Open, Pop, Swallow

Disclaimer: Please see first chapter. Thanks.

Author's Note: Dear awesome readers, I am so sorry for not updating. I came back from a long trip and then had a terrible case of writer's block. I tried going to the doctor, but apparently "writer's block" isn't actually a medical condition. What can you do? But in all seriousness, this chapter was really hard for me to write. And you know whom I blame? Shego! Yeah, that's right! Shego. I blame her fully. Her character is soooo resistant to change. I really want to keep her in character and I planned to make this chapter the fueling point or turning point for my plot. I went through so many different scenarios, and through all those plausible storylines, Shego rebelled. She just refused to fit into my story! Why must she be so damn stubborn! Anyway, I think I came with a solution. I'd appreciate it if you guys and gals tell me what you think.

And another quick apology, this story some select words that might be offensive; in other words I drop a couple of F-Bombs here and there and some people may find it a bit angsty, but I promise the next few chapters will be much more light-hearted. Scouts honor.

P.S. I've never been a scout or girl guide…sooooo….ONTO THE STORY!

Thursday: Open, Pop, Swallow

"What the fuck do you want?" Shego exclaimed; phone clumsily placed against her ear.

"Why Shego, wouldn't a 'hello, Shego speaking?' or 'hello, Lipsky residence' be more appropriate?"

"Not at 4 in the fucking morning, Betty," Shego seethed. Drakken merely stirred beside her. Shego sighed angrily; it was times like this that Shego envied his ability to sleep through anything!

"I don't think that's any way to address the person responsible for your global pardon, now is it?" Betty, or Dr. Director, as she is better known sneered.

Shego growled, "So what? Now I'm supposed to be thrilled that you're calling at 4 in the, might I repeat, fucking morning!"

"Listen Shego, I'm not one for swearing and, by the way, its not becoming on you…although rarely anything is. But let's cut the bullshit," Dr. Director spoke, "why haven't you returned my calls?"

Shego snorted, "What are we best friends now or something? Because as far as I know I can't stand you!"

"Don't get smart with me," Betty growled, "this is an opportunity of a lifetime. You could be on the best team out there, kicking ass day and night."

"You call GJ the best team out there?" Shego scoffed. Drakken rolled onto his side and lazily draped his arm across Shego's side, Shego growled and threw it off. Drakken let out a snore in response.

"Well…how many times have we arrested you, the almighty Shego?" Betty laughed.

Shego smirked despite her mood, "And how many times have I escaped?"

"Honestly, what the hell do you do all day? Play wife-y to Drew?" Betty jeered, "That's pretty pathetic Shego."

Shego snarled as anger completely washed away her fatigue. "Don't act like you know me."

"I work for Global Justice, honey," Betty smirked, "I know everything."

Shego grunted, "Betty, you and I both know that I can allude you anytime, any day. GJ is an over-glorified shit-hole run by a bunch of sissies."

"Sissies?" Betty inquired, "So you admit that a bunch of sissies can easily overtake you and your blue lovebird."

"Firstly, GJ never arrestedme, you had to hire a teenager to do that because your team is full of inadequate dumbbells. I mean what respected crime fighting organization hires some high school cheerleader to do their dirty work? And secondly, unless you're offering Drew something, don't you dare bring him up, got it?"

"Drew makes you touchy?" Betty teased.

Shego snarled, "I can understand you're a horny, unsatisfied middle-aged bitch getting nil in the fuck department, but from now on, my love life, or whatever the hell you think is going on between Drakken and me is going to stop…now."

"Well if it makes you happy-"

"What would make me happy," Shego gnarled, "would be if you refrain from giving me 4-in-the-morning calls! In fact, what would make me happier would be if you never call me again."

"Well, luckily I'm not calling you to make you happy, Shego-dear. I'm calling to make my team happy, to do what I think is best for…you know… the world."

"Oh yeah, and what's that got to do with me, Betty-dear?" Shego sneered.

"Shego, I'm not stupid, and I know you're not a stupid woman," Betty replied, "You are a strong, smart, resourceful woman and basically you have the agility unseen in any known man or woman. We can use you, and we'd pay you well."

"Betty, I don't commit to anything or anyone…let alone GJ," Shego barked.

"Oh really?" Dr. Director teased.

Shego choked back her contempt, "I swear Betty if you don't shut-"

"Shego, can we rely on you?"

"Fuck no!"

Dr. Director sighed, "You don't need to commit, we just need you for a project."

"What happened to your precious little Kimmy? She not available?" Shego jibed.

"She's in college, honey. She's not sitting around home like others I know…so we had to call in 2nd best," Betty laughed.

"You and GJ can go to hell!" Shego snarled, ready to slam down the receiver.

"Calm down Shego, I was joking! Besides this isn't a project for Kim…"

"Oh yeah," Shego snorted, "how so?"

