the other man had looked awful. Ianto knew it wasn't really his fault so he smiled and forgave him.

Ianto frowned Wes had also told him what had been happening in Sunnydale and the First Evil. Faith's help was going to be needed.

Jack had been talking about going back to Cardiff. Ianto knew that he couldn't do that he had to go with Faith. This was not going to go over well with his lover.

Faith had just curled up beside him.

"Faith you're needed in Sunnydale." Ianto stated.

"I know I've got to go. It's going to be difficult and lonely without you there." She muttered.

Ianto tipped her head so she was looking at him. "I'm your watcher, wherever you go as a slayer I go to."

Faith's eyes opened wide. "What about Jack? He thinks you are going back with him?"

"I know and I am going to tell him that he has to go back and I have to stay here." Ianto sighed. It hurt but there was no other choice.

Just then Jack opened the door and walked in smiling at the two of them. Faith quickly looked at Ianto and then climbed off the bed leaving the two men alone.

"So when do you think you're be able to travel?" Jack asked.

"I'm not going back Jack." Ianto answered simply.

"That's not funny." He muttered.

Ianto sighed. "I'm not joking. I'm not going back to Cardiff. I'm going to Sunnydale with Faith."

"No your not you are coming with me." Jack ordered placing his hands on his hips.

Ianto's eyes turned to ice, his mouth tightened. "Jack this is not up for discussion. I am Faith's watcher I have to be, I need to be with her. I would never forgive myself for not being there."

"But you would be alive." Jack said stubbornly.

"I would never forgive you either." Ianto told him seriously.

"I'll go with you."

"Jack you have heard that the problems that are arising in Cardiff. Torchwood needs you, UNIT needs you and maybe The Doctor will turn up." Ianto said with a smile.

Jack shook his head, anger clearly written all over his features turning he stormed out slamming the door behind him.

Ianto's heart broke he knew that he was doing the right thing and in doing that why did he feel as if he had lost the man he loved.


Gwen smiled checking her hair and make-up Jack was coming home and coming home alone. This was the chance to find out if her feelings were more and maybe Jack felt the same way.


Angel investigations got Faith and Ianto a car, loaded it up with things that might help.

Ianto promised to call if any more help was needed.


Buffy heard a knock at the door she opened it.

"Hello B." Faith said looking at the woman she had betrayed. "This is Ianto my watcher."

The End

I have planned another two stories the next one will be them fighting the first and then I plan to have Faith and Ianto crossover with two more different shows g