I've been wanting to do an 100-theme writing challenge for a long while now, but I didn't want to use the overused "100 Anime Themes" list (as I'm already using it for an art challenge). So, I tracked down a new list! This was a one-shot I found sitting on my computer, so I decided to throw it under a theme so I could get the ball rolling. Please enjoy!

Finding Nemo is © to Disney/Pixar.

The theme list is © to Akikorossella of DeviantArt.


55. Braveness


Dory was staring again.


The already dim smile on her face broadened, her visage composed into serene happiness. Marlin wondered what could possibly be on her mind, as she hadn't spoken for a solid ten minutes. It was a personal best for her.

"You were pretty brave back there," she said softly, as Nemo was asleep in his father's fins. "It was amazing, seeing how well you handled everything."

Not used to such praise, Marlin blustered out a small 'thank-you'. He was surprised Dory remembered the incident with the net still. Her memory was quite unusual. Sometimes things stayed for hours, others only minutes. Most seemed to vanish instantly. But it seemed she recalled it to some extent, and was lauding him as a hero for it. Honestly, nobody ever called him 'brave'.

"Nemo's lucky to have such a great dad," she mused, gazing down at the slumbering little clown fish. "He really is."

"Th-thanks," he repeated, grinning lopsidedly. Marlin was endlessly happy to have his family in one piece again. Judging by the fact Dory had no recollection of any real home, the family seemed to have grown. He was happy to help his friend, after she'd done so much for him.

Well, he'd think about that more later. For the time being, he was tired after a very, very long day. Settling himself down, he began to drift off with his son comfortably settled against his side, feeling truly complete for the first time in days.

A hushed murmur broke his reverie.


"...hm? What is it, Dory?" he murmured.

"I, uh...just wanted to say..." There was a hesitant pause, as if she were considering her words. After a moment, she concluded. "Ah, never mind. I forgot. Night."

Funny enough, for the second time that day, she hadn't forgotten.

Yay for open-ended conclusions! Interpret as you wish ^_^