"Here's the low-down, Shego, we are undergoing an intense experiment and we're flying in some of the world's top geneticists for their input. There are gangs, tyrants, terrorists who would do anything for this information. We're not dealing with idiots…crime heads know something's going on down here, especially when we fly these scientists into our base. They'll do anything, Shego, anything for our information," Betty explained, "And that sweetie, is where you come in."

"Huh, really, how do you figure that?" Shego smirked.

"Because GJ is willing to pay you a good 11 figure amount for your work."

"I told you, I don't commit."

"Are you afraid of what your little crime friends will think of you?"

"I don't care what anyone thinks of me, least of all you."

"Besides, its for one day."

Shego snorted, "11 figures for one day? And tell me again why little Miss Kimmy isn't doing this, let alone for free?"

"I told you, this isn't something that's for her…we need someone more mature," Betty drawled, getting tired of their banter, "unless you don't think you can handle the job."

"Fuck you Betty."

"I take that as a yes," Betty smiled, "Oh and that 11 figure dollar amount assumes you start tonight…we'll send a plane-"

"If I choose to take your offer, you can bet your ass I won't be arriving on your terms."

"See you at 5 tonight…that is 5 here in New York, not your precious island."

"I don't take orders."

"Look forward to seeing you, Shego, really- it's been too long," Dr. Director smirked.

"Oh and Betty?" Shego added.


"Don't call me at 4 in fucking morning." With that, Shego slammed down the receiver, kicked Drakken back to his side of the bed and like every other time, hogged the majority of the duvet.

"What are you doing?" Drakken yawned, stretching his arms out.

Shego growled as she gave Drakken a glare. Drakken flinched, he knew that look, 'don't ask, don't bother.' "What does it look like, I'm packing," Shego spoke through clenched teeth.

Drakken shot up in bed; sheets flung to the side in panic. Neither had left the other since the 'start' of their relationship. Last time Shego packed for something, she ended up in Greece, leaving him abandoned and alone in jail only to be abducted by an 8-foot tall monster-alien. Suddenly the 'don't ask, don't bother,' motto no longer applied. "What? Why are you leaving? Where are you going?"

"What are you my mother?" Shego snapped, "What's with the questions?"

"Did I do something wrong? Maybe I said something?" Drakken panicked, hovering over her shoulder as she rummaged through her lingerie drawer. Suddenly Drakken was on his knees, "what is it? I can change. Don't leave me!"

"Dr. D!" Shego screamed, "Shut-up! I'm not leaving you, you idiot!"

Drakken let out a sigh, visibly relaxing, "So you're not leaving me?"

"Well if you keep interrogating me, I'll seriously consider it," Shego sneered, "Now get up, you look pathetic."

Drakken stood, smiling like an idiot. Gently he placed his arms around his lover and placed a quick kiss on her cheek. Shego couldn't help but smile, enjoying the attention. "Stop being so lame," she half-seriously whispered as her boss continued caressing her with feather-light kisses across her neck and collarbone.

"Can't you take a rest with the packing and have some fun with ol' Dr. D?" Drew teased, moving his hands to grope her breasts.

"Ugh…don't you have to get going?" Shego murmured.

"Ah…Middleton Science Institute can wait…" Drew groaned.

"Drakken," Shego sighed, "I have to pack…I gotta go to New York."

"What now?" Drakken panicked.

"Drakken…what's with the questions?" Shego snapped, turning around to glare at him, "What are we? Married?"

"Well, no it's just that-" Drakken stumbled, arm draped clumsily behind his head.

"It's just what?" Shego snarled.

Drakken blushed, eyes suddenly interested at the red carpeting, foot making circles, "Just curious is all…"

"Well don't be!" Shego snapped.

Drakken growled, "Nnargh, Shego! You're my woman! Don't I have the right to question where you're going?"

"Firstly, I'm not your woman and secondly…argh…just whatever!" Shego yelled, green sparks emitting from her fists.

"Fine!" Drakken replied, not even noticing the green-warning sparks flying off her fists. Snapping around, Drakken stomped off to the direction of the washroom, "I'll see you when I see you!"

"Fine!" Shego cried out. Pissed off and annoyed, Shego continued packing.

Shego was changing. And as she drove about 50 miles over the speed limit, swerving dangerously around the main roads of New York, she decided she did not like it. Dr. Director knew how to piss her off, and suggesting that she was playing "wife-y to Drew" caused something in Shego to snap with Drakken; although their argument started with his endless questioning, Shego had a feeling anything he said or did would have set her off after her oh-so-lovely "chat" with Betty.

