Well, unfortunately, two things did not happen since the last update:

No one figured out my little dedication to Transformers (2007) movie. But you all get mental muffin baskets anyways, enjoy. The 'nod' was that Aqua was from generation "217". In the TF2007 movie, Samuel Witwicky's eBay username was 'ladiesman217' and they made a point of it many times throughout the movie.

NO ONE REVIEWED! What happened to all the people that subscribed? Please leave reviews; it assures me that people are actually reading this and that I should continue the story. Except thank you for the few anonymous reviewers that left some comments! Thank you!

Symphonic music filled the library. Aqua blinked her large eyes open and stretched to the more upbeat orchestra. Abe was walking distractedly around while holding a thick book in one hand outside her tank. She watched for a moment then stretched.

"Oh, hello. Good morning. How was your rest?" he asked through the thick glass.

"All right. But I feel as if I haven't slept at all. Are your nights up here always this fast?"

Abe laughed lightly, "Yes."

"Oh," she mused leaning on her side, "Probably because my old home was so deep underwater, we didn't see the sun as much, thus longer nights and days," she paused, "What are you listening to? Is this, what I read in your thoughts, …music?"

"Yes, it is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's symphony number 25 in G minor. It's not very popular, but I enjoy it."

She hummed along to the tune of it, somehow being able to pick up the wildly changing beat so fast. "Is all music like this? It is pretty, but I can imagine it becoming boring after a while," she hopped out of the tank as Abe guided her with feather light touches toward the radio. She turned it on and slowly rotated through the different channels. She stopped on one station and began to sway her hips. Abe, focused on her fluid movements, only noticed halfway through the song that she was listening to.

"This?" he asked, "You like this music?"

"Yes!" she agreed enthusiastically, "What is it?"

"Um, it's called rap, and I think this song is 'Blame It' by Jamie Foxx," he trailed off, her languid movements shifting the position of the torn chest wrap. Suddenly she noticed his focal point.

"What Mr. Abraham?" she asked seductively.

"N-nothing." He stammered, "I-I just noticed tha-that you need a new outfit to wear if y-you will be staying with us."

Her smile fell a fraction. "Oh. Er, thank you for thinking of that. I believe that you said you had an extra?"

He nodded and practically ran towards Red and Liz's room. Aqua sighed before following him. "Ah, men. No matter where you go, they're always the same." When she finally caught up with him waiting outside Hellboy's bedroom door. She blinked rapidly. "Abraham, do you see clearly out here in the air? My vision is foggy."

"Oh, I'll find you some contacts too to go along with your wetsuit."

Liz came out, the black suit in her hands. "I tailored it last night for you." She said with a faint smile. Aqua took the fabric matching it to her figure, while she was looking away, Abe whispered to the human, "Liz? Is that you? Smiling? And sewing? It can't be you. Ouch." Liz reached down and pinched Abe's hand with a wisp of fire.

"It's called hormonal mood swings. One of the joys of pregnancy. Don't worry, I'll be back to my regular old self sometime around lunch."

They turned around to see Aqua with the wet suit around her hips, her seaweed skirt tossed to the side. A masculine instinct in the back of Abe's mind scolded him for not watching her. She reached behind to tear off her chest wrap. Abe's eyes widened.

"Wait, wait, sweetie. How about you just change in the bathroom real quick." Liz offered. Shrugging, Aqua followed her inside. She came back out a second later, Hellboy also outside too. Abe's jaw dropped. The suit hugged her many voluptuous curves beautifully. Her long legs were accented by the black and showed off her trim figure even more than the seaweed had. She walked slowly around Abe.

"How do you like it?"

Abe kept quiet, trying to slow his racing heart.

She twisted a bit. "It is a bit tight," without warning she ripped the entire middle section of her outfit exposing her lean abs such as her first ensemble had. "Much better. I like to be as flexible as possible."

Later that day, Abe was able to fit her with water-containing contacts. She blinked them in, the blues and greens of her thin irises enhancing.

