First Date

By: Ace

Present: in the kitchen

Nora was cooking, and George was helping – or so he would say if anyone asked. Nora was cooking, but he was just sitting there, stealing few vegetables while waiting for his coffee to be done. Now, George knew he was addicted to coffee and needed to cut down it – and he was, with Nora's help. He went from needing 5 cups of coffee to 3 – and this was his last one for the day, having a coffee before dinner.

Derek came in looking for food. He looked over and saw that the dinner was going to be ready soon, so he just went over to the fridge and grabbed a drink.

"Done!" Nora said as she grabbed her cup of tea and George's coffee and placed them both on the counter. She then set down beside George. They both started drinking their respective drinks. Derek looked around, and saw that this was the best chance he had to get them to agree with him.

So he walked over and set down in front of them. They both looked at Derek and then towards each other, trying to figure out what Derek wanted.

Flash back to 2 days ago: at school

"Dude," Sam said, "you really have to stop that."

"Stop what?" Derek asked, averting his eyes so that they now faced Sam.

"Stop checking her out. It's kind of getting annoying."

"Stop checking who out."


"C-CASEY!? Have you lost you mind Sammy boy? I'm not checking her out." Derek replied, clearly outraged. Derek wondered how the heck did his friend think he was checking out Casey, of all the girls.

"Ya, you're kind of obvious D, just ask her out."

"Ok, dude, one: I wasn't checking her out; two: even if I was, which I wasn't, then I need to get with a puck in the head; three: she's my step-sister; and four: ew." Derek said this as he counted his fingers with each point that he made. Sam just looked at Derek and couldn't come up with anything to say. Derek just smirked in response, knowing he had won.

"Whatever you say D." Sam said walking away.

Derek just ignored what Sam said and turned back to his locker. Once he gotten his hockey gear out, he turned around, and looked over at Casey's locker. She was standing there with Emily, talking animatedly. Her hair was done half up, and she was wearing a blue t-shirt, with dark black pants. The blue suited her, it matched her eyes. Derek smiled a little as she dropped her book and bent down to pick it up. He gave her once over-all look, and then did a double take.

He just shook his head as he walked towards the changing room. His brain didn't realize that he just checked Casey out, more then once. Sam shook his head as Derek caught up with him. He knew he'll tease Derek about it eventually, so he said nothing.

Present: in the kitchen

"What's up son?" George asked, knowing he won't be able to figure it out any time soon.

Derek just looked at the two of them, trying to form the proper words. Nora and George waited in silence, knowing if it's something Derek has hard time getting out, then it might be important – or it'll end up costing them a good amount.

They were in the middle of taking another sip, when Derek grabbed both of their cups and pulled them towards him. When they looked at him questionably, he just said, "I don't want you to spit your drinks on me."

They gently swallowed, and waited for Derek to began. George was a little afraid as to what he would say, so he grabbed his wife hand under the counter.

Flash back to yesterday: in school

Derek was annoyed. And that was the understatement of the century.

Since Derek wouldn't believe Sam when he said that Derek was checking Casey out, Sam had taken a new root to get Derek to realize that he was. All day yesterday and today, Sam has started pointing out when Derek was staring at Casey.

And after 74, "You're looking at Casey, again." anyone in the world would be annoyed!!

Derek knew he was looking at Casey. He kind of figured it out when Sam mentioned at to him around 18 times. Derek couldn't help it, he didn't know why, but his eyes were drawn to wherever Casey was. She was actually really easy to stare at. It was almost fun to watch, she was entertaining. The way her eyes moves when she was day dreaming, the way her nose would turn when she saw something she didn't like, the way her teeth would touch her lips whenever she talks, her hand gestures, everything, and I mean everything about her was so … something to Derek. He couldn't find a word for it.

He knew it. He wanted her. Derek wanted Casey.

Present: in the kitchen

"I want to take Casey out."The guy in question simply stated as he waited for the parents to response to his statement.

"Out?" Two voices asked in harmony.

"On a date."

~~~ . ~~~