Anybody who ever had the fortune to meet Shego would never put the words wife and Shego together. They were not in any way compatible. Shego savored her independence, having her own money, never needing to be accountable. And those who even just met Shego probably would guess she wasn't a committed woman. Being in the villain business never left her any time for relationships, not that she wanted any, and when she did encounter a man that caught her eye and more importantly, made her loins soften, such an encounter would never last more than a one-night stand. She enjoyed that. She expected to be gloriously single for the rest of her fabulously sexy and devious life. But all that changed, half a year ago when she lost all her senses and gave into whatever feelings she had for her boss. Her boss, the incredibly mad man, Dr. Drakken. Now, rather than running away for a week for some relaxation, shopping and occasionally sex, she found herself wanting to run away with a certain blue-tinged scientist; relaxing with him, shopping with him (well more like forcing him to accompany her on her lavish shopping sprees while he complained like a school boy), and most excitingly having sex with him and only him.

She wasn't stupid. She knew she loved that wonderful idiot. She was past denial. She'd already said the three words she couldn't remember telling anyone else. It was during one of their romps (she smirked thinking about how he pleasured her on his work table) that she uttered those dreadful words, 'I love you.' He'd said them to her before, twice to be exact. But she'd never dared return those words. After all, couldn't he figure out her feelings? He'd be pretty dense if he didn't figure it out after all the attention she had been showering him with. But, in the heat of their passion, she accidently uttered those words. He stopped his movement in and out of her when he heard them. Her eyes widened in horror. To her surprise he just smiled before continuing his lovemaking. He knew better than to make a big deal out of it. But in his head, boy was he ecstatic! Shego loved him. And while Shego, being an admirer of the male physique, found herself loving Drakken more and more, she soon found that her interest in other men dwindled incredibly. Shego found herself committed to a man she never imagined she would or could love.

But still! "Playing wife-y to Drew" was something she did not do! The thought made her want to vomit. She may be committed, but she was in no way a lovey-dovey housewife. After barely missing a few pedestrians (most of them jay-walking, anyway), she finally pulled into the headquarters of GJ. A young, dark man dressed in official GJ gear motioned for her to stop in front of the black iron gates accessing GJ's staff parking.

"ID." The man commanded.

Shego raised her sunglasses to look the man up and down, smirking, "I don't have ID."

The man stiffened, "Well then I can't let you through ma'am."

Shego scoffed, "Dr. Director is expecting me, she won't be happy if you don't let me through."

The man smiled, it wasn't the first time someone pulled this trick on him, "Oh, really," he drawled, "In that case, I'll just give the director herself a call."

"Be my guest," Shego smirked leaning against the leather of the driver's seat. After a couple of minutes the young man returned, seeming somewhat defeated, as he gave Shego access to staff parking.

"Alright go on in." Shego snorted in response, speeding off once the gates opened to let her in. And sure enough, there she was! Dr. Director looking like a stick lodged itself up her ass. 'Just like I remember her,' Shego thought, drifting into a parking spot while almost hitting a terrified GJ official.

"Not notice the speed signs?" Dr. Director asked as Shego stepped out of her black convertible.

"They're nice guidelines, but I determine my own speed, thanks very much, "Shego replied.

"Well I'd appreciate it if you did follow them, " Betty growled, "I'd like to keep my staff alive, thank-you very much."

"I'm not here to argue with you, Betty," Shego snarled, "Apparently, I've got a job to do."

Betty smirked, " Yes, now if you'd follow me." Without another word they made their way through a maze of hallways before finding themselves standing in front a pair of oak doors. Betty opened the door to what looked like a fairly decent office; large oak desk, sleek red office chair, computer and all the works.

"Not bad," Shego whistled.

"Hmm," Betty replied taking a seat behind her desk. "Take a seat." She motioned to one of the red chairs in front of her desk. Shego unceremoniously fell into one of the chairs, draping her legs over the side and began filing her already perfectly manicured nails. Betty sighed, annoyance clearly audible. "Must you be so nonchalant?"

"Take me as I am," Shego replied blowing her nails. She brought her legs back to the ground and leaned in close to Betty, "or don't take me at all."

"How about we go over your mission's details, hmm?" Betty asked, unlocking one of her desk drawers and removing a stack of folders, labeled 'Case 1691, Confidential.' "Case 1691, also known as Project Power Mutagen. I can't go into too many details," she explained while pointing to the 'confidential' sign on the folder, "but this project begins tonight. As I mentioned we're flying in the most esteemed geneticists from all over the globe. We got our agents securing the outside of the building and the underground bunker where we're holding the first and probably most important meeting to commence the project. But we need another sector covered. And that's where we need you."

"If you think I'm going to cover the headquarter bathrooms while your so-called geneticists take a piss, you're sorely mistaken," Shego growled.

Betty smirked, "No, you're protecting our project's greatest treasure; your protecting our key to success. Our test subject."

"Doesn't sound too hard," Shego replied, leaning back in her chair.