"You have very beautiful eyes," Abe complemented.

"As do you," she said returning the favor. She turned around in front of a mirror looking at her new outfit, which she would probably wear for most of the rest of her life…as long as she stayed here. She sighed remembering her old life. Her old husband who she was mostly content with, her amazing children whom she had given all her utmost love.

"Are you okay? Do the contacts need to be readjusted?" Abe asked seeing her tear run down her face.

"No. No, they're fine," she looked at him, brushing away the tear triggered from the memories of her children. He really was handsome by her race's standards. Lanky yet muscular, rare crystal blue-like irises; maybe she would want to take on a new life here.

Millions of thoughts raced in her head contemplating the idea. Would she really want to take on that task? She had bonded with her late husband, but they weren't in love. Maybe she could try love this time around. Most likely all were dead, what was the harm?

"Abe," she whispered faintly. They locked eyes. Slowly she shifted closer to him. 'What would it be like to kiss someone I'm actually attracted to?' She wondered. 'Am I attracted to him? Am I just lonely? Am I-'


A shrill kind of beeping echoed throughout the house.

Abe blinked, coming out of his stupor. "We're needed for duty," he murmured. She nodded jerkily.

Hellboy burst open the library doors, "Comon' Abe, the Bureau called, there's a golem tearing apart a zoo. Should be a piece of cake… She coming?" Red asked gesturing towards Aqua carelessly. "Might be dangerous, Cupcake."

She snarled, "I think I'll be able to hold my own, Helly."

A large van pulled into the front drive a few minutes later. Liz kissed Hellboy for a long time as Abe and Aqua began to step into the van.

"Be careful you big red monkey," she said to him.

"Don't worry. I'll be back. You know I will. It's just a stupid golem… Love you, babe," he kissed her again then headed towards the van.

Aqua watched in envy, then took a survey of the inside of this vehicle. She almost jumped out of her skin when it roared to life. Moving fast and swiftly, they seemed to near their destination in a very short amount of time. But it felt like an eternity for Aqua, not used to the constant lurches of the van. Keeping her mind away from the churning in her stomach, she began to ask questions. "So there's a golem. This shall be interesting."

Red snorted. "Yeah, like you know anything about golems, much less killing one."

"For your information Mr. Boy," she said stepping up to Hellboy who was not that much taller than she, "I know that golems are in mainly religious mythology and are inanimate objects that can become animate if holy words are inscribed on it. A person can make one if he or she desires a task fulfilled. Golems, usually made out of clay, will do anything until their task is fulfilled or if you erase part of their name so it spells 'death,' thus deactivating them," she smiled smugly, crossing her arms.

Hellboy snorted again, "Lucky guess, Cupcake,"

The van halted to a stop and Aqua stumbled around until she was able to steady herself on a low bookcase in the van. She had to bend halfway to lean on it, and Abe had no choice but to stare. Red smiled as he noticed his friend's attraction.

She straightened herself and followed Hellboy out the van, thankful to be out of the vehicle. "Where are we?" she asked.

"It's called a zoo," Abe explained. "Animals from around the world are kept here and humans can come to see them,"

Aqua looked into one of the cages, a tiger roaming around the large pen and next to the feline, an orangutan shouting and climbing around. "Looks like Hellboy," she murmured under her breath. She touched one of the cages. "Poor animals," she sighed.

The zoo was closed, no one except for them…and the golem, somewhere.

"First we gotta find the beast," Red instructed.

"Wow, couldn't figure that one out," Aqua sassed which sounded odd in her British tone. They walked quietly until they found the scene of the disaster. All the tanks once holding the marine life were brutally smashed. Aqua heart lurched at the thought of all the aquatic life that must have died during this destruction.

"Why is only the sea-world part of the zoo vandalized?" she asked to no one in particular.

"That's what we hope to find out girlie!" Red snapped.

They continued walking along the zoo, the destruction ending at the sea-life parts. The silence was unbearable for Aqua and finally asked Abraham, "Why were their so many books in that van?"

