Usagi sat on the boulder, staring into the river in front of her. Surrounding her were bright green grass with beautiful luscious flowers. The air felt and smelt fresh and pure. How nobody had discovered this place was a mystery to her. This boulder and this peaceful little area had become Usagis sanctuary. Whenever she had felt the need to be alone or to think, she came here.

She had discovered it a little over a year ago. The day she had discovered this special place was the same day her future had been erased and rewritten. Unlike the previous version of her future, the current one ahead was not to be known to her. Setsuna had refused to show her the new version, stating that showing her the first time was a mistake, and that the life ahead was never truly set in stone. Usagi was glad, because the day her known future was erased was the day Mamoru had cheated on her.

She still remembered it very clearly too. Walking into his apartment after he canceled a date, claiming to be sick in hopes of making him feel better. Instead, she had found him, clearly healthy, in the shower with another woman. He, nor the woman, had noticed her come into the bathroom. Usagi nearly broke down that day, but instead of letting Mamoru see her crying and hurt, she had taken off her engagement ring and left it on the counter. She spent the next forty five minutes after that wandering around the park before she had stumbled into this little area. It was that little area where she spent an hour crying. Crying for Chibi-Usa, crying for the love that was no more, and crying for the future that will never happen. After she was able to gather herself up, she ran all the way to Haruka and Michiru's condo, demanding to see Setsuna. At first, the refused to let her, but after she had (tearfully) explained to them what she saw, Michiru immediately went to call Setsuna.

Mamoru had tried to feed her the pathetic excuse of "wanting to experiment with different women before being tied down to one" Usagi, with the help of Haruka, was able to explain to him that if he wanted to experiment, he should have done it before they begun a relationship. Then, he pulled the Chibi-Usa card, telling her that she was being selfish for breaking up with him because that would mean that their daughter wouldn't exist. Usagi told him that she knew Chibi-Usa would not want a father who was lying and unfaithful to her mother. After this conversation, Usagi had broken down, but felt immensely better when Setsuna explained to her that Chibi-Usa would still be born, only she wouldn't be the same one that Usagi had met before.

Lately though, Usagi had begun comming to her little sanctuary with more than disturbing thoughts.


Sure, Seiya had popped up in her mind before she broke up with Mamoru, but she immediately pushed them away. He would never return, and she, at the time, had Mamoru. Now, Seiya was showing up in her mind more and more. And Usagi regretted pushing him away. He had shown more affection towards her in the few months he was here then her and Mamorus entire three and a half year relationship. Seiya was more than willing to do anything to make her happy, even when she treated him badly. Even when she had flat out told him she didn't want to be with him, he did everything he could. Mamoru on the other hand, had always been a little cold towards her. Usagi felt that she could be one hundred percent comfortable and herself around Seiya. With Mamoru, she always felt just a little bit awkward, or she found herself trying to act more mature than she really was so that he wouldn't think of her as a child.

Usagi felt angry at herself for letting such a wonderful person slip through her hands. Especially since said wonderful person clung desperately to her fingers.

Usagi was nineteen years old. She shouldn't be feeling the biggest regret of her life.

Other than that, her life was relatively relaxing. It has been two years since her and her friends have had to transform. Two years since some kind of evil force threatened Earth or the future. Although life seemed kind of dull without the constant battling of evil, the former senshi had warmed up to it. The girls had graduated. Ami was, of course, number one in the class and attending the local university, earning her first degree in medicine. Reis grandfather has been feeling like his time was coming, and is currently training Rei to become a priestess and owner of the Temple. Minako had gotten into modeling. So far, she modeled for small companies. None of the girls had any doubt that Minako would hit her first real big break and become famous. Makoto was taking classes at the local college for buisness, in hopes of opening her own restaurant. Usagi, since she had slacked off a lot in school, was now facing the consequences. Up until very recently, she had no clue what she wanted to do with herself until one day, she attended a medical class with Ami.

Usagi wanted to become a nurse. That way, she could use her positive and loving energy to brighten peoples day while doing minor medical work. It felt perfect for her.

Usagi stood up and stretched. It was getting late, and tonight, it was her turn to make dinner for herself and Minako, who had became roommates. As she began her climb up the hill, she fumbled in her purse for her cell phone. While distracted, she tripped over a rock and fell. Oddly enough, the grass wasn't what broke her fall. It was a young man.

"Oi! Watch where you're going! What are you blind?" the sarcastic tone in his voice was strikingly familiar. As Usagi got to her knees, she noticed the young man in sunglasses quickly tuck a few fallen strands of long silver hair back into his hat.

There was only one person she had met in her entire life who had that long, shimmery silver hair.


A/N: What do you think? Please review!