"There are people wanting to know everything about this project and we cannot compromise the safety of our subject. When the meeting is over, you are to take our subject to the testing center where it will be presented to our team…and so begins our project."

"11 figure amount for this?" Shego questioned.

"We can lower the amount if your not satisfied," Betty absentmindedly replied, returning the folder to its drawer.

"Humph, you can't afford me for any less," Shego smirked.

"Now one more thing," Betty glared, "If we find out anything's been leaked to the public…I'll not only revoke your and Drakken's pardons, I'll also have a warrant for your heads. Got it? I have no problem giving out the word to annihilate the two of you."

"Is that a threat?" Shego challenged.

Betty smirked, "You bet your ass; now let's get you acquainted with your mission, shall we?"

Dr. Drakken sighed and played with his pen as Dr. Possible presented some ideas on the blackboard of the meeting room. It wasn't as though he was bored. No, Drakken was thinking about Shego. Damn that woman! What was her problem? He only wanted to get some this morning, only to have Shego freak out over a few questions. Now he felt guilty over something that he shouldn't. Hmm…maybe it was her time of the month. That woman was a monster when it came to her menstrual cycle; in fact, he took a vow of silence during her five-day 'woman-time'. After all, anything he said was not only wrong but also worthy of burning via her merciless hands of plasma. Wait…wait a minute! He could specifically remember being thrown across the kitchen for asking her if she wanted bacon with her eggs one morning recently! Yes, that was last week! Her cycle ended last week! It wasn't her period after all...damn it.

Betty's office walls had opened and led into another maze of hallways. While Shego acted unimpressed…she kind of was. She'd never admit it though, especially not to Betty. Her ego was already more inflated than Dr. D's was. They continued walking. As their journey progressed, the dark, dingy hallways she experienced earlier turned into metallic bright hallways that framed glass rooms with experiments being performed. Suddenly, Betty stopped at a metal doorway. Swiping her ID card the door opened.

The first thing Shego noticed was how bright and white the room was. The second thing she noticed was what appeared to be a plain white linen-covered basinet. Wait…what the fuck? Shego thought upon spotting the basinet. "Betty, this subject doesn't happen to be…"

"A baby?" Betty smirked, as they made there way to the crib. Sure enough, lying square in the middle of the basinet was a tiny baby.

Shego exploded, "You brought me here to babysit?"

"Well I guess you can put it that way…" Betty replied.

"Who the hell do you think I am?" Shego screamed, hands flaming with green plasma.

"Calm down," Betty sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, "This baby is not just any baby, Shego. He's our test subject. He's the entire reason this project has come to be."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Shego screamed, not noticing that her outburst caused the babe to awaken with a piercing cry.

"Take a look," Betty exclaimed, pointing back towards the basinet. Shego snapped around to see what the hell she was talking about. "Jonathon," Betty directed, "Come in here please." A tall, muscular man entered the room. "Please show Shego what happens if you happen to be in this child's range of fire?" Shego watched as Jonathon walked into the 'range of fire' only to be flung across the room.

Shego snapped back towards Betty. "So this kid has supersonic temper tantrums or something?"

"Shego…he's surprised us with more than just that. I figured you could handle whatever he threw at you. Hmm?" Betty smirked as Jonathon limped out of the room.

"What…uh…how old is this brat?" Shego stammered.

Betty smiled, "Our little boy is only a month old. Incredible, huh?"

Shego found herself embarrassingly speechless, "Where the hell did you find him? Space?"

Betty laughed, "Nah…we were informed about him from an orphanage in India. Apparently abandoned right at birth. His mother had no idea how to handle her 'special' child, thought he was some kind of bad omen or something."

"Shit…" Shego whispered, completely awe-struck.

"Could you imagine the endless possibilities, if we could just find the secrets of his powers? And of course, what would happen if they were placed in the 'wrong hands?'"

"So he's your test subject?" Shego questioned.

"Yes, we call him Akbar…it means powerful in Hindu. That's what the workers at the orphanage named him anyway. I think it's appropriate, don't you?"

"So you just want me to protect him?" Shego replied.

"Well and care for him before we present him to our panel of experts," Betty smirked.

"You mean babysit, you bitch," Shego spat.

"For 11 figures, not to shabby of a mission," Betty remarked.

"I'm insulted."

"You're greedy."

"Well that goes without saying," Shego snorted.

"Here," Betty said, handing Shego a pair of heavy-duty gloves.

"What are these for?" Shego sneered.

"Radio-active diaper changes," Betty laughed as she left the room.

"Drew, do you find something wrong with my idea?"

Drew perked up at hearing his name; he was about to stumble out an excuse and apologize until he realized that it was Dr. bleh-shudder-barf Possible addressing him. "Actually, I do. You see the derivative you used to factor in for the titanium's workability doesn't make sense for its purpose." Stunned, Dr. Possible turned back to his work and saw his mistake immediately.