Abe swallowed, suppressing the feelings he had experienced only a little while ago, "It's because I look up information for Red if he needs it. Such as when we would have a rare monster that he didn't know how to kill."

"Not that it was always so helpful…"Red added.

"Well sometimes it didn't say," Abe responded simply.

They heard a crash. Red loaded his gun while Abe drew his out. Aqua unsheathed her dagger.

Abe double-taked when he saw her weapon. "W-where did you get that back?"

She shrugged, "I'm that good."

They walked until they reached the souvenir shop. The doors were closed, but crashing and banging could be heard from inside.

"So, either a happy couple or the golem...Okay, I'm goin' in. Wish me luck," Red put his hand on the door when Aqua screamed:



"What? You're letting him go in by himself? No back up? Why are you here then?" she reprimanded.

"Moral support," Abe said impishly.

She sighed, "I'm coming with you."

"Oh no you ain't girlie! You ain't gonna mess this up, and I'm not letting you get hurt!"

"I'm more worried about you getting hurt!"

"Aqua, please, "Abe tried, "Hellboy can be very…reckless and you may get hurt by his hand."

"I think I can handle myself," she warned bounding into the shop.

"Aqua!" they screamed. Grunting, Hellboy rushed in also, his gun in front of him.

"Okay asshole, where are you? And the golem too!"

"RIGHT HERE YOU MORON!" Aqua shrieked on the back of a ten-foot tall golem. The golem flipped her over itself and rushed towards her. Hellboy shot at him square in the chest, but it barely fazed him. Instead, the golem changed course towards Hellboy.

"Crap," Aqua breathed from the floor. She threw a dagger at him, but the weapon ricocheted off his pale stone body. "Wait, it's a stone golem!" she shrieked lunging at it to make it avoid stepping on Hellboy.

"What was your first guess, Cupcake!" he screamed, also riding on the monster. It bellowed in rage trying to throw them off of itself.

Aqua tumbled headfirst again, but this time Abe ran in and caught her. They stumbled, but Aqua was able to quickly get back on her feet. "I've only battled clay golems before!" she screamed as Red put the beast in a choke hold, not that that made much difference, but now he was latched onto the golem.

"Okay ugly," Red grunted as he tilted the monster's head back. There was writing on the golem's head, which meant that Red had to scrape off certain letters of its name to kill it. "Dagger!" he yelled at Aqua. Without hesitation, she threw one of the small knives at him, which he caught easily. He positioned the dagger over the beast's head as it yelled horribly; then Hellboy hesitated.

"A-abe!" he screamed awestruck.

"What's wrong?" Abe said stealthily keeping away from the rampaging monster, but near enough to hear his companion clearly.

"What religion is Ugly from? I don't know which letters to erase!" he explained in yells while still being latched onto the beast.

Abe strained to out maneuver the golem while trying to read the inscription on its forehead. He gasped when he understood the answer, "I don't know!"

"WHAT!?" Hellboy screamed letting go and falling to the ground. "What do you mean you don't know? You're the brains! Lookout!" he pushed Abe roughly back as the possessed demon made a path between them.

Aqua raced over to Abe and lightly touched his hand. Abe staggered in pain as she prodded through his recent memories, searching for the symbols he saw on its head, but she was out of his thoughts in a second. Her eyes widened.

"I know the language!" she leapt back on the monster, she got hold on her dagger, then plunged it into its head. It thrashed, the muscles in Aqua's arm rippling to stay on it. She shook the knife back and forth until the golem went absolutely still. It froze, cracks appearing. Aqua pushed at the figure, making it tip forward, and the monster crumbled into gray rock on contact with the floor.

"Which language was it?" Abe had to ask, eyes still locked on the pile of rocks.


They stared at her, uncomprehendingly.

She continued, "As in, Abe's and mine… so that means that whoever created this golem knew my native language…and that narrows down the suspect list.