Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight Saga or Naruto.



It started with a blast.

"Sakura's bloodline?" Naruto eyed the Fifth Hokage doubtfully.

Tsunade nodded as she scrolled through the scrolls she found hidden in her sake hiding place.

"And what is it exactly?" Naruto tried to see around Tsunade's back.

"She is able to teleport herself or even others to different places," she explained. "I'm still reading for more. For the moment, just find her and try to tell her this."

Naruto nodded. He jumped off the office and started looking for his best-friend.

"Hey, Teme!"

Sasuke turned from his ramen to see the blonde running to him.

"What is it?" he asked, sounding uninterested.

"You know where Sakura-chan is?" Naruto asked, eyeing the ramen.

"No, why should I?"

"Other than the fact that since you came home the two of you have been an item; nothing I guess," Naruto grinned.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and sighed.

"She's at the training zone with the others," he said. "She told me she found out she was part of a bloodline and now she want to experiment with it."

Naruto's eyes popped out at the information. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish breathing; Sasuke was trying his best not to laugh at the sight.

"Damn!" Naruto cursed. He grabbed Sasuke's hand and dragged him all the way to the training zone.

"You. Are. Going to pay… for that!" Sasuke yelled once they arrived. He looked at himself, covered in dirt and bruises.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto screamed on top of his lungs.

Sakura turned her head and smiled innocently at Naruto.

"Hurry up you two!" she yelled. "I'm gonna start right now!"

"Do hurry, Sakura!" Hinata smiled, obviously excited.

Sakura grinned and closed her eyes.

"Sakura-chaaaannn!!!" Naruto screamed again. "STOP!"

"Under their gaze, move us to another place!" she said the words out loud, ignoring Naruto's frantic scream.

Everything was white then. Naruto's panic voice was suddenly muted, everyone closed their eyes. Then, they were floating on the sky.

"Wow," Sakura muttered. "This is so wrong."

"Aaah!" Ten-ten screamed, panicked. "Now we're falling!"

They all started screaming, especially Naruto who was blaming himself for not throwing his body to Sakura instead of yelling for her to stop.


"What on earth is that?" Jacob Black looked up at the sky. "Hey Bella, you seeing this?"

The newborn vampire Bella Cullen walked outside of her big house, looking at the direction her best-friend was pointing to.

"What is that?" she asked.

"I just asked you that," Jacob rolled his eyes.

"Hey Edward, look at this!" she called to her husband. Less than a second later, he was standing next to her with his hand around her waist.

"What is that?" he narrowed his eyes. "Should we go check it out?" He turned to Bella who grinned with anticipation.

"Hell no," Jake stepped forward. "This is the job for the lapdog."

"Lapdog?" Bella's voice raised an octave.

"Bells," Jake grinned, turning around to face her. "I'm kidding, there's no way I'm calling myself a lapdog."

"Oh I hope one day you would," they heard Rosalie muttered, followed by Emmett's chuckle.

"Well hurry up and check it out," Bella rolled her eyes. "It's coming down faster than you talking."

Jake grinned again and jumped into the forest. Only seconds later, he phased already into his wolf form.

You seeing that, too, Jake?

Yeah, are you nearer Seth?

Not really, I just left La Push. Billy was panicking when he saw that white thing falling from the sky. First thing he said was alien invasion.

Alien invasion?

Yeah, pretty weird I guess. Since he live in a place filled with enough danger already, but the first thing he just had to guess was aliens. I think you watched too many of those War of the World movies kinda thingy.

Shut up Seth.


I'm almost there,…

Can you see what it is now? Is it a UFO?

Har, har, funny. No, it looked like humans. Tiny humans.


Yeah, well I'm gonna speed up, so get out of my head for a sec.


The shinobis kept on screaming. Ten-ten was praying already, hoping she would enter Heaven instead of Hell. Neji started making fun of her.

"Seriously guys, are you bored or something?" Ino yelled.

"Truly I do," Ten-ten said. "We've been falling forever."

"Well I know I won't die," Kiba said, eyeing Ten-ten who was still on her praying stance. "Akamaru, get ready."

He looked around for the nearest tree; he then stepped on Akamaru's big back and bounced himself right onto the tree.

"Just do this," he yelled at his still falling friends. "We're ninjas, this is impossibly easy.

They all hurriedly did exactly what Kiba did, Naruto jumped last by jumping on his own shadow clone.

"Whew," Sakura sighed. "That's not so bad."

"Other than the fact you almost kill us all, forehead," Ino grinned. "I must admit your bloodline power is pretty cool, almost cooler than… ehm, the one your boyfriend has."

Sakura laughed and winked at Sasuke. Sasuke sighed and shook his head.

"We gotta get to land guys," he reminded them. "We're hanging like Naruto."

"Me?!" Naruto screeched. "Why me?"

"Admit it, dobe," Sasuke smirked. "You are like a monkey."

"I'm gonna get you when we get down," Naruto gritted his teeth.

"Sure, sure," Sasuke shrugged.

Seth, I think I know what it is.



Humans?! What do you mean humans? Humans don't fall down from the sky and survive… by the way, are they dead?

No, they're jumping toward the ground.

Suicidal humans?

No, they just landed safely on the ground.

Are you serious?

No, it turns out they are aliens dressed as humans. I see them zip open their human flesh uniforms now, oh! Lookie… they have those big green head with big black eyes and antennae.


Seth, you're not that dumb are you?

Come on Jake, be serious.

I am! They are humans and they're… kids! They looked as if they're your age!

My age? Wait, I'm getting there.

Yeah, I'm approaching them. They might be dangerous. Ready for a fight.

Yes boss.

I'm gonna kill you for that.

Shutting down.

"Crap!" Shikamaru jumped when he saw Jacob strode toward him. "Heck! What on earth is that?!"

"Oh, look Akamaru!" Kiba beamed up. "At least we know we're nowhere far from Konoha, do you think nee-chan bought a new puppy without telling us?"





"Kiba, it doesn't look friendly," Shino warned.

"Of course it does!" Kiba sighed. "You just can't see it cause you don't speak dog."

Dog?! This guy got a bigger problem than blondie.

Not really Jake, Rosalie called you really mean names other than dog…


"Here puppy, what's your name?"

Jacob growled, his teeth showed and he was now crouching.

"I seriously think it's going to attack," Ino said, watching the big wolf carefully.

"Well, we just have to attack back," Sasuke said, looking at Jacob with anticipation.

I'm here.

Good, cause they're planning to attack also.

Wait, ssh, Jake you smell that?

The fuck?! Why should the Cullens interfere?

I seriously think it's the doctor.

Yeah, yeah… with all the peace and stuff.

"Jacob, Seth," Carlisle Cullen walked out from the darkness of the forest. "I think we should give our guests a proper welcome."

Neji narrowed his eyes as he examined the God-like creature now coming from the dark.

"No chakra," he muttered and all the shinobis gasped.

"No chakra?!" Ten-ten repeated, shocked.

What the hell is chakra?

No idea dude, maybe it's some sort of weapon or something.

Yeah, does sound like chakram. You know; that weapon that looked like a circular boomerang.

"I'm Dr. Carlisle Cullen," he smiled, opening both his hands in a friendly manner. "Welcome to Forks, Washington."

"What?!" Sakura's voice broke the uncomfortable silence that followed after he spoke. "Where are we?!"



Total Randomness! Yes!! :)

I just really want to make this story, I'm really enjoying making this story, especially when the wolves are communicating… now I know why Stephenie Meyer made the second part of Breaking Dawn from Jacob's POV :D

Okay, as usual:

Reviews are impossibly appreciated.