Clearing his throat, Possible erased his work, "Well, it would have been helpful, Drew, if you pointed that out as I worked through the idea."

Drakken sighed and leaned back in his chair, "Hoped you'd figure it out on your own." Normally, Drew would've basked in his brilliance, especially when it outwitted Dr. I'm-so-wonderful Possible, however, he found himself completely out of energy or will; Shego plagued his mind. Damn that woman and her power over his every emotion. He was not amused.

Shego peered into the crib apprehensively. The child stopped screaming shortly after Dr. Director left the room. She hated children. Despised children. They were loud, messy, selfish and completely useless. How the hell did she end up with this shitty job? Never, in a million years, would she have agreed to do such a "mission" for this sorry excuse of an organization.

"Excuse me," a voice spoke, causing Shego to jump and take a fighting stance.

"Who are you?" Shego growled.

Holding his hands up in defense, the man laughed, "My names James Marshall, I'm one of the nurses looking after Akbar. I'm here to start an IV on him."

"What? IV? Why?" Shego asked suspiciously.

"Well, they want to administer some narcotics before testing. You think it'd be ethical to carry out all those tests on him without at least some morphine? He may be a super-baby, but he isn't impervious to pain…trust me on that one."

"Well, I guess, whatever," Shego said relaxing back into a regular stance. The nurse remained standing, apparently waiting for Shego to do something. "What?" Shego snarled, causing the nurse to gulp.

"Well, it'd be easier to get an IV if you hold him for me…babies tend to squirm," James pathetically answered.

"Ugh, fine," Shego rolled her eyes. This was not her specialty. She did not want to be here. She wondered if anyone would notice her slip out. However, the thought of the 11-figure paycheck quickly changed her mind. Sighing, Shego walked back to the infant gazing peacefully at the ceiling and put her hand behind his fragile neck and underneath his knees. Was this how you hold a baby? Shego thought as she awkwardly walked to a chair near the nurse. She knew that she had to support the baby's neck; after all, she did remember her mother schooling her on baby etiquette when her twin brothers were born. But, it was so long since she's even seen a baby.

Shifting uncomfortably in the chair, Shego attempted to steal a quick glance at the infant. He had large, beautiful dark eyes that penetrated deep into her green ones. His tiny fingers grasped Shego's blouse, possibly looking to be fed. Shego almost gagged, realizing that when the infant wasn't driving her insane with his crying, he was kind of…shudder…cute. Great, Shego thought sarcastically, I'm getting soft. And 'getting soft' was what Shego feared the most. She worked so hard to build up her badass reputation; she just could not throw all that hard-earned work away.

"Are you waiting for the baby to do it himself, or are you just slow?" Shego sneered annoyed at how long the nurse was taking.

"Sorry," the nurse mumbled as he looked for a vein on the baby's tiny foot. "Okay, on three..."

Shego snorted, finally!


The baby's gaze continued to focus on Shego. As Shego glanced down at him, she could have sworn his eyes begged her to stop his impending trauma.


His tiny fingers gripped tighter against Shego's bosom and Shego realized that this child probably had super-strength on his list of super powers. He continued to look up at Shego, silently, and with trust? Shego wasn't sure.

"Three…" The nurse said as he aimed the needle.

"Stop!" Shego cried out, kicking the nurse roughly onto his bottom.

"What the hell?" James replied, a blush slowly spreading across his cheekbones.

Stop? Shego screamed inwardly, did I just tell him to stop? What is wrong with me? "What?" Shego growled.

"What do you mean, "What?" Why'd you stop me?"

"I…I…" Shego stammered. Beneath her, she could have sworn the infant snuggled closer to her. "Ugh…I just…just shut up and do your job."

The nurse snorted, opting out of counting down, quickly taking a hold of the child's foot and inserting the needle. It took maybe half a second for the infant to register what had just happened. As James was almost finished securing the needle, Akbar let out a piercing scream. As expected, the nurse went flying towards the other side of the room. Akbar's forceful cries continued to bombard James. "Shut him up, damn it!" James managed to scream out as Shego looked on in sheer shock.

Shego shook her head and looked down at the angry child. She looked back up at James, "How?" Shego replied.

"I don't know!" James screamed, grabbing onto a pipeline for support.

"And you think I do?" Shego yelled.

"Just do something!" The nurse cried out. Shego snorted, nobody raised his or her voice to her. Regardless, Shego stood up from the chair and started bouncing the child in her arms. Surprisingly (at least to Shego anyway), Akbar's crying diminished from a gut-wrenching scream to a slight whimper to an occasional coo, to finally…silence. "What the hell is wrong with that demon child?" James yelled, limping towards Shego.

"Oh I don't know," Shego snorted, "Maybe you just stabbed it in the foot with a monster needle…"

"Oh please, it was only a 24 gauge needle," James glared at the sleeping form in Shego's arms.

Shego rolled her eyes, "Really, you expected a one month old baby to be completely still and quiet after that?"

"Whatever," James murmured as he limped his way out the room.

"Pussy," Shego murmured. Shego was impressed with what had just happened. In fact, she found it slightly amusing, a tiny, innocent child lifting a fully-grown man into the air and against the opposite wall with nothing but his horrid screech. "Drakken will never believe this," Shego snickered. The infant sighed and snuggled closer to his source of warmth.

Somewhere along the line, Shego had fallen asleep. It wasn't too shabby of a mission after all. Although, she would've preferred actually kicking someone's ass than cradling an infant…but whatever, she was being paid 11 figures for this, damn it! For how long she and the baby had been out, she had no idea. Timidly, James, the male nurse from earlier, limped back into the cell.

"Back for more?" Shego teased.

"I have to give him his morphine," James mumbled. "Dr. Director told me they want him in the operating theatre in a half hour."

"They're operating on him?" Shego inquired, "Why?"

"Well, its obvious isn't it? Exploratory surgery, tissue sampling, bone marrow extraction…a whole schwack of procedures; all the geneticists are going to be present, I'll be assisting."

"Well whoop-tee-do for you," Shego sneered.

"You know, you're not the most pleasant woman in the world are you?"

"Do you want to die tonight?" Shego growled.

"Whoa, calm down, I mean…you can't be all that bad…I mean I've never seen the kid as relaxed as he has been in the last two hours with you," James stammered, "Anyway, I got to go get ready for the procedure. Betty said she'll come back and guide you to the operating theatre in about half hour and then you're off the hook, cool?"

Shego glared at the imbecile. It seemed appropriate.

"Okaaay," James drawled, "I'll take that as my cue to leave."

And then it hit her, like a ton of bricks. She finally realized why they came to her instead of Kimmy. After all, Kimmy would've been the better choice for this job. And she would of done it for free, damn it, not to mention with probably a little more love and care than Shego could ever hope to offer. But there was NO way Kimmy would agree to what was going on here. What GJ was doing was purely immoral. Using a human being, let alone a baby, as a test subject? Apparently, evil lies in everyone, even among the 'heroes.' GJ was a perfect example of that.

And who better to offer the job to then to a cold-hearted ex-villain? After all, its not like it should bother Shego, let alone make her feel obliged to inform anybody about the horrors in GJ. She did worse in her past, didn't she? She wasn't supposed to care. And yet, why did it bother her? For God's sake, WHY DID IT BOTHER HER?

"You're losing your mind, Shego," Shego whispered to herself, as reality set in. GJ needed a cold-hearted person to do this, to keep it all a secret. Evidently, she wasn't completely cold-hearted. "Fuck, I'm going soft." Shego stared at the infant asleep in her arms. He really meant nothing to her. He was just a useless baby. So what was the deal? It wasn't her business what happened to him after today.

"Damn, what the hell will happen to you after today?" Shego asked. She could imagine more surgeries, more tests, more pain, more observations. They wanted to unlock the secrets to his power and they probably all claimed it would be for the betterment of the world. Bullshit! Shego wasn't Kimmy. She wasn't naive. Shego always knew that GJ was an institute only cloaked in the veil of human rights and crime fighting. GJ was no different than any other power hungry organization. And unfortunately, this baby, this freak of nature, was their new play toy.

"A freak like me," Shego whispered, subconsciously tracing her finger gently over the child's face. "You just can't fight them off."

He seemed so peaceful, just sleeping there. She found herself feeling relaxed holding this child, feeling him breath in and out. Who would've thought? It was kind of…nice. It wasn't like she had to admit it out loud or anything. "It's our little secret," Shego grinned.


Had thirty minutes really gone by that quickly? Shego pulled herself out of the trance the child had put her in and found herself staring at Betty. "Shego, come, the doctors are ready to see him now."

'He's not my problem,' Shego thought as she looked back down at the stirring baby. 'After today, I go on with my life.' Shego nodded and picked up the baby, following Betty out the door.

It wasn't long before they reached the operating theatre.

"Actually, Darcy, I think it would be interesting to see exactly how his immune system works. We could always introduce his blood to a strain of staphylococcus virus and observe exactly how his body would respond," a plump older man spoke to another, albeit thinner, elderly gentleman.

"It would certainly prove interesting!" The other man exclaimed.

"Excuse me gentlemen," Dr. Director smiled, interrupting the two men, "I'd like to introduce to you our subject, Akbar." The two men turned their attention to the infant, now fully awake and content in Shego's arms.

"Wonderful, wonderful, I'm absolutely delighted to get started!" The plump one exclaimed.

"Such a fantastic specimen, so absolutely mind-boggling," the thin one stated, clearly mesmerized by the child.

"Well gentlemen, we can't get started until we get this little one inside the theatre," a woman in light green scrubs interrupted. Smiling the woman gestured to take the child from Shego's arms. Shego hesitated. The woman frowned.

"Something wrong, Shego?" Dr. Director asked, somewhat surprised by Shego's response.

Shego snarled, "Nothing, Betty. Here," she said handing the baby to the woman, "take it." And just like that the men discussing the babe, the woman and the baby were gone and with it, her responsibility. It was just Betty and herself, outside the operating theatre.

And there it was, a cry. They were probably prodding him with some sort of medical gadget, or whatever. 'I don't care,' Shego thought. 'He's not my responsibility. He's just a useless baby.'

"So, I guess you're done here. If you follow me I'll give you your reward," Betty smirked.

"You should've gotten Kimmy to do this shitty job," Shego glared.

Betty sighed, "I told you Shego, she's in college now and-"

"Bullshit, Betty," Shego sneered, "I know what you guys are doing here is illegal."

Dr. Director stiffened, "Shego you agreed to confidentiality."

"It's unethical."

Betty laughed, "You? Lecture me on ethics? Did you forget that you were once wanted in 11 different countries Shego? So don't start rambling on about ethics! If it weren't for me, you'd be in jail for the rest of your pathetic life!"

"Don't act all superior, Betty. You're just as bad as me and you know it."

"You know what? Let's just go get you the money and you can leave. Don't worry I won't bother you again," Betty replied.

"He will escape and he will resent you…eventually. You know that right?"

"What's it to you?" Betty snapped.

"I think Kim would be interested to know what's going on here," Shego threatened.

"You want me to revoke yours and Drakken's pardons?" Betty countered.

"I'm not scared of you."

"You're selfish, Shego. You may not care about what I can do to your pardon, but what about Drakken? You'd really ruin it for him?"

"Fuck you."

"Shego, I promised you compensation for your time," Betty stated, "And I've got it waiting for you. Your time here is done. Thanks for your help."

"I don't want your money."

"Fine," Betty shrugged, "I'm not forcing you to take it."

"Keep it, buy that kid a rattle or something. He'll need something to play with other than needles and test tube vials. Maybe you can use the cash to hire him a psychiatrist or something, to keep him from becoming some kind of monster. Sleep well, Betty."

Dating Dr. Drakken had its perks. He often had some interesting gadgets lying around the lair and one of them happened to be a microscopic microphone that one could place like a sticker on their skin. It was so small that almost any device known to the world couldn't detect it. Drakken had created it originally, back when his main goal was to take over the world. He had thought it would be useful when trying to steal some sort of government plans. They never actually used it, like most of his other gadgets in the lair, but it was there.

Now, while Shego had agreed to behave herself after the GJ ceremony, if only for Drakken's sake rather than her own, she thought it wouldn't hurt to have that piece of technology on her. Someday, Drakken may decide the 'good' life wasn't working out. In fact, someday, he may want to go back to taking over the world. Certainly, if that were to happen, their access to top-secret places like the Middleton Institute of Science and GJ Headquarters would be limited. So why not take advantage of the information held within those confines while they had access to it?

Dr. Director may have pardoned the two villains six months ago, and taken all the credit but the world seemed to have extended their pardons as well. They were virtually celebrities now! And the world had a cautionary love for the ex-villains. They seemed to have all but forgotten the 'silly' atrocities the duo had committed over the years. But would they be so forgiving towards Betty and GJ after this little piece of information was leaked into the media? Shego laughed to herself as she thought of the aftermath.

Yes, she decided to break whatever confidentiality she agreed to. She was not scared of GJ and their 'power'. Not with the world still so grateful after what the two did for them.

"Hello? I take it you're the editor of the New York Times?" Shego spoke while holding her cell phone in between her ear and shoulder, "Yes, well sorry to call you so late, but I'm in town and thought you might be interested in a story." Ah revenge, how deliciously sweet!

"Hey Doc," Shego sighed as she walked into the lair, lazily throwing herself into Drakken's lap, "What's shakin'?"

"Does this mean you're not mad?" Drakken asked, suspiciously eyeing Shego.

"Mad? Why would I be mad?"

"Well, I-you-um…I thought," Drakken stumbled, clearly confused over Shego's change in mood.

Shego chuckled, pinching Drakken's cheek, "Don't think, you'll hurt yourself."

"We now bring you breaking news from outside GJ headquarters in New York. Here's Susan Ling with the story-"

"Whatcha watching?" Shego questioned snuggling closer to Drakken.

Drakken glanced down at the raven haired beauty, still somewhat suspicious, she was never this 'cuddly' unless she really wanted something that only he could provide her (which was, needless to say, rare) or if she was under the influence of some mood-altering device. Drakken choose not to dwell on that. "Just the news."

"Hmm," Shego smirked, "turn it up…"

Drakken raised on eyebrow, "Okay…"

"Well Jackie, we just found some disturbing information regarding the inner workings of GJ. Apparently, earlier this evening, the New York Times received tips on a top-secret mission taking place that really questions the integrity of this organization…"

"Susan, can you tell us exactly what that top-secret mission was?"

"Unfortunately, there haven't been too many details released, what we do know is that there has been some questionable testing undertaken, apparently on an orphaned infant."

"Was there any indication what the testing was for?"

"Like I said, details are sketchy, even the New York Times wasn't given the full details. What we do know is that the FBI, CIA and the government are investing the claims."

"Where is the child now?"

"It's rumored that the child is temporarily in the care of former teen hero Kim Possible. She was spotted on the scene earlier this evening as investigations took place."

"Um…Shego?" Drakken asked.

"Hmm?" Shego replied placing her face in the nape of Drakken's neck.

"You didn't happen to already know about all this, did you?" Drakken inquired.

Shego lifted her face to look at her lover, "Well, I might've known something."


"Call me spiteful, but I thought it'd be fun to sabotage GJ," Shego smirked.


"I thought the story needed to be broke," Shego replied nonchalantly, "I thought maybe I'd show the world exactly what GJ was capable of. We're not the only bad guys out there."

"But SHEGO!"

"Calm down Drakken," Shego sighed, "I couldn't just let them continue doing what they were doing. It was…wrong."

Drakken smirked, "Aw…have you gone 'good'? Maybe you were meant to be a hero all along?" Suddenly Drakken found himself pinned on the floor underneath a seething Shego, one arm keeping a tight handle on his collar while the other high above her head, ignited with green flames.

"What did you just say?"

"Um…" Drakken stammered, sweating buckets, "that you're one dangerous, devious, sexy queen of evil?"

Much to Drakken's relief Shego loosened his collar and smirked, "That's better, and by the way," she said as she leaned closer to his face, "I needed to put Betty in her damn place."

"That's my Shego," Drakken smiled.

Shego lowered her gaze as she brought her lips roughly against his. "Now, I had a stressful day at work and I need a really good fuck. Can you help me out?"

"Oh…um…of course," Drakken faltered.

"Good," Shego purred getting off her boss, "now go get some candles, oil and bubble bath and fill up the tub. I'll go get the champagne."

"Right, right, of course," Drakken, sputtered, practically running towards the master bathroom.

Just as Shego turned to get the champagne the cursed phone rang. "If that's Betty, I swear I'll KILL HER!" Shego growled. Violently, Shego ripped the phone of its hook. "Who the HELL is this?"

"Whoa, angry much?"

Shego recoiled from the phone, somewhat confused, "Who is this?"

"Don't tell me you forgot me already, Shego!"


"The one and only!"

"Oh I am soooo not in the mood right not, Princess," Shego grumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I just thought you might want to know that Akbar is doing well."

"You really think I give a shit?" Shego replied.

"Don't act like you don't care Shego," Kim teased.

"Whatever, listen it was nice catching up but-"

"You know, for a selfish, cranky woman, you're actually surprisingly…nice."


"Deny it all you want, Shego, but I saw it all on tape."

Shego practically bite the phone in anger, "Saw what?"

"Your little babysitting expedition. Didn't realize you were on surveillance? You know, you'd make a half-decent mommy," Kim laughed.

"Go to hell, Kimmy. By the way, how'd you get this number? You know what, I don't care. Just don't call me again, got it?" Shego snapped.

Kim sighed on the other line, "Fine. Just wanted to give you an update and I guess…I don't know…tell you that you impressed me. Anyway, have a good night."

"Ugh…great, take care, or don't," Shego sighed ready to put an end to this embarrassing conversation, "Oh and Kimmy?"


"He likes it if you bounce him up and down as you walk around. Might be useful."

"Good night Shego."

And so ended that.

"SHEGO!" Drakken cried out from the master bathroom, "Are you coming in or not?" Shego shook her head; Drakken was so impatient when he was about the 'get some.' Come to think of it, so was she. And right now, she just wanted to relax, indulge and spend the night in the arms of her lover and make mad, crazy love. With that thought in mind, Shego tore the phone from the wall and incinerated it into a millions pieces of dust.

Well that was one long ass chapter, wasn't it? Sorry 'bout that! So was Shego somewhat in character? Did I butcher this chapter? Did I confuse you guys? Let me know! I love your feedback and critiques. It feeds my need to continue…otherwise I loose steam. So like I said, let me know what you fabulous folks think!

Lots of